

"Thirty francs; but I pay that out of my 150 francs, -- that is understood, -- and as I require only eighty francs for my journey, you see I am overwhelmed with luxury.But that is not all.What do you say to this, mother?"And Albert took out of a little pocket-book with golden clasps, a remnant of his old fancies, or perhaps a tender souvenir from one of the mysterious and veiled ladies who used to knock at his little door, -- Albert took out of this pocket-book a note of 1,000 francs.

"What is this?" asked Mercedes.

"A thousand francs."

"But whence have you obtained them?"

"Listen to me, mother, and do not yield too much to agitation." And Albert, rising, kissed his mother on both cheeks, then stood looking at her."You cannot imagine, mother, how beautiful I think you!" said the young man, impressed with a profound feeling of filial love."You are, indeed, the most beautiful and most noble woman I ever saw!""Dear child!" said Mercedes, endeavoring in vain to restrain a tear which glistened in the corner of her eye."Indeed, you only wanted misfortune to change my love for you to admiration.I am not unhappy while I possess my son!""Ah, just so," said Albert; "here begins the trial.Do you know the decision we have come to, mother?""Have we come to any?"

"Yes; it is decided that you are to live at Marseilles, and that I am to leave for Africa, where I will earn for myself the right to use the name I now bear, instead of the one Ihave thrown aside." Mercedes sighed."Well, mother, Iyesterday engaged myself as substitute in the Spahis,"*added the young man, lowering his eyes with a certain feeling of shame, for even he was unconscious of the sublimity of his self-abasement."I thought my body was my own, and that I might sell it.I yesterday took the place of another.I sold myself for more than I thought I was worth,"he added, attempting to smile; "I fetched 2,000 francs."* The Spahis are French cavalry reserved for service in Africa.

"Then these 1,000 francs" -- said Mercedes, shuddering --"Are the half of the sum, mother; the other will be paid in a year."Mercedes raised her eyes to heaven with an expression it would be impossible to describe, and tears, which had hitherto been restrained, now yielded to her emotion, and ran down her cheeks.

"The price of his blood!" she murmured.

"Yes, if I am killed," said Albert, laughing."But I assure you, mother, I have a strong intention of defending my person, and I never felt half so strong an inclination to live as I do now.""Merciful heavens!"

"Besides, mother, why should you make up your mind that I am to be killed? Has Lamoriciere, that Ney of the South, been killed? Has Changarnier been killed? Has Bedeau been killed?

Has Morrel, whom we know, been killed? Think of your joy, mother, when you see me return with an embroidered uniform!

I declare, I expect to look magnificent in it, and chose that regiment only from vanity." Mercedes sighed while endeavoring to smile; the devoted mother felt that she ought not to allow the whole weight of the sacrifice to fall upon her son."Well, now you understand, mother!" continued Albert; "here are more than 4,000 francs settled on you;upon these you can live at least two years.""Do you think so?" said Mercedes.These words were uttered in so mournful a tone that their real meaning did not escape Albert; he felt his heart beat, and taking his mother's hand within his own he said, tenderly, --"Yes, you will live!"

"I shall live! -- then you will not leave me, Albert?""Mother, I must go," said Albert in a firm, calm voice; "you love me too well to wish me to remain useless and idle with you; besides, I have signed.""You will obey your own wish and the will of heaven!""Not my own wish, mother, but reason -- necessity.Are we not two despairing creatures? What is life to you? --Nothing.What is life to me? -- Very little without you, mother; for believe me, but for you I should have ceased to live on the day I doubted my father and renounced his name.

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