

The four men had a pint each of four ale, and Mrs Crass had another threepennyworth of gin.Ruth protested that she did not want any more to drink, but the others ridiculed this, and both the Besotted Wretch and the Semi-drunk seemed to regard her unwillingness as a personal insult, so she allowed them to get her another half-pint of beer, which she was compelled to drink, because she was conscious that the others were watching her to see that she did so.

The Semi-drunk now suggested a return match.He wished to have his revenge.He was a little out of practice, he said, and was only just getting his hand in as they were finishing the other game.Crass and his partner readily assented, and in spite of Ruth's whispered entreaty that they should return home without further delay, Easton insisted on joining the game.

Although they played more carefully than before, and notwithstanding the fact that the Besotted Wretch was very drunk, Easton and his partner were again beaten and once more had to pay for the drinks.

The men had a pint each as before.Mrs Crass - upon whom the liquor so far seemed to have no effect - had another threepennyworth of gin;and Ruth consented to take another glass of beer on condition that Easton would come away directly their drinks were finished.Easton agreed to do so, but instead of keeping his word he began to play a four-handed game of shove-ha'penny with the other three, the sides and stakes being arranged as before.

The liquor was by this time beginning to have some effect upon Ruth:

she felt dizzy and confused.Whenever it was necessary to reply to Mrs Crass's talk she found some difficulty in articulating the words and she knew she was not answering very intelligently.Even when Mrs Crass introduced her to the interesting Mr Partaker, who arrived about this time, she was scarcely able to collect herself sufficiently to decline that fascinating gentleman's invitation to have another drink with himself and Mrs Crass.

After a time a kind of terror took possession of her, and she resolved that if Easton would not come when he had finished the game he was playing, she would go home without him.

Meantime the game of shove-ha'penny proceeded merrily, the majority of the male guests crowding round the board, applauding or censuring the players as occasion demanded.The Semi-drunk was in high glee, for Crass was not much of a hand at this game, and the Besotted Wretch, although playing well, was not able to make up for his partner's want of skill.As the game drew near its end and it became more and more certain that his opponents would be defeated, the joy of the Semi-drunk was unbounded, and he challenged them to make it double or quits - a generous offer which they wisely declined, and shortly afterwards, seeing that their position was hopeless, they capitulated and prepared to pay the penalty of the vanquished.

Crass ordered the drinks and the Besotted Wretch - half the damage - a pint of four ale for each of the men and the same as before for the ladies.The Old Dear executed the order, but by mistake, being very busy, he served two `threes' of gin instead of one.Ruth did not want any more at all, but she was afraid to say so, and she did not like to make any fuss about it being the wrong drink, especially as they all assured her that the spirits would do her more good than beer.She did not want either; she wanted to get away, and would have liked to empty the stuff out of the glass on the floor, but she was afraid that Mrs Crass or one of the others might see her doing so, and there might be some trouble about it.Anyway, it seemed easier to drink this small quantity of spirits and water than a big glass of beer, the very thought of which now made her feel ill.She drank the stuff which Easton handed to her at a single draught and, handing back the empty glass with a shudder, stood up resolutely.

`Are you coming home now? You promised you would,' she said.

`All right: presently,' replied Easton.'There's plenty of time; it's not nine yet.'

`That doesn't matter; it's quite late enough.You know we've left the child at home alone in the house.You promised you'd come as soon as you'd finished that other game.'

`All right, all right,' answered Easton impatiently.`Just wait a minute, I want to see this, and then I'll come.'

`This' was a most interesting problem propounded by Crass, who had arranged eleven matches side by side on the shove-ha'penny board.The problem was to take none away and yet leave only nine.Nearly all the men in the bar were crowding round the shove-ha'penny board, some with knitted brows and drunken gravity trying to solve the puzzle and others waiting curiously for the result.Easton crossed over to see how it was done, and as none of the crowd were able to do the trick, Crass showed that it could be accomplished by simply arranging the eleven matches so as to form the word NINE.Everybody said it was very good indeed, very clever and interesting.But the Semi-drunk and the Besotted Wretch were reminded by this trick of several others equally good, and they proceeded to do them; and then the men had another pint each all round as a reviver after the mental strain of the last few minutes.

Easton did not know any tricks himself, but he was an interested spectator of those done by several others until Ruth came over and touched his arm.

`Aren't you coming?'

`Wait a minute, can't you?' cried Easton roughly.`What's your hurry?'

`I don't want to stay here any longer,' said Ruth, hysterically.`You said you'd come as soon as you saw that trick.If you don't come, Ishall go home by myself.I don't want to stay in this place any longer.'

`Well, go by yourself if you want to!' shouted Easton fiercely, pushing her away from him.`I shall stop 'ere as long as I please, and if you don't like it you can do the other thing.'

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