

"It grieved him to the very heart,"he said,"to see that friends and neighbours,who should stand shoulder to shoulder,were likely to be engaged hand to hand in a cause which so little concerned them.What signifies it,"he said,"to the Highland Chiefs,whether King or Parliament got uppermost?Were it not better to let them settle their own differences without interference,while the Chiefs,in the meantime,took the opportunity of establishing their own authority in a manner not to be called in question hereafter by either King or Parliament?"

He reminded Allan M'Aulay that the measures taken in the last reign to settle the peace,as was alleged,of the Highlands,were in fact levelled at the patriarchal power of the Chieftains;and he mentioned the celebrated settlement of the Fife Undertakers,as they were called,in the Lewis,as part of a deliberate plan,formed to introduce strangers among the Celtic tribes,to destroy by degrees their ancient customs and mode of government,and to despoil them of the inheritance of their fathers.[In the reign of James VI.,an attempt of rather an extraordinary kind was made to civilize the extreme northern part of the Hebridean Archipelago.That monarch granted the property of the Island of Lewis,as if it had been an unknown and savage country,to a number of Lowland gentlemen,called undertakers,chiefly natives of the shire of Fife,that they might colonize and settle there.

The enterprise was at first successful,but the natives of the island,MacLeods and MacKenzies,rose on the Lowland adventurers,and put most of them to the sword.]"And yet,"he continued,addressing Allan,"it is for the purpose of giving despotic authority to the monarch by whom these designs have been nursed,that so many Highland Chiefs are upon the point of quarrelling with,and drawing the sword against,their neighbours,allies,and ancient confederates.""It is to my brother,"said Allan,"it is to the eldest son of my father's house,that the Knight of Ardenvohr must address these remonstrances.I am,indeed,the brother of Angus;but in being so,I am only the first of his clansmen,and bound to show an example to the others by my cheerful and ready obedience to his commands."

"The cause also,"said Lord Menteith,interposing,"is far more general than Sir Duncan Campbell seems to suppose it.It is neither limited to Saxon nor to Gael,to mountain nor to strath,to Highlands nor to Lowlands.The question is,if we will continue to be governed by the unlimited authority assumed by a set of persons in no respect superior to ourselves,instead of returning to the natural government of the Prince against whom they have rebelled.And respecting the interest of the Highlands in particular,"he added,"I crave Sir Duncan Campbell's pardon for my plainness;but it seems very clear to me,that the only effect produced by the present usurpation,will be the aggrandisement of one overgrown clan at the expense of every independent Chief in the Highlands."

"I will not reply to you,my lord,"said Sir Duncan Campbell,"because I know your prejudices,and from whom they are borrowed;

yet you will pardon my saying,that being at the head of a rival branch of the House of Graham,I have both read of and known an Earl of Menteith,who would have disdained to have been tutored in politics,or to have been commanded in war,by an Earl of Montrose."

"You will find it in vain,Sir Duncan,"said Lord Menteith,haughtily,"to set my vanity in arms against my principles.The King gave my ancestors their title and rank;and these shall never prevent my acting,in the royal cause,under any one who is better qualified than myself to be a commander-in-chief.Least of all,shall any miserable jealousy prevent me from placing my hand and sword under the guidance of the bravest,the most loyal,the most heroic spirit among our Scottish nobility."

"Pity,"said Sir Duncan Campbell,"that you cannot add to this panegyric the farther epithets of the most steady,and the most consistent.But I have no purpose of debating these points with you,my lord,"waving his hand,as if to avoid farther discussion;"the die is cast with you;allow me only to express my sorrow for the disastrous fate to which Angus M'Aulay's natural rashness,and your lordship's influence,are dragging my gallant friend Allan here,with his father's clan,and many a brave man besides."

"The die is cast for us all,Sir Duncan,"replied Allan,looking gloomy,and arguing on his own hypochondriac feelings;"the iron hand of destiny branded our fate upon our forehead long ere we could form a wish,or raise a finger in our own behalf.Were this otherwise,by what means does the Seer ascertain the future from those shadowy presages which haunt his waking and his sleeping eye?Nought can be foreseen but that which is certain to happen."

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