

Indeed, the number of troops now assembled within its walls, amounting to full thirteen hundred, composed, as they were, of the most discordant materials, gave great uneasiness to Hernando Pizarro. For there were enemies glaring on each other and on him with deadly though smothered rancor, and friends, if not so dangerous, not the less troublesome from their craving and unreasonable demands. He had given the capital up to pillage, and his followers found good booty in the quarters of Almagro's officers. But this did not suffice the more ambitious cavaliers; and they clamorously urged their services, and demanded to be placed in charge of some expedition, nothing doubting that it must prove a golden one.

All were in quest of an El Dorado. Hernando Pizarro acquiesced as far as possible in these desires, most willing to relieve himself of such importunate creditors. The expeditions, it is true, usually ended in disaster; but the country was explored by them. It was the lottery of adventure; the prizes were few, but they were splendid; and in the excitement of the game, few Spaniards paused to calculate the chances of success.

Among those who left the capital was Diego, the son of Almagro.

Hernando was mindful to send him, with a careful escort, to his brother the governor, desirous to remove him at this crisis from the neighborhood of his father. Meanwhile the marshal himself was pining away in prison under the combined influence of bodily illness and distress of mind. Before the battle of Salinas, it had been told to Hernando Pizarro that Almagro was like to die. "Heaven forbid," he exclaimed, "that this should come to pass before he falls into my hands!"16 Yet the gods seemed now disposed to grant but half of this pious prayer, since his captive seemed about to escape him just as he had come into his power. To console the unfortunate chief, Hernando paid him a visit in his prison, and cheered him with the assurance that he only waited for the governor's arrival to set him at liberty; adding, "that, if Pizarro did not come soon to the capital, he himself would assume the responsibility of releasing him, and would furnish him with a conveyance to his brother's quarters." At the same time, with considerate attention to his comfort, he inquired of the marshal "what mode of conveyance would be best suited to his state of health." After this he continued to send him delicacies from his own table to revive his faded appetite.

Almagro, cheered by these kind attentions, and by the speedy prospect of freedom, gradually mended in health and spirits.17He little dreamed that all this while a process was industriously preparing against him. It had been instituted immediately on his capture, and every one, however humble, who had any cause of complaint against the unfortunate prisoner, was invited to present it. The summons was readily answered; and many an enemy now appeared in the hour of his fallen fortunes, like the base reptiles crawling into light amidst the ruins of some noble edifice; and more than one, who had received benefits from his hands, were willing to court the favor of his enemy by turning on their benefactor. From these loathsome sources a mass of accusations was collected which spread over two thousand folio pages! Yet Almagro was the idol of his soldiers! 18Having completed the process, (July 8th, 1538,) it was not difficult to obtain a verdict against the prisoner. The principal charges on which he was pronounced guilty were those of levying war against the Crown, and thereby occasioning the death of many of his Majesty's subjects; of entering into conspiracy with the Inca; and finally, of dispossessing the royal governor of the city of Cuzco. On these charges he was condemned to suffer death as a traitor, by being publicly beheaded in the great square of the city. Who were the judges, or what was the tribunal that condemned him, we are not informed. Indeed, the whole trial was a mockery; if that can be called a trial, where the accused himself is not even aware of the accusation.

  • 序听迷诗所经


  • 可不可以不加班


  • 血刃主宰


  • 30岁前不害怕,30岁后不后悔


  • 祸水魔仙生死劫


  • 诸神共主


  • 空间之末世女在古代


    孟梦在经历末世六年后,她的三观已经变了,除了吃,一切皆是浮云,在她的眼中,除了吃,就没什么重要的事情了。为了吃饱、吃好她只能去做各种任务,然后,在完成任务回来准备吃饭时,却因为和丧尸王打架时,一个没控制住把自己给劈穿越了。谁知穿越的第二天,她就很不幸的被自己大嫂给卖了,而且,还是卖给一个大叔当媳妇。 被卖的孟梦看着那一桌子的饭菜,表示:“只要有吃的,咱一切好商量!”当婚后一个月后,大叔余逸发现自己的小妻子,不但力气大,还能吃、还暴力、还呆…… 有人找事情直接打一顿,抢吃的打一顿,一言不合直接打,一般都是不开口,如果余逸不给她吃的,她就会盯着余逸如盯肉一般……(如果打一架不能解决,那就再打一架,如果再打一架还是解决不了,那就打到解决为止好了。)
  • 还丹显妙通幽集


  • 一统诸天


  • 绿湖秋莲

