

MANY a weary year had passed since the burning of Grand-Pr?

When on the falling tide the freighted vessels departed, Bearing a nation, with all its household gods, into exile, Exile without an end, and without an example in story.

Far asunder, on separate coasts, the Acadians landed;Scattered were they, like flakes of snow, when the wind from the northeast Strikes aslant through the fogs that darken the Banks of Newfoundland.

Friendless, homeless, hopeless, they wandered from city to city, From the cold lakes of the North to sultry Southern savannas,--From the bleak shores of the sea to the lands where the Father of Waters Seizes the hills in his hands, and drags them down to the ocean, Deep in their sands to bury the scattered bones of the mammoth.

Friends they sought and homes; and many, despairing, heart-broken, Asked of the earth but a grave, and no longer a friend nor a fireside.

Written their history stands on tablets of stone in the churchyards.

Long among them was seen a maiden who waited and wandered, Lowly and meek in spirit, and patiently suffering all things.

Fair was she and young; but, alas! before her extended, Dreary and vast and silent, the desert of life, with its pathway Marked by the graves of those who had sorrowed and suffered before her, Passions long extinguished, and hopes long dead and abandoned, As the emigrant's way o'er the Western desert is marked by Camp-fires long consumed, and bones that bleach in the sunshine.

Something there was in her life incomplete, imperfect, unfinished;As if a morning of June, with all its music and sunshine, Suddenly paused in the sky, and, fading, slowly descended Into the east again, from whence it late had arisen.

Sometimes she lingered in towns, till, urged by the fever within her, Urged by a restless longing, the hunger and thirst of the spirit, She would commence again her endless search and endeavor;Sometimes in churchyards strayed, and gazed on the crosses and tombstones, Sat by some nameless grave, and thought that perhaps in its bosom He was already at rest, and she longed to slumber beside him.

Sometimes a rumor, a hearsay, an inarticulate whisper, Came with its airy hand to point and beckon her forward.

Sometimes she spake with those who had seen her beloved and known him, But it was long ago, in some far-off place or forgotten.

"Gabriel Lajeunesse!" they said; "O yes! we have seen him.

He was with Basil the blacksmith, and both have gone to the prairies;Coureurs-des-Bois are they, and famous hunters and trappers,""Gabriel Lajeunesse!" said others; "O yes! we have seen him.

He is a Voyageur in the lowlands of Louisiana."Then would they say: "Dear child! why dream and wait for him longer?

Are there not other youths as fair as Gabriel? others Who have hearts as tender and true, and spirits as loyal?

Here is Baptiste Leblanc, the notary's son, who has loved thee Many a tedious year; come, give him thy hand and be happy!

Thou art too fair to be left to braid St. Catherine's tresses."Then would Evangeline answer, serenely but sadly, "I cannot!

Whither my heart has gone, there follows my hand, and not elsewhere.

For when the heart goes before, like a lamp, and illumines the pathway, Many things are made clear, that else lie hidden in darkness."Thereupon the priest, her friend and father-confessor, Said, with a smile, "O daughter! thy God thus speaketh within thee!

Talk not of wasted affection, affection never was wasted;If it enrich not the heart of another, its waters, returning Back to their springs, like the rain, shall fill them full of refreshment;That which the fountain sends forth returns again to the fountain.

Patience; accomplish thy labor; accomplish thy work of affection!

Sorrow and silence are strong, and patient endurance is godlike.

Therefore accomplish thy labor of love, till the heart is made godlike, Purified, strengthened, perfected, and rendered more worthy of heaven!"Cheered by the good man's words, Evangeline labored and waited.

Still in her heart she heard the funeral dirge of the ocean, But with its sound there was mingled a voice that whispered, "Despair not!"Thus did that poor soul wander in want and cheerless discomfort, Bleeding, barefooted, over the shards and thorns of existence.

Let me essay, O Muse! to follow the wanderer's footsteps;--Not through each devious path, each changeful year of existence;But as a traveller follows a streamlet's course through the valley:

Far from its margin at times, and seeing the gleam of its water Here and there, in some open space, and at intervals only;Then drawing nearer its banks, through sylvan glooms that conceal it, Though he behold it not, he can hear its continuous murmur;Happy, at length, if he find the spot where it reaches an outlet.

  • 永嘉禅宗集注


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    (无敌于次元都市)多年后,陈雨辰在平行时空地球中醒来,神话中的人物也开始一一的出世...........。陈雨辰来到了一个混合版的玄幻武侠科技神话的世界,这里有次元版都市:有着写轮眼的忍者,吃了恶魔果实的恶魔人,吸血鬼,赛亚人,天使.....。...........。. 已完结(地球版神话)、更新中(带着武林秘籍到武侠世界)..... 在洪荒世界中有一个身高无比强壮和魁梧,块块肌肉犹如金刚铸,头发披肩长度颈部披到身前,身上覆盖有金色体毛,至于眼珠是金色兼有紫色眼眶。 两只双眼中里面有着两道白金色的火焰闪烁,屁股后一根猿猴尾巴摆动! 这男子相貌虽不算英俊,但却给人一种很容易亲近的感觉,嘴角处始终带着一丝淡淡的微笑,这是一个普通的青年被流星压死,然后穿越到混沌,最后夺舍重生成下位混沌魔神黄金巨猿的故事。
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  • 异草奇花


    现代版聊斋志异。 光怪陆离的奇花异草,匪夷所思的人性欲望! 每颗种子都有自己奇异独特的能力,用于复制人的“傀茴”,可以交换灵魂的“蛾冠”,恐怖骇人的“多齿”,为爱寻路的“花眼”……当普通小人物遭遇异草奇花,他们的命运将会发生怎样的改变?
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