Yet, once in the field the Inca did not usually show any disposition to push his advantages to the utmost, and urge his foe to extremity. In every stage of the war, he was open to propositions for peace; and although he sought to reduce his enemies by carrying off their harvests and distressing them by famine, he allowed his troops to commit no unnecessary outrage on person or property. "We must spare our enemies," one of the Peruvian princes is quoted as saying, "or it will be our loss, since they and all that belong to them must soon be ours." 59 It was a wise maxim, and, like most other wise maxims, founded equally on benevolence and prudence. The Incas adopted the policy claimed for the Romans by their countryman, who tells us that they gained more by clemency to the vanquished than by their victories.60In the same considerate spirit, they were most careful to provide for the security and comfort of their own troops; and, when a war was long protracted, or the climate proved unhealthy, they took care to relieve their men by frequent reinforcements, allowing the earlier recruits to return to their homes.61 But while thus economical of life, both in their own followers and in the enemy, they did not shrink from sterner measures when provoked by the ferocious or obstinate character of the resistance; and the Peruvian annals contain more than one of those sanguinary pages which cannot be pondered at the present day without a shudder. It should be added, that the beneficent policy, which I have been delineating as characteristic of the Incas, did not belong to all; and that there was more than one of the royal line who displayed a full measure of the bold and unscrupulous spirit of the vulgar conqueror.
《炮》一书由原来的《炮》和《鞋》两小书组成。《炮》以书中其中一篇文章名为书名,也做了新版的书名。《炮》一书分为七个部分“炮的来历”、“大战葫芦口”、“ 炮上了太行山”、“ 一炮打下了二十四个炮楼”、“ 炮变成了神话”、“ 炮又上太行山了”、“炮和人民见面了”,是作家苗培时为建国初的小朋友们写的一本书,生动描绘了建国前在河北地区八路军抗击日本侵略者时,获得了一门神勇无比的大炮,战士们利用这门大炮打击日本鬼子,震慑了无数伪军,这门炮一时名声大噪,成为神话。The Promise Bird 誓鸟
在大航海时代的宏大历史背景下,一个美丽的中国女子远下南洋,海啸夺走了她的记忆,她在大海里、岛屿上颠沛流离,被欺侮、被抛弃,历经生育、病痛、牢狱之苦,她刺瞎了自己的双目,只为寻找遗失的记忆。她为了寻找自己的过去,甘愿穷尽一生。春迟终于没能在沧海中找到那枚藏着她的记忆的贝壳,但她并没有把自己的故事归于茫茫。她被人们视为圣女。她是世上最富有的女人。海盗、歌女、宦官、部族首领、西洋牧师,他们的命运在南洋旖旎的风光里交汇。She, Myself, and I
Ever since Rosa's nerve disease rendered her quadriplegic, she's depended on her handsome, confident older brother to be her rock and her mirror. But when a doctor from Boston chooses her to be a candidate for an experimental brain transplant, she and her family move from London in search of a miracle. Sylvia—a girl from a small town in Massachusetts —is brain dead, and her parents have agreed to donate her body to give Rosa a new life. But when Rosa wakes from surgery, she can' t help but wonder, with increasing obsession, who Sylvia was and what her life was like. Her fascination with her new body and her desire to understand Sylvia prompt a road trip based on self-discovery… and a surprising new romance. But will Rosa be able to solve the dilemma of her identity?