

Knowing, as he did, that his son must have learned his business pretty thoroughly in the great school of the Didots, he had yet been ruminating for a long while over the bargain that he meant to drive with David. All that the father made, the son, of course, was bound to lose, but in business this worthy knew nothing of father or son. If, in the first instance, he had looked on David as his only child, later he came to regard him as the natural purchaser of the business, whose interests were therefore his own. Sechard meant to sell dear; David, of course, to buy cheap; his son, therefore, was an antagonist, and it was his duty to get the better of him. The transformation of sentiment into self-seeking, ordinarily slow, tortuous, and veiled by hypocrisy in better educated people, was swift and direct in the old "bear," who demonstrated the superiority of shrewd tipple-ography over book-learned typography.

David came home, and the old man received him with all the cordiality which cunning folk can assume with an eye to business. He was as full of thought for him as any lover for his mistress; giving him his arm, telling him where to put his foot down so as to avoid the mud, warming the bed for him, lighting a fire in his room, making his supper ready.

The next day, after he had done his best to fluster his son's wits over a sumptuous dinner, Jerome-Nicolas Sechard, after copious potations, began with a "Now for business," a remark so singularly misplaced between two hiccoughs, that David begged his parent to postpone serious matters until the morrow. But the old "bear" was by no means inclined to put off the long-expected battle; he was too well prepared to turn his tipsiness to good account. He had dragged the chain these fifty years, he would not wear it another hour; to-morrow his son should be the "gaffer."

Perhaps a word or two about the business premises may be said here.

The printing-house had been established since the reign of Louis XIV. in the angle made by the Rue de Beaulieu and the Place du Murier; it had been devoted to its present purposes for a long time past. The ground floor consisted of a single huge room lighted on the side next the street by an old-fashioned casement, and by a large sash window that gave upon the yard at the back. A passage at the side led to the private office; but in the provinces the processes of typography excite such a lively interest, that customers usually preferred to enter by way of the glass door in the street front, though they at once descended three steps, for the floor of the workshop lay below the level of the street. The gaping newcomer always failed to note the perils of the passage through the shop; and while staring at the sheets of paper strung in groves across the ceiling, ran against the rows of cases, or knocked his hat against the tie-bars that secured the presses in position. Or the customer's eyes would follow the agile movements of a compositor, picking out type from the hundred and fifty-two compartments of his case, reading his copy, verifying the words in the composing-stick, and leading the lines, till a ream of damp paper weighted with heavy slabs, and set down in the middle of the gangway, tripped up the bemused spectator, or he caught his hip against the angle of a bench, to the huge delight of boys, "bears," and "monkeys." No wight had ever been known to reach the further end without accident. A couple of glass-windowed cages had been built out into the yard at the back; the foreman sat in state in the one, the master printer in the other. Out in the yard the walls were agreeably decorated by trellised vines, a tempting bit of color, considering the owner's reputation. On the one side of the space stood the kitchen, on the other the woodshed, and in a ramshackle penthouse against the hall at the back, the paper was trimmed and damped down. Here, too, the forms, or, in ordinary language, the masses of set-up type, were washed. Inky streams issuing thence blended with the ooze from the kitchen sink, and found their way into the kennel in the street outside; till peasants coming into the town of a market day believed that the Devil was taking a wash inside the establishment.

As to the house above the printing office, it consisted of three rooms on the first floor and a couple of attics in the roof. The first room did duty as dining-room and lobby; it was exactly the same length as the passage below, less the space taken up by the old-fashioned wooden staircase; and was lighted by a narrow casement on the street and a bull's-eye window looking into the yard. The chief characteristic of the apartment was a cynic simplicity, due to money-making greed. The bare walls were covered with plain whitewash, the dirty brick floor had never been scoured, the furniture consisted of three rickety chairs, a round table, and a sideboard stationed between the two doors of a bedroom and a sitting-room. Windows and doors alike were dingy with accumulated grime. Reams of blank paper or printed matter usually encumbered the floor, and more frequently than not the remains of Sechard's dinner, empty bottles and plates, were lying about on the packages.

The bedroom was lighted on the side of the yard by a window with leaded panes, and hung with the old-world tapestry that decorated house fronts in provincial towns on Corpus Christi Day. For furniture it boasted a vast four-post bedstead with canopy, valances and quilt of crimson serge, a couple of worm-eaten armchairs, two tapestry-covered chairs in walnut wood, an aged bureau, and a timepiece on the mantel-shelf. The Seigneur Rouzeau, Jerome-Nicolas' master and predecessor, had furnished the homely old-world room; it was just as he had left it.

  • 自为墓志铭


  • 贪欣误


  • 佛说持句神咒经


  • 五部六册


  • 潜夫论笺校正


  • 零轮


  • 佛门道君


  • 证仙录


  • 一胎二宝:亿万甜妻火辣辣


  • 镇海楼拾遗


  • 他在时光深处等你啊


  • 快穿之这个AI不太冷


  • 你我,正待青春时


  • 报告!你的毒舌竹马已上线


    儿时的相遇于她不过是一场游戏,于他却似一场救赎。年龄的相隔斩断了他们的联系,时间使她忘却,却使他更加牢记,想去抓紧不曾舍弃。 九年之后再度相逢,上演的是抢厕所的竞争。他是她的顾客她忘了他,却活得更加张扬。 顾客等于上帝?老子送你去见上帝!看的不爽,照样是眼神杀! 片断一: 冯雨诺客套开口:"何先生还没带侄子回家啊!" 何远萧一脸犯贱,"怎么?诺诺倒是很在意我啊!不过我并未打算回你这个问题……" 冯雨诺脸黑:“随意,告辞!”直接甩袖走人。 片段二: 冯雨诺洗盘子,何远萧走进,贱贱开口:"多时未见,不知诺诺可有想在下?" 冯雨诺讽刺回击,"哦!是吗?是小哥的脑子有点儿不好使吧!这分明就只过去了两个小时而已。还望这位脑子有病的小哥哪凉快那待着,不要热的病情加重为好!"冯雨诺:人生中最美好的事也许莫过于留下遗憾。这样能更好的让记忆的大门封锁住美好的一切,让时间不会那般容易将它们掠夺。何远萧:是你闯入我的生命中成为我的幸运草,如今丢失的记忆外加分离的八年光阴,我来拿一生弥补!【彪悍逗比女】+【腹黑嘴毒男】=【欢喜冤家】撕逼的火花照亮天【本文1v1,非小白,属诙谐幽默、搞笑型正剧】
  • 听余秋雨讲文化

