

"It is, nevertheless, conclusive to my mind.My ten years of service have also confirmed my ideas on the subject of sudden inspirations, for I have several times owed my life to a mysterious impulse which directed me to move at once either to the right or to the left, in order to escape the ball which killed the comrade fighting by my side, while it left me unharmed.""Dear Maximilian, why not attribute your escape to my constant prayers for your safety? When you are away, I no longer pray for myself, but for you.""Yes, since you have known me," said Morrel, smiling; "but that cannot apply to the time previous to our acquaintance, Valentine.""You are very provoking, and will not give me credit for anything; but let me hear this second proof, which you yourself own to be absurd.""Well, look through this opening, and you will see the beautiful new horse which I rode here.""Ah, what a beautiful creature!" cried Valentine; "why did you not bring him close to the gate, so that I could talk to him and pat him?""He is, as you see, a very valuable animal," said Maximilian."You know that my means are limited, and that Iam what would be designated a man of moderate pretensions.

Well, I went to a horse dealer's, where I saw this magnificent horse, which I have named Medeah.I asked the price; they told me it was 4,500 francs.I was, therefore, obliged to give it up, as you may imagine, but I own I went away with rather a heavy heart, for the horse had looked at me affectionately, had rubbed his head against me and, when I mounted him, had pranced in the most delightful way imaginable, so that I was altogether fascinated with him.

The same evening some friends of mine visited me, -- M.de Chateau-Renaud, M.Debray, and five or six other choice spirits, whom you do not know, even by name.They proposed a game of bouillotte.I never play, for I am not rich enough to afford to lose, or sufficiently poor to desire to gain.

But I was at my own house, you understand, so there was nothing to be done but to send for the cards, which I did.

"Just as they were sitting down to table, M.de Monte Cristo arrived.He took his seat amongst them; they played, and Iwon.I am almost ashamed to say that my gains amounted to 5,000 francs.We separated at midnight.I could not defer my pleasure, so I took a cabriolet and drove to the horse dealer's.Feverish and excited, I rang at the door.The person who opened it must have taken me for a madman, for Irushed at once to the stable.Medeah was standing at the rack, eating his hay.I immediately put on the saddle and bridle, to which operation he lent himself with the best grace possible; then, putting the 4,500 francs into the hands of the astonished dealer, I proceeded to fulfil my intention of passing the night in riding in the Champs Elysees.As I rode by the count's house I perceived a light in one of the windows, and fancied I saw the shadow of his figure moving behind the curtain.Now, Valentine, I firmly believe that he knew of my wish to possess this horse, and that he lost expressly to give me the means of procuring him.""My dear Maximilian, you are really too fanciful; you will not love even me long.A man who accustoms himself to live in such a world of poetry and imagination must find far too little excitement in a common, every-day sort of attachment such as ours.But they are calling me.Do you hear?""Ah, Valentine," said Maximilian, "give me but one finger through this opening in the grating, one finger, the littlest finger of all, that I may have the happiness of kissing it.""Maximilian, we said we would be to each other as two voices, two shadows.""As you will, Valentine."

"Shall you be happy if I do what you wish?""Oh, yes!" Valentine mounted on a bench, and passed not only her finger but her whole hand through the opening.

Maximilian uttered a cry of delight, and, springing forwards, seized the hand extended towards him, and imprinted on it a fervent and impassioned kiss.The little hand was then immediately withdrawn, and the young man saw Valentine hurrying towards the house, as though she were almost terrified at her own sensations.

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