

"Who is it! What a question to ask! Who can it be but Miss Gwilt?"There was a sudden silence. Allan sat listlessly, with his hands in his pockets, looking out through the open window at the falling rain. If he had turned toward his friend when he mentioned Miss Gwilt's name he might possibly have been a little startled by the change he would have seen in Midwinter's face.

"I suppose you don't approve of it?" he said, after waiting a little.

There was no answer.

"It's too late to make objections," proceeded Allan. "I really mean it when I tell you I'm in love with her.""A fortnight since you were in love with Miss Milroy," said the other, in quiet, measured tones.

"Pooh! a mere flirtation. It's different this time. I'm in earnest about Miss Gwilt."He looked round as he spoke. Midwinter turned his face aside on the instant, and bent it over a book.

"I see you don't approve of the thing," Allan went on. "Do you object to her being only a governess? You can't do that, I'm sure. If you were in my place, her being only a governess wouldn't stand in the way with _you?_""No," said Midwinter; "I can't honestly say it would stand in the way with me." He gave the answer reluctantly, and pushed his chair back out of the light of the lamp.

"A governess is a lady who is not rich," said Allan, in an oracular manner; "and a duchess is a lady who is not poor. And that's all the difference I acknowledge between them. Miss Gwilt is older than I am--I don't deny that. What age do you guess her at, Midwinter? I say, seven or eight and twenty. What do you say?""Nothing. I agree with you."

"Do you think seven or eight and twenty is too old for me? If you were in love with a woman yourself, you wouldn't think seven or eight and twenty too old--would you?""I can't say I should think it too old, if--""If you were really fond of her?"

Once more there was no answer.

"Well," resumed Allan, "if there's no harm in her being only a governess, and no harm in her being a little older than I am, what's the objection to Miss Gwilt?""I have made no objection."

"I don't say you have. But you don't seem to like the notion of it, for all that."There was another pause. Midwinter was the first to break the silence this time.

"Are you sure of yourself, Allan?" he asked, with his face bent once more over the book. "Are you really attached to this lady?

Have you thought seriously already of asking her to be your wife?""I am thinking seriously of it at this moment," said Allan. "Ican't be happy--I can't live without her. Upon my soul, I worship the very ground she treads on!""How long--" His voice faltered, and he stopped. "How long," he reiterated, "have you worshipped the very ground she treads on?""Longer than you think for. I know I can trust you with all my secrets--""Don't trust me!"

"Nonsense! I _will_ trust you. There is a little difficulty in the way which I haven't mentioned yet. It's a matter of some delicacy, and I want to consult you about it. Between ourselves, I have had private opportunities with Miss Gwilt--"Midwinter suddenly started to his feet, and opened the door.

"We'll talk of this to-morrow," he said. "Good-night."Allan looked round in astonishment. The door was closed again, and he was alone in the room.

"He has never shaken hands with me!" exclaimed Allan, looking bewildered at the empty chair.

As the words passed his lips the door opened, and Midwinter appeared again.

"We haven't shaken hands," he said, abruptly. "God bless you, Allan! We'll talk of it to-morrow. Good-night."Allan stood alone at the window, looking out at the pouring rain.

He felt ill at ease, without knowing why. "Midwinter's ways get stranger and stranger," he thought. "What can he mean by putting me off till to-morrow, when I wanted to speak to him to-night?"He took up his bedroom candle a little impatiently, put it down again, and, walking back to the open window, stood looking out in the direction of the cottage. "I wonder if she's thinking of me?"he said to himself softly.

She _was_ thinking of him. She had just opened her desk to write to Mrs. Oldershaw; and her pen had that moment traced the opening line: "Make your mind easy. I have got him!"

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    【已完结】隔壁新书开坑啦 楚暮只是想单纯的玩个游戏,自力更生,自给自足。不过一结婚游戏伴侣就弃游是什么情况?刚申请号就被别人针对是什么情况?自己师父和自己的徒弟打了起来最后还只能自己背锅是什么情况?突然被大神伴侣针对又是什么情况?纵横游戏圈的亲哥告诉她:因为你当初不抱我这个大腿。楚暮拍桌:不就是抱大腿吗?我楚暮,要抱,就抱最粗的腿。从此开启了漫漫抱腿路。不过最后,大腿没抱到,反而把自己卖了是什么情况?ps:你有没有听说过《逐天》的云长大神和她的媳妇潇湘沐雨呢?当然听说过,那你又听说过寒卿楚大神的和他的媳妇暮卿寂吗?