
第194章 THE SCOURGE(4)

``I am the Alcalde de Barrio, and a wild Americano has passed the sentry at St.Charles's gate without heeding his Excellency's authority and command.I saw the man with my own eyes.I should know him again in a hundred.We have traced him here to this house, Madame la Vicomtesse.Behold the horse which he rode!'' The Alcalde turned and pointed at the beast.``Behold the horse which he rode, Madame la Vicomtesse.The animal will die.''

``Probably,'' answered the Vicomtesse, in an even tone.

``But the man,'' cried the Alcalde, ``the man is here, Madame la Vicomtesse, here, in this house!''

``Yes,'' she said, ``he is here.''

``Sancta Maria! Madame,'' he exclaimed, ``I--I who speak to you have come to get him.He has defied his Excellency's commands.Where is he?''

``He is in that room,'' said the Vicomtesse, pointing at the bedroom door.

The Alcalde took a step forward.She stopped him by a quick gesture.

``He is in that room with his mother,'' she said, ``and his mother has the yellow fever.Come, we will go to him.'' And she put her hand upon the door.

``Yellow fever!'' cried the Alcalde, and his voice was thick with terror.There was a moment's silence as he stood rooted to the floor.I did not wonder then, but Ihave since thought it remarkable that the words spoken low by both of them should have been caught up on the banquette and passed into the street.Impassive, I heard it echoed from a score of throats, I saw men and women stampeding like frightened sheep, I heard their footfalls and their cries as they ran.A tawdry constable, who held with a trembling hand the bridle of the tired horse, alone remained.

``Yellow fever!'' the Alcalde repeatedThe Vicomtesse inclined her head.

He was silent again for a while, uncertain, and then, without comprehending, I saw the man's eyes grow smaller and a smile play about his mouth.He looked at the Vicomtesse with a new admiration to which she paid no heed.

``I am sorry, Madame la Vicomtesse,'' he began, ``but--''

``But you do not believe that I speak the truth,'' she replied quietly.

He winced.

``Will you follow me?'' she said, turning again.

He had started, plainly in an agony of fear, when a sound came from beyond the wall that brought a cry to his lips.

Her manner changed to one of stinging scorn.

``You are a coward,'' she said.``I will bring the gentleman to you if he can be got to leave the bedside.''

``No,'' said the Alcalde, ``no.I--I will go to him, Madame la Vicomtesse.''

But she did not open the door.

``Listen,'' she said in a tone of authority, ``I myself have been to his Excellency to-day concerning this gentleman--''

``You, Madame la Vicomtesse?''

``I will open the door,'' she continued, impatient at the interruption, ``and you will see him.Then I shall write a letter which you will take to the Governor.The gentleman will not try to escape, for his mother is dying.Besides, he could not get out of the city.You may leave your constable where he is, or the man may come in and stand at this door in sight of the gentleman while you are gone--if he pleases.''

``And then?'' said the Alcalde.

``It is my belief that his Excellency will allow the gentleman to remain here, and that you will be relieved from the necessity of running any further risk.''

As she spoke she opened the door, softly.The room was still now, still as death, and the Alcalde went forward on tiptoe.I saw him peering in, I saw him backing away again like a man in mortal fear.

``Yes, it is he--it is the man,'' he stammered.He put his hand to his brow.

The Vicomtesse closed the door, and without a glance at him went quickly to the table and began to write.

She had no thought of consulting the man again, of asking his permission.Although she wrote rapidly, five minutes must have gone by before the note was finished and folded and sealed.She held it out to him.

``Take this to his Excellency,'' she said, ``and bring me his answer.'' The Alcalde bowed, murmured her title, and went lamely out of the house.He was plainly in an agony of uncertainty as to his duty, but he glanced at the Vicomtesse--and went, flipping the note nervously with his finger nail.He paused for a few low-spoken words with the tawdry constable, who sat down on the banquette after his chief had gone, still clinging to the bridle.The Vicomtesse went to the doorway, looked at him, and closed the battened doors.The constable did not protest.

The day was fading without, and the room was almost in darkness as she crossed over to the little mantel and stood with her head laid upon her arm.

I did not disturb her.The minutes passed, the light waned until I could see her no longer, and yet I knew that she had not moved.The strange sympathy between us kept me silent until I heard her voice calling my name.

``Yes,'' I answered.

``The candle!''

I drew out my tinder-box and lighted the wick.She had turned, and was facing me even as she had faced me the night before.The night before! The greatest part of my life seemed to have passed since then.I remember wondering that she did not look tired.Her face was sad her voice was sad, and it had an ineffable, sweet quality at such times that was all its own.

``The Alcalde should be coming back,'' she said.

``Yes,'' I answered.

These were our words, yet we scarce heeded their meaning.Between us was drawn a subtler communion than speech, and we dared--neither of us--to risk speech.She searched my face, but her lips were closed.

She did not take my hand again as in the afternoon.She turned away.I knew what she would have said.

There was a knock at the door.We went together to open it, and the Alcalde stood on the step.He held in his hand a long letter on which the red seal caught the light, and he gave the letter to the Vicomtesse, with a bow.

``From his Excellency, Madame la Vicomtesse.''

She broke the seal, went to the table, and read.Then she looked up at me.

``It is the Governor's permit for Mr.Temple to remain in this house.Thank you,'' she said to the Alcalde; ``you may go.''

``With my respectful wishes for the continued good health of Madame la Vicomtesse,'' said the Alcalde.

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  • 佛说大吉祥天女十二名号经之二


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  • 穿越之农女要翻身


  • 吃药小窍门


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  • 痴情校草冷酷溺爱


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