

"Immediately; but, as I have told you, it was too late.""Yes; but then he could tell of what complaint the poor marquis had died.""Oh, yes, sir, he told me; it appears to have been an apoplectic stroke.""And what did you do then?"

"M.de Saint-Meran had always expressed a desire, in case his death happened during his absence from Paris, that his body might be brought to the family vault.I had him put into a leaden coffin, and I am preceding him by a few days.""Oh, my poor mother," said Villefort, "to have such duties to perform at your age after such a blow!""God has supported me through all; and then, my dear marquis, he would certainly have done everything for me that I performed for him.It is true that since I left him, Iseem to have lost my senses.I cannot cry; at my age they say that we have no more tears, -- still I think that when one is in trouble one should have the power of weeping.

Where is Valentine.sir? It is on her account I am here; Iwish to see Valentine." Villefort thought it would be terrible to reply that Valentine was at a ball; so he only said that she had gone out with her step-mother, and that she should be fetched."This instant, sir -- this instant, Ibeseech you!" said the old lady.Villefort placed the arm of Madame de Saint-Meran within his own, and conducted her to his apartment."Rest yourself, mother," he said.

The marchioness raised her head at this word, and beholding the man who so forcibly reminded her of her deeply-regretted child, who still lived for her in Valentine, she felt touched at the name of mother, and bursting into tears, she fell on her knees before an arm-chair, where she buried her venerable head.Villefort left her to the care of the women, while old Barrois ran, half-scared, to his master; for nothing frightens old people so much as when death relaxes its vigilance over them for a moment in order to strike some other old person.Then, while Madame de Saint-Meran remained on her knees, praying fervently, Villefort sent for a cab, and went himself to fetch his wife and daughter from Madame de Morcerf's.He was so pale when he appeared at the door of the ball-room, that Valentine ran to him, saying --"Oh, father, some misfortune has happened!""Your grandmamma has just arrived, Valentine," said M.de Villefort.

"And grandpapa?" inquired the young girl, trembling with apprehension.M.de Villefort only replied by offering his arm to his daughter.It was just in time, for Valentine's head swam, and she staggered; Madame de Villefort instantly hastened to her assistance, and aided her husband in dragging her to the carriage, saying -- "What a singular event! Who could have thought it? Ah, yes, it is indeed strange!" And the wretched family departed, leaving a cloud of sadness hanging over the rest of the evening.At the foot of the stairs, Valentine found Barrois awaiting her.

"M.Noirtier wishes to see you to-night, he said, in an undertone.

"Tell him I will come when I leave my dear grandmamma," she replied, feeling, with true delicacy, that the person to whom she could be of the most service just then was Madame de Saint-Meran.Valentine found her grandmother in bed;silent caresses, heartwrung sobs, broken sighs, burning tears, were all that passed in this sad interview, while Madame de Villefort, leaning on her husband's arm, maintained all outward forms of respect, at least towards the poor widow.She soon whispered to her husband, "I think it would be better for me to retire, with your permission, for the sight of me appears still to afflict your mother-in-law." Madame de Saint-Meran heard her."Yes, yes,"she said softly to Valentine, "let her leave; but do you stay." Madame de Villefort left, and Valentine remained alone beside the bed, for the procureur, overcome with astonishment at the unexpected death, had followed his wife.

Meanwhile, Barrois had returned for the first time to old Noirtier, who having heard the noise in the house, had, as we have said, sent his old servant to inquire the cause; on his return, his quick intelligent eye interrogated the messenger."Alas, sir," exclaimed Barrois, "a great misfortune has happened.Madame de Saint-Meran has arrived, and her husband is dead!"M.de Saint-Meran and Noirtier had never been on strict terms of friendship; still, the death of one old man always considerably affects another.Noirtier let his head fall upon his chest, apparently overwhelmed and thoughtful; then he closed one eye, in token of inquiry."Mademoiselle Valentine?" Noirtier nodded his head."She is at the ball, as you know, since she came to say good-by to you in full dress." Noirtier again closed his left eye."Do you wish to see her?" Noirtier again made an affirmative sign."Well, they have gone to fetch her, no doubt, from Madame de Morcerf's; I will await her return, and beg her to come up here.Is that what you wish for?""Yes," replied the invalid.

Barrois, therefore, as we have seen, watched for Valentine, and informed her of her grandfather's wish.Consequently, Valentine came up to Noirtier, on leaving Madame de Saint-Meran, who in the midst of her grief had at last yielded to fatigue and fallen into a feverish sleep.Within reach of her hand they placed a small table upon which stood a bottle of orangeade, her usual beverage, and a glass.

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