

Before she could answer both Frankie's anxiety and the painful ordeal of sitting still were terminated by the loud peal at the bell announcing Charley's arrival, and Frankie, without troubling to observe the usual formality of looking out of the window to see if it was a runaway ring, had clattered half-way downstairs before he heard his mother calling him to come back for the halfpenny; then he clattered up again and then down again at such a rate and with so much noise as to rouse the indignation of all the respectable people in the house.

When he arrived at the bottom of the stairs he remembered that he had omitted to say goodbye, and as it was too far to go up again he rang the bell and then went into the middle of the road and looked up at the window that Nora opened.

`Goodbye, Mother,' he shouted.`Tell Dad I forgot to say it before Icame down.'

The School was not conducted in the chapel itself, but in a large lecture hall under it.At one end was a small platform raised about six inches from the floor; on this was a chair and a small table.Anumber of groups of chairs and benches were arranged at intervals round the sides and in the centre of the room, each group of seats accommodating a separate class.On the walls - which were painted a pale green - were a number of coloured pictures: Moses striking the Rock, the Israelites dancing round the Golden Calf, and so on.As the reader is aware, Frankie had never been to a Sunday School of any kind before, and he stood for a moment looking in at the door and half afraid to enter.The lessons had already commenced, but the scholars had not yet settled down to work.

The scene was one of some disorder: some of the children talking, laughing or playing, and the teachers alternately threatening and coaxing them.The girls' and the very young children's classes were presided over by ladies: the boys' teachers were men.

The reader already has some slight knowledge of a few of these people.

There was Mr Didlum, Mr Sweater, Mr Rushton and Mr Hunter and Mrs Starvem (Ruth Easton's former mistress).On this occasion, in addition to the teachers and other officials of the Sunday School, there were also present a considerable number of prettily dressed ladies and a few gentlemen, who had come in the hope of meeting the Rev.John Starr, the young clergyman who was going to be their minister for the next few weeks during the absence of their regular shepherd, Mr Belcher, who was going away for a holiday for the benefit of his health.Mr Belcher was not suffering from any particular malady, but was merely `run down', and rumour had it that this condition had been brought about by the rigorous asceticism of his life and his intense devotion to the arduous labours of his holy calling.

Mr Starr had conducted the service in the Shining Light Chapel that morning, and a great sensation had been produced by the young minister's earnest and eloquent address, which was of a very different style from that of their regular minister.Although perhaps they had not quite grasped the real significance of all that he had said, most of them had been favourably impressed by the young clergyman's appearance and manner in the morning: but that might have arisen from prepossession and force of habit, for they were accustomed, as a matter of course, to think well of any minister.There were, however, one or two members of the congregation who were not without some misgivings and doubts as to the soundness of his doctrines.Mr Starr had promised that he would look in some time during the afternoon to say a few words to the Sunday School children, and consequently on this particular afternoon all the grown-ups were looking forward so eagerly to hearing him again that not much was done in the way of lessons.Every time a late arrival entered all eyes were directed towards the door in the hope and expectation that it was he.

When Frankie, standing at the door, saw all the people looking at him he drew back timidly.

`Come on, man,' said Charley.`You needn't be afraid; it's not like a weekday school; they can't do nothing to us, not even if we don't behave ourselves.There's our class over in that corner and that's our teacher, Mr Hunter.You can sit next to me.Come on!'

Thus encouraged, Frankie followed Charley over to the class, and both sat down.The teacher was so kind and spoke so gently to the children that in a few minutes Frankie felt quite at home.

When Hunter noticed how well cared for and well dressed he was he thought the child must belong to well-to-do, respectable parents.

Frankie did not pay much attention to the lesson, for he was too much interested in the pictures on the walls and in looking at the other children.He also noticed a very fat man who was not teaching at all, but drifted aimlessly about he room from one class to another.After a time he came and stood by the class where Frankie was, and, after nodding to Hunter, remained near, listening and smiling patronizingly at the children.He was arrayed in a long garment of costly black cloth, a sort of frock coat, and by the rotundity of his figure he seemed to be one of those accustomed to sit in the chief places at feasts.This was the Rev.Mr Belcher, minister of the Shining Light Chapel.His short, thick neck was surrounded by a studless collar, and apparently buttonless, being fastened n some mysterious way known only to himself, and he showed no shirt front.

  • 星云神帝


  • 封神双龙5


  • 经济法


  • 布丁如你


    初次见面,她卖黄牛票给他。 却不知他就是歌星本人。她大半夜给他送芒果布丁赔罪,奈何拿错盒子,给了他芥末味的布丁。 他却说“为何不将你赔给我?” 至后,他为了她买下一个又一个剧本,为的只是让她当女一!论36线开外小女星如何成为影后。 某天他把她逼至墙角,“你知道我为什么喜欢你吗?” 某女不知索然地摇头。 “谁让你和布丁一样可爱……”随后一夜烂漫。
  • 烛三分


  • 博弈


  • 陪你度过年少岁月


  • 锦江商脉:三千年商路暨南方丝绸之路始点


  • 嘉莉妹妹


  • 九爷他又挖坑了

