

"`Have you any idea what became of them?' -- `Yes, sir; Iheard they had fallen victims to their sorrow, and, perhaps, to their poverty.I was not rich; my life was in constant danger; I could not seek them, to my great regret.' The president frowned imperceptibly.`Gentlemen,' said he, `you have heard the Comte de Morcerf's defence.Can you, sir, produce any witnesses to the truth of what you have asserted?' -- `Alas, no, monsieur,' replied the count; `all those who surrounded the vizier, or who knew me at his court, are either dead or gone away, I know not where.Ibelieve that I alone, of all my countrymen, survived that dreadful war.I have only the letters of Ali Tepelini, which I have placed before you; the ring, a token of his good-will, which is here; and, lastly, the most convincing proof I can offer, after an anonymous attack, and that is the absence of any witness against my veracity and the purity of my military life.' A murmur of approbation ran through the assembly; and at this moment, Albert, had nothing more transpired, your father's cause had been gained.It only remained to put it to the vote, when the president resumed: `Gentlemen and you, monsieur, -- you will not be displeased, I presume, to listen to one who calls himself a very important witness, and who has just presented himself.He is, doubtless, come to prove the perfect innocence of our colleague.Here is a letter I have just received on the subject; shall it be read, or shall it be passed over? and shall we take no notice of this incident?'

M.de Morcerf turned pale, and clinched his hands on the papers he held.The committee decided to hear the letter;the count was thoughtful and silent.The president read: --"`Mr.President, -- I can furnish the committee of inquiry into the conduct of the Lieutenant-General the Count of Morcerf in Epirus and in Macedonia with important particulars.'

"The president paused, and the count turned pale.The president looked at his auditors.`Proceed,' was heard on all sides.The president resumed: --"`I was on the spot at the death of Ali Pasha.I was present during his last moments.I know what is become of Vasiliki and Haidee.I am at the command of the committee, and even claim the honor of being heard.I shall be in the lobby when this note is delivered to you.'

"`And who is this witness, or rather this enemy?' asked the count, in a tone in which there was a visible alteration.

`We shall know, sir,' replied the president.`Is the committee willing to hear this witness?' -- `Yes, yes,' they all said at once.The door-keeper was called.`Is there any one in the lobby?' said the president.

"`Yes, sir.' -- `Who is it?' -- `A woman, accompanied by a servant.' Every one looked at his neighbor.`Bring her in,'

said the president.Five minutes after the door-keeper again appeared; all eyes were fixed on the door, and I," said Beauchamp, "shared the general expectation and anxiety.

Behind the door-keeper walked a woman enveloped in a large veil, which completely concealed her.It was evident, from her figure and the perfumes she had about her, that she was young and fastidious in her tastes, but that was all.The president requested her to throw aside her veil, and it was then seen that she was dressed in the Grecian costume, and was remarkably beautiful.""Ah," said Albert, "it was she."



"Who told you that?"

"Alas, I guess it.But go on, Beauchamp.You see I am calm and strong.And yet we must be drawing near the disclosure.""M.de Morcerf," continued Beauchamp, "looked at this woman with surprise and terror.Her lips were about to pass his sentence of life or death.To the committee the adventure was so extraordinary and curious, that the interest they had felt for the count's safety became now quite a secondary matter.The president himself advanced to place a seat for the young lady; but she declined availing herself of it.As for the count, he had fallen on his chair; it was evident that his legs refused to support him.

"`Madame,' said the president, `you have engaged to furnish the committee with some important particulars respecting the affair at Yanina, and you have stated that you were an eyewitness of the event.' -- `I was, indeed,' said the stranger, with a tone of sweet melancholy, and with the sonorous voice peculiar to the East.

"`But allow me to say that you must have been very young then.' -- `I was four years old; but as those events deeply concerned me, not a single detail has escaped my memory.' --`In what manner could these events concern you? and who are you, that they should have made so deep an impression on you?' -- `On them depended my father's life,' replied she.

`I am Haidee, the daughter of Ali Tepelini, pasha of Yanina, and of Vasiliki, his beloved wife.'

"The blush of mingled pride and modesty which suddenly suffused the cheeks of the young woman, the brilliancy of her eye, and her highly important communication, produced an indescribable effect on the assembly.As for the count, he could not have been more overwhelmed if a thunderbolt had fallen at his feet and opened an immense gulf before him.

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