

"Really, sir, you must allow that this is most extraordinary," said the astonished notary, turning to M.de Villefort."Yes," said the procureur, "and I think the will promises to be yet more extraordinary, for I cannot see how it is to be drawn up without the intervention of Valentine, and she may, perhaps, be considered as too much interested in its contents to allow of her being a suitable interpreter of the obscure and ill-defined wishes of her grandfather.""No, no, no," replied the eye of the paralytic.

"What?" said Villefort, "do you mean to say that Valentine is not interested in your will?""No."

"Sir," said the notary, whose interest had been greatly excited, and who had resolved on publishing far and wide the account of this extraordinary and picturesque scene, "what appeared so impossible to me an hour ago, has now become quite easy and practicable, and this may be a perfectly valid will, provided it be read in the presence of seven witnesses, approved by the testator, and sealed by the notary in the presence of the witnesses.As to the time, it will not require very much more than the generality of wills.There are certain forms necessary to be gone through, and which are always the same.As to the details, the greater part will be furnished afterwards by the state in which we find the affairs of the testator, and by yourself, who, having had the management of them, can doubtless give full information on the subject.But besides all this, in order that the instrument may not be contested, I am anxious to give it the greatest possible authenticity, therefore, one of my colleagues will help me, and, contrary to custom, will assist in the dictation of the testament.Are you satisfied, sir?" continued the notary, addressing the old man.

"Yes," looked the invalid, his eye beaming with delight at the ready interpretation of his meaning.

"What is he going to do?" thought Villefort, whose position demanded much reserve, but who was longing to know what his father's intentions were.He left the room to give orders for another notary to be sent, but Barrois, who had heard all that passed, had guessed his master's wishes, and had already gone to fetch one.The procureur then told his wife to come up.In the course of a quarter of an hour every one had assembled in the chamber of the paralytic; the second notary had also arrived.A few words sufficed for a mutual understanding between the two officers of the law.They read to Noirtier the formal copy of a will, in order to give him an idea of the terms in which such documents are generally couched; then, in order to test the capacity of the testator, the first notary said, turning towards him, --"When an individual makes his will, it is generally in favor or in prejudice of some person.""Yes."

"Have you an exact idea of the amount of your fortune?""Yes."

"I will name to you several sums which will increase by gradation; you will stop me when I reach the one representing the amount of your own possessions?""Yes." There was a kind of solemnity in this interrogation.

Never had the struggle between mind and matter been more apparent than now, and if it was not a sublime, it was, at least, a curious spectacle.They had formed a circle round the invalid; the second notary was sitting at a table, prepared for writing, and his colleague was standing before the testator in the act of interrogating him on the subject to which we have alluded."Your fortune exceeds 300,000francs, does it not?" asked he.Noirtier made a sign that it did."Do you possess 400,000 francs?" inquired the notary.

Noirtier's eye remained immovable."Five hundred thousand?"The same expression continued."Six hundred thousand --700,000 -- 800,000 -- 900,000?" Noirtier stopped him at the last-named sum."You are then in possession of 900,000francs?" asked the notary."Yes."

"In landed property?"


"In stock?"


"The stock is in your own hands?" The look which M.Noirtier cast on Barrois showed that there was something wanting which he knew where to find.The old servant left the room, and presently returned, bringing with him a small casket.

"Do you permit us to open this casket?" asked the notary.

Noirtier gave his assent.They opened it, and found 900,000francs in bank scrip.The first notary handed over each note, as he examined it, to his colleague.

The total amount was found to be as M.Noirtier had stated.

"It is all as he has said; it is very evident that the mind still retains its full force and vigor." Then, turning towards the paralytic, he said, "You possess, then, 900,000francs of capital, which, according to the manner in which you have invested it, ought to bring in an income of about 40,000 livres?""Yes."

"To whom do you desire to leave this fortune?""Oh," said Madame de Villefort, "there is not much doubt on that subject.M.Noirtier tenderly loves his granddaughter, Mademoiselle de Villefort; it is she who has nursed and tended him for six years, and has, by her devoted attention, fully secured the affection, I had almost said the gratitude, of her grandfather, and it is but just that she should reap the fruit of her devotion." The eye of Noirtier clearly showed by its expression that he was not deceived by the false assent given by Madame de Villefort's words and manner to the motives which she supposed him to entertain.

  • 法相宗章疏


  • 佛说贝多树下思惟十二因缘经


  • 大般涅槃经


  • 宣和书谱


  • 道德真经集义


  • 第二十五孝图


  • 毒妃横行:妖孽王爷请让道


  • 皇子殿下别嚣张


  • 庶女狂妃:神医炼丹师


  • 花都最强神医


  • 旅舍早起


  • 时间会给你答案


  • 皇朝末日:五后传奇


  • 雚经


  • 别难过你还有我


    ……………………………………听说我们以前见过……………………………………是的,我们也曾相爱过……………………………………算了,回不去了 ……………………………………我也不想再爱你了,我累了