

They told him so frankly, and he received their excuses with the air of a man who appreciated their delicacy.Albert was charmed with the count's manners, and he was only prevented from recognizing him for a perfect gentleman by reason of his varied knowledge.The permission to do what he liked with the carriage pleased him above all, for the fair peasants had appeared in a most elegant carriage the preceding evening, and Albert was not sorry to be upon an equal footing with them.At half-past one they descended, the coachman and footman had put on their livery over their disguises, which gave them a more ridiculous appearance than ever, and which gained them the applause of Franz and Albert.Albert had fastened the faded bunch of violets to his button-hole.At the first sound of the bell they hastened into the Corso by the Via Vittoria.At the second turn, a bunch of fresh violets, thrown from a carriage filled with harlequins, indicated to Albert that, like himself and his friend, the peasants had changed their costume, also; and whether it was the result of chance, or whether a similar feeling had possessed them both, while he had changed his costume they had assumed his.

Albert placed the fresh bouquet in his button-hole, but he kept the faded one in his hand; and when he again met the calash, he raised it to his lips, an action which seemed greatly to amuse not only the fair lady who had thrown it, but her joyous companions also.The day was as gay as the preceding one, perhaps even more animated and noisy; the count appeared for an instant at his window.but when they again passed he had disappeared.It is almost needless to say that the flirtation between Albert and the fair peasant continued all day.In the evening, on his return, Franz found a letter from the embassy, informing him that he would have the honor of being received by his holiness the next day.At each previous visit he had made to Rome, he had solicited and obtained the same favor; and incited as much by a religious feeling as by gratitude, he was unwilling to quit the capital of the Christian world without laying his respectful homage at the feet of one of St.Peter's successors who has set the rare example of all the virtues.

He did not then think of the Carnival, for in spite of his condescension and touching kindness, one cannot incline one's self without awe before the venerable and noble old man called Gregory XVI.On his return from the Vatican, Franz carefully avoided the Corso; he brought away with him a treasure of pious thoughts, to which the mad gayety of the maskers would have been profanation.At ten minutes past five Albert entered overjoyed.The harlequin had reassumed her peasant's costume, and as she passed she raised her mask.She was charming.Franz congratulated Albert, who received his congratulations with the air of a man conscious that they are merited.He had recognized by certain unmistakable signs, that his fair incognita belonged to the aristocracy.He had made up his mind to write to her the next day.Franz remarked, while he gave these details, that Albert seemed to have something to ask of him, but that he was unwilling to ask it.He insisted upon it, declaring beforehand that he was willing to make any sacrifice the other wished.Albert let himself be pressed just as long as friendship required, and then avowed to Franz that he would do him a great favor by allowing him to occupy the carriage alone the next day.Albert attributed to Franz's absence the extreme kindness of the fair peasant in raising her mask.

Franz was not sufficiently egotistical to stop Albert in the middle of an adventure that promised to prove so agreeable to his curiosity and so flattering to his vanity.He felt assured that the perfect indiscretion of his friend would duly inform him of all that happened; and as, during three years that he had travelled all over Italy, a similar piece of good fortune had never fallen to his share, Franz was by no means sorry to learn how to act on such an occasion.He therefore promised Albert that he would content himself the morrow with witnessing the Carnival from the windows of the Rospoli Palace.

The next morning he saw Albert pass and repass, holding an enormous bouquet, which he doubtless meant to make the bearer of his amorous epistle.This belief was changed into certainty when Franz saw the bouquet (conspicuous by a circle of white camellias) in the hand of a charming harlequin dressed in rose-colored satin.The evening was no longer joy, but delirium.Albert nothing doubted but that the fair unknown would reply in the same manner.Franz anticipated his wishes by saying that the noise fatigued him, and that he should pass the next day in writing and looking over his journal.Albert was not deceived, for the next evening Franz saw him enter triumphantly shaking a folded paper which he held by one corner."Well," said he, "was I mistaken?""She has answered you!" cried Franz.

"Read." This word was pronounced in a manner impossible to describe.Franz took the letter, and read: --Tuesday evening, at seven o'clock, descend from your carriage opposite the Via dei Pontefici, and follow the Roman peasant who snatches your torch from you.When you arrive at the first step of the church of San Giacomo, be sure to fasten a knot of rose-colored ribbons to the shoulder of your harlequin costume, in order that you may be recognized.Until then you will not see me.

Constancy and Discretion.

"Well," asked he, when Franz had finished, "what do you think of that?""I think that the adventure is assuming a very agreeable appearance.""I think so, also," replied Albert; "and I very much fear you will go alone to the Duke of Bracciano's ball." Franz and Albert had received that morning an invitation from the celebrated Roman banker."Take care, Albert," said Franz.



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