

Pray observe, that I too much respect the laws of hospitality to ask your name or title.I only request you to give me one by which I may have the pleasure of addressing you.As for myself, that I may put you at your ease, I tell you that I am generally called `Sinbad the Sailor.'""And I," replied Franz, "will tell you, as I only require his wonderful lamp to make me precisely like Aladdin, that Isee no reason why at this moment I should not be called Aladdin.That will keep us from going away from the East whither I am tempted to think I have been conveyed by some good genius.""Well, then, Signor Aladdin," replied the singular amphitryon, "you heard our repast announced, will you now take the trouble to enter the dining-room, your humble servant going first to show the way?" At these words, moving aside the tapestry, Sinbad preceded his guest.Franz now looked upon another scene of enchantment; the table was splendidly covered, and once convinced of this important point he cast his eyes around him.The dining-room was scarcely less striking than the room he had just left; it was entirely of marble, with antique bas-reliefs of priceless value; and at the four corners of this apartment, which was oblong, were four magnificent statues, having baskets in their hands.These baskets contained four pyramids of most splendid fruit; there were Sicily pine-apples, pomegranates from Malaga, oranges from the Balearic Isles, peaches from France, and dates from Tunis.

The supper consisted of a roast pheasant garnished with Corsican blackbirds; a boar's ham with jelly, a quarter of a kid with tartar sauce, a glorious turbot, and a gigantic lobster.Between these large dishes were smaller ones containing various dainties.The dishes were of silver, and the plates of Japanese china.

Franz rubbed his eyes in order to assure himself that this was not a dream.Ali alone was present to wait at table, and acquitted himself so admirably, that the guest complimented his host thereupon."Yes," replied he, while he did the honors of the supper with much ease and grace -- "yes, he is a poor devil who is much devoted to me, and does all he can to prove it.He remembers that I saved his life, and as he has a regard for his head, he feels some gratitude towards me for having kept it on his shoulders." Ali approached his master, took his hand, and kissed it.

"Would it be impertinent, Signor Sinbad," said Franz, "to ask you the particulars of this kindness?""Oh, they are simple enough," replied the host."It seems the fellow had been caught wandering nearer to the harem of the Bey of Tunis than etiquette permits to one of his color, and he was condemned by the bey to have his tongue cut out, and his hand and head cut off; the tongue the first day, the hand the second, and the head the third.I always had a desire to have a mute in my service, so learning the day his tongue was cut out, I went to the bey, and proposed to give him for Ali a splendid double-barreled gun which I knew he was very desirous of having.He hesitated a moment, he was so very desirous to complete the poor devil's punishment.

But when I added to the gun an English cutlass with which Ihad shivered his highness's yataghan to pieces, the bey yielded, and agreed to forgive the hand and head, but on condition that the poor fellow never again set foot in Tunis.This was a useless clause in the bargain, for whenever the coward sees the first glimpse of the shores of Africa, he runs down below, and can only be induced to appear again when we are out of sight of that quarter of the globe."Franz remained a moment silent and pensive, hardly knowing what to think of the half-kindness, half-cruelty, with which his host related the brief narrative."And like the celebrated sailor whose name you have assumed," he said, by way of changing the conversation, "you pass your life in travelling?""Yes.I made a vow at a time when I little thought I should ever be able to accomplish it," said the unknown with a singular smile; "and I made some others also which I hope Imay fulfil in due season." Although Sinbad pronounced these words with much calmness, his eyes gave forth gleams of extraordinary ferocity.

"You have suffered a great deal, sir?" said Franz inquiringly.

Sinbad started and looked fixedly at him, as he replied, "What makes you suppose so?""Everything," answered Franz, -- "your voice, your look, your pallid complexion, and even the life you lead.""I? -- I live the happiest life possible, the real life of a pasha.I am king of all creation.I am pleased with one place, and stay there; I get tired of it, and leave it; I am free as a bird and have wings like one; my attendants obey my slightest wish.Sometimes I amuse myself by delivering some bandit or criminal from the bonds of the law.Then Ihave my mode of dispensing justice, silent and sure, without respite or appeal, which condemns or pardons, and which no one sees.Ah, if you had tasted my life, you would not desire any other, and would never return to the world unless you had some great project to accomplish there.""Revenge, for instance!" observed Franz.

The unknown fixed on the young man one of those looks which penetrate into the depth of the heart and thoughts."And why revenge?" he asked.

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