
第140章 LES ILES(5)

``He left an hour ago for New Orleans.You must have met a gentleman riding very fast.''

It was my turn to be astonished.

``But that was not your father!'' I exclaimed.

``Et pourquoi non?'' she said.

``Is not your father the stout gentleman whom I saw with you on the levee last evening?'' I asked.

She laughed.

``You have been observing, Monsieur,'' she said.

``That was my uncle, Monsieur de Beausejour.You saw me quarrelling with my brother, Auguste,'' she went on a little excitedly.``Oh, I am very much ashamed of it.I was so angry.My cousin, Mademoiselle Helene de Saint-Gre, has just sent me from France such a beautiful miniature, and Auguste fell in love with it.''

``Fell in love with it!'' I exclaimed involuntarily.

``You should see it, Monsieur, and I think you also would fall in love with it.''

``I have not a doubt of it,'' said Nick.

Mademoiselle made the faintest of moues.

``Auguste is very wild, as you say,'' she continued, addressing me, ``he is a great care to my father.He intrigues, you know, he wishes Louisiane to become French once more,--as we all do.But I should not say this, Monsieur,'' she added in a startled tone.``You will not tell? No, I know you will not.We do not like the Spaniards.They killed my grandfather when they came to take the province.And once, the Governor-general Miro sent for my father and declared he would put Auguste in prison if he did not behave himself.But Ihave forgotten the miniature.When Auguste saw that he fell in love with it, and now he wishes to go to France and obtain a commission through our cousin, the Marquis of Saint-Gre, and marry Mademoiselle Helene.''

``A comprehensive programme, indeed,'' said Nick.

``My father has gone back to New Orleans,'' she said, ``to get the miniature from Auguste.He took it from me, Monsieur.'' She raised her head a little proudly.

``If my brother had asked it, I might have given it to him, though I treasured it.But Auguste is so--impulsive.My uncle told my father, who is very angry.He will punish Auguste severely, and--I do not like to have him punished.Oh, I wish I had the miniature.''

``Your wish is granted, Mademoiselle,'' I answered, drawing the case from my pocket and handing it to her.

She took it, staring at me with eyes wide with wonder, and then she opened it mechanically.

``Monsieur,'' she said with great dignity, ``do you mind telling me where you obtained this?''

``I found it, Mademoiselle,'' I answered; and as I spoke I felt Nick's fingers on my arm.

``You found it? Where? How, Monsieur?''

``At Madame Bouvet's, the house where we stayed.''

``Oh,'' she said with a sigh of relief, ``he must have dropped it.It is there where he meets his associates, where they talk of the French Louisiane.''

Again I felt Nick pinching me, and I gave a sigh of relief.Mademoiselle was about to continue, but Iinterrupted her.

``How long will your father be in New Orleans, Mademoiselle?'' I asked.

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  • 空门桃花艳


  • 捧月奇遇记


  • 闪婚老公很上道


  • 下水


  • 佛妃


  • 九重棺


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  • 给年轻人看的人生哲理书


  • 关于《21世纪资本论》你所需要知道的一切

