

"The last thing on the programme was lemonade.It was brought around in little flat glass bowls and set by your plate.I was pretty thirsty, and I picked up mine and took a big swig of it.Right there was where the little lady had made a mistake.She had put in the lemon all right, but she'd forgot the sugar.The best housekeepers slip up sometimes.Ithought maybe Miss Sterling was just learning to keep house and cook --that rabbit would surely make you think so -- and I says to myself, 'Little lady, sugar or no sugar I'll stand by you,' and I raises up my bowl again and drinks the last drop of the lemonade.And then all the balance of 'em picks up their bowls and does the same.And then I gives Miss Sterling the laugh proper, just to carry it off like a joke, so she wouldn't feel bad about the mistake.

"After we all went into the sitting room she sat down and talked to me quite awhile.

"'It was so kind of you, Mr.Kingsbury,' says she, to bring my blunder off so nicely.It was so stupid of me to forget the sugar.'

"'Never you mind,' says I, 'some lucky man will throw his rope over a mighty elegant little housekeeper some day, not far from here.'

"'If you mean me, Mr.Kingsbury,' says she, laughing out loud, 'I hope he will be as lenient with my poor housekeeping as you have been.'

"'Don't mention it,' says I.'Anything to oblige the ladies.'"Bud ceased his reminiscences.And then some one asked him what he considered the most striking and prominent trait of New Yorkers.

"The most visible and peculiar trait of New York folks, answered Bud, "is New York.Most of 'em has New York on the brain.They have heard of other places, such as Waco, and Paris, and Hot Springs, and London; but they don't believe in 'em.They think that town is all Merino.Now to show you how much they care for their village I'll tell you about one of 'em that strayed out as far as the Triangle B while I was working there.

"This New Yorker come out there looking for a job on the ranch.He said he was a good horseback rider, and there was pieces of tanbark hanging on his clothes yet from his riding school.

"Well, for a while they put him to keeping books in the ranch store, for he was a devil at figures.But he got tired of that, and asked for something more in the line of activity.The boys on the ranch liked him all right, but he made us tired shouting New York all the time.Every night he'd tell us about East River and J.P.Morgan and the Eden Musee and Hetty Green and Central Park till we used to throw tin plates and branding irons at him.

"One day this chap gets on a pitching pony, and the pony kind of sidled up his back and went to eating grass while the New Yorker was coming down.

"He come down on his head on a chunk of mesquit wood, and he didn't show any designs toward getting up again.We laid him out in a tent, and he begun to look pretty dead.So Gideon Pease saddles up and burns the wind for old Doc Sleeper's residence in Dogtown, thirty miles away.

"The doctor comes over and he investigates the patient.

"'Boys,' says he, 'you might as well go to playing seven-up for his saddle and clothes, for his head's fractured and if he lives ten minutes it will be a remarkable case of longevity.'

"Of course we didn't gamble for the poor rooster's saddle -- that was one of Doc's jokes.But we stood around feeling solemn, and all of us forgive him for having talked us to death about New York.

"I never saw anybody about to hand in his checks act more peaceful than this fellow.His eyes were fixed 'way up in the air, and he was using rambling words to himself all about sweet music and beautiful streets and white-robed forms, and he was smiling like dying was a pleasure.

"'He's about gone now,' said Doc.'Whenever they begin to think they see heaven it's all off.'

"Blamed if that New York man didn't sit right up when he heard the Doc say that.

"'Say,' says he, kind of disappointed, 'was that heaven? Confound it all, I thought it was Broadway.Some of you fellows get my clothes.I'm going to get up.'

"And I'll be blamed," concluded Bud, "if he wasn't on the train with a ticket for New York in his pocket four days afterward!"

  • 杂记上


  • 褒碧斋诗话


  • 佛说摩诃刹头经


  • 辽小史


  • Captain Stormfield's Visit to Heaven

    Captain Stormfield's Visit to Heaven

  • 巨人崛起


  • 牟宗三说儒


  • 鸦片战争


  • 芊芊卓心


  • 邪王的金牌宠妻:天才炼药师


  • 妖孽王爷,追妻忙!


  • 粉色都市


    【VIP作品】【陕西师范大学出版社出版】(出版更名:《白领丽人2.0》) ■作品简介:都市之间,强权、金钱、情欲交织,美丽的女白领不是在沉默中沉沦,就是在沉默中爆发。以兼爱而宽容;以非攻而存生;以非命而抗争;以节用而自得,用这些战国时代墨家的思想武装、行走这都市江湖吧! ■一些编外:朋友股票问我:你这本书是不是很“粉”?我笑着回答他:这本书一点儿都不“粉”。我只是平常的写书,平常的叙述,喜欢YY和YD的朋友恐怕要失望了。这本书里讲述的故事,它们也许就发生在你和你朋友的身上、身边。请相信,这是一抹行走在城市之间的流光飞舞。
  • 凤凰琴


  • 中国小小说名家档案:爱的毒药


  • 木叶之隐藏BOSS

