

"Yes; but only on condition that you will not open it till Iam gone;" and placing in his breast the treasure he had just found, which was more valuable to him than the richest jewel, he rushed out of the corridor, and reaching his boat, cried, "To Marseilles!" Then, as he departed, he fixed his eyes upon the gloomy prison."Woe," he cried, "to those who confined me in that wretched prison; and woe to those who forgot that I was there!" As he repassed the Catalans, the count turned around and burying his head in his cloak murmured the name of a woman.The victory was complete;twice he had overcome his doubts.The name he pronounced, in a voice of tenderness, amounting almost to love, was that of Haidee.

On landing, the count turned towards the cemetery, where he felt sure of finding Morrel.He, too, ten years ago, had piously sought out a tomb, and sought it vainly.He, who returned to France with millions, had been unable to find the grave of his father, who had perished from hunger.

Morrel had indeed placed a cross over the spot, but it had fallen down and the grave-digger had burnt it, as he did all the old wood in the churchyard.The worthy merchant had been more fortunate.Dying in the arms of his children, he had been by them laid by the side of his wife, who had preceded him in eternity by two years.Two large slabs of marble, on which were inscribed their names, were placed on either side of a little enclosure, railed in, and shaded by four cypress-trees.Morrel was leaning against one of these, mechanically fixing his eyes on the graves.His grief was so profound that he was nearly unconscious."Maximilian," said the count, "you should not look on the graves, but there;"and he pointed upwards.

"The dead are everywhere," said Morrel; "did you not yourself tell me so as we left Paris?""Maximilian," said the count, "you asked me during the journey to allow you to remain some days at Marseilles.Do you still wish to do so?""I have no wishes, count; only I fancy I could pass the time less painfully here than anywhere else.""So much the better, for I must leave you; but I carry your word with me, do I not?""Ah, count, I shall forget it."

"No, you will not forget it, because you are a man of honor, Morrel, because you have taken an oath, and are about to do so again.""Oh, count, have pity upon me.I am so unhappy.""I have known a man much more unfortunate than you, Morrel.""Impossible!"

"Alas," said Monte Cristo, "it is the infirmity of our nature always to believe ourselves much more unhappy than those who groan by our sides!""What can be more wretched than the man who has lost all he loved and desired in the world?""Listen, Morrel, and pay attention to what I am about to tell you.I knew a man who like you had fixed all his hopes of happiness upon a woman.He was young, he had an old father whom he loved, a betrothed bride whom he adored.He was about to marry her, when one of the caprices of fate, --which would almost make us doubt the goodness of providence, if that providence did not afterwards reveal itself by proving that all is but a means of conducting to an end, --one of those caprices deprived him of his mistress, of the future of which he had dreamed (for in his blindness he forgot he could only read the present), and cast him into a dungeon.""Ah," said Morrel, "one quits a dungeon in a week, a month, or a year.""He remained there fourteen years, Morrel," said the count, placing his hand on the young man's shoulder.Maximilian shuddered.

"Fourteen years!" he muttered -- "Fourteen years!" repeated the count."During that time he had many moments of despair.

He also, Morrel, like you, considered himself the unhappiest of men.""Well?" asked Morrel.

"Well, at the height of his despair God assisted him through human means.At first, perhaps, he did not recognize the infinite mercy of the Lord, but at last he took patience and waited.One day he miraculously left the prison, transformed, rich, powerful.His first cry was for his father; but that father was dead.""My father, too, is dead," said Morrel.

"Yes; but your father died in your arms, happy, respected, rich, and full of years; his father died poor, despairing, almost doubtful of providence; and when his son sought his grave ten years afterwards, his tomb had disappeared, and no one could say, `There sleeps the father you so well loved.'""Oh!" exclaimed Morrel.

"He was, then, a more unhappy son than you, Morrel, for he could not even find his father's grave.""But then he had the woman he loved still remaining?""You are deceived, Morrel, that woman" --"She was dead?"

"Worse than that, she was faithless, and had married one of the persecutors of her betrothed.You see, then, Morrel, that he was a more unhappy lover than you.""And has he found consolation?"

"He has at least found peace."

"And does he ever expect to be happy?"

"He hopes so, Maximilian." The young man's head fell on his breast.

"You have my promise," he said, after a minute's pause, extending his hand to Monte Cristo."Only remember" --"On the 5th of October, Morrel, I shall expect you at the Island of Monte Cristo.On the 4th a yacht will wait for you in the port of Bastia, it will be called the Eurus.You will give your name to the captain, who will bring you to me.It is understood -- is it not?""But, count, do you remember that the 5th of October" --"Child," replied the count, "not to know the value of a man's word! I have told you twenty times that if you wish to die on that day, I will assist you.Morrel, farewell!""Do you leave me?"

"Yes; I have business in Italy.I leave you alone with your misfortunes, and with hope, Maximilian.""When do you leave?"

"Immediately; the steamer waits, and in an hour I shall be far from you.Will you accompany me to the harbor, Maximilian?""I am entirely yours, count." Morrel accompanied the count to the harbor.The white steam was ascending like a plume of feathers from the black chimney.The steamer soon disappeared, and in an hour afterwards, as the count had said, was scarcely distinguishable in the horizon amidst the fogs of the night.

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