

'Of course I do,' it said. 'Leave go of me or I'll bite! - Ireally will - I mean it. Oh, well, if you choose to risk it.'

Anthea risked it and held on.

'Look here,' she said, 'don't bite me - listen to reason. If you'll only do what we want to-day, we'll never ask you for another wish as long as we live.'

The Psammead was much moved.

'I'd do anything,' it said in a tearful voice. 'I'd almost burst myself to give you one wish after another, as long as I held out, if you'd only never, never ask me to do it after to-day. If you knew how I hate to blow myself out with other people's wishes, and how frightened I am always that I shall strain a muscle or something. And then to wake up every morning and know you've GOTto do it. You don't know what it is - you don't know what it is, you don't!' Its voice cracked with emotion, and the last 'don't' was a squeak.

Anthea set it down gently on the sand.

'It's all over now,' she said soothingly. 'We promise faithfully never to ask for another wish after to-day.'

'Well, go ahead,' said the Psammead; 'let's get it over.'

'How many can you do?'

'I don't know - as long as I can hold out.'

'Well, first, I wish Lady Chittenden may find she's never lost her jewels.'

The Psammead blew itself out, collapsed, and said, 'Done.'

'I wish, said Anthea more slowly, 'mother mayn't get to the police.'

'Done,' said the creature after the proper interval.

'I wish,' said Jane suddenly, 'mother could forget all about the diamonds.'

'Done,' said the Psammead; but its voice was weaker.

'Wouldn't you like to rest a little?' asked Anthea considerately.

'Yes, please,' said the Psammead; 'and, before we go further, will you wish something for me?'

'Can't you do wishes for yourself?'

'Of course not,' it said; 'we were always expected to give each other our wishes - not that we had any to speak of in the good old Megatherium days. just wish, will you, that you may never be able, any of you, to tell anyone a word about ME.'

'Why?' asked Jane.

'Why, don't you see, if you told grown-ups I should have no peace of my life. They'd get hold of me, and they wouldn't wish silly things like you do, but real earnest things; and the scientific people would hit on some way of making things last after sunset, as likely as not; and they'd ask for a graduated income-tax, and old-age pensions and manhood suffrage, and free secondary education, and dull things like that; and get them, and keep them, and the whole world would be turned topsy-turvy. Do wish it!


Anthea repeated the Psammead's wish, and it blew itself out to a larger size than they had yet seen it attain.

'And now,' it said as it collapsed, 'can I do anything more for you?'

'Just one thing; and I think that clears everything up, doesn't it, Jane? I wish Martha to forget about the diamond ring, and mother to forget about the keeper cleaning the windows.'

'It's like the "Brass Bottle",' said Jane.

'Yes, I'm glad we read that or I should never have thought of it.'

'Now,' said the Psammead faintly, 'I'm almost worn out. Is there anything else?'

'No; only thank you kindly for all you've done for us, and I hope you'll have a good long sleep, and I hope we shall see you again some day.'

'Is that a wish?' it said in a weak voice.

'Yes, please,' said the two girls together.

Then for the last time in this story they saw the Psammead blow itself out and collapse suddenly. It nodded to them, blinked its long snail's eyes, burrowed, and disappeared, scratching fiercely to the last, and the sand closed over it.

'I hope we've done right?' said Jane.

'I'm sure we have,' said Anthea. 'Come on home and tell the boys.'

Anthea found Cyril glooming over his paper boats, and told him.

Jane told Robert. The two tales were only just ended when mother walked in, hot and dusty. She explained that as she was being driven into Rochester to buy the girls' autumn school-dresses the axle had broken, and but for the narrowness of the lane and the high soft hedges she would have been thrown out. As it was, she was not hurt, but she had had to walk home. 'And oh, my dearest dear chicks,' she said, 'I am simply dying for a cup of tea! Do run and see if the kettle boils!'

'So you see it's all right,'Jane whispered. 'She doesn't remember.'

'No more does Martha,' said Anthea, who had been to ask after the state of the kettle.

As the servants sat at their tea, Beale the gamekeeper dropped in.

He brought the welcome news that Lady Chittenden's diamonds had not been lost at all. Lord Chittenden had taken them to be re-set and cleaned, and the maid who knew about it had gone for a holiday. So that was all right.

'I wonder if we ever shall see the Psammead again,' said Jane wistfully as they walked in the garden, while mother was putting the Lamb to bed.

'I'm sure we shall,' said Cyril, 'if you really wished it.'

'We've promised never to ask it for another wish,' said Anthea.

'I never want to,' said Robert earnestly.

They did see it again, of course, but not in this story. And it was not in a sand-pit either, but in a very, very, very different place. It was in a -- But I must say no more.

  • 永樂大典書目考


  • 行在阳秋


  • 健余先生抚豫条教




  • 梼杌近志


  • 天启之万世轮回


  • 漫画人生  幽默大师——方成传

    漫画人生 幽默大师——方成传

    他是享誉海内外的漫画泰斗,也是新中国举办个人漫画展的第一人,其代表作《武大郎开店》已成为漫画史上的里程碑。他潜心钻研幽默三十年,成为中国系统研究幽默的第一人,其研究幽默的深度与广度,全世界至今无人企及。 他一生经历丰富,历经苦难,但他却把坎坷的一生变成了幽默的、艺术的一生。他就是幽默大师方成。本书主要讲述了方成的漫画人生。《方成传(漫画人生幽默大师)》由张维著。方成,中国当代最具代表性的漫画家之一,与漫画家华君武、丁聪被并称为中国“漫画界三老”。这位享誉海内外的中国新闻漫画的泰斗,一生创作了大量优秀漫画作品,于1980年在北京美术馆举办漫画展,成为新中国举办个人漫画展的第一人。他在水墨漫画的创作上做出了有力的探索,他的作品如一面时代的镜子,亦如一把社会的解剖刀,直指社会弊端。其代表作《武大郎开店》在全国引起了强烈反响。 这位老人的一生,活得很精彩,诚如凤凰卫视《名人面对面》栏目采访方成时的开场解说词所言:“一位九旬老人,用画笔影射世间百态,用幽默抚慰春夏秋冬,而他曲折的一生更是20世纪整个中国社会变迁的缩影。精神矍铄、谈笑风生,一面时代的多棱镜,一把社会的解剖刀,见证、欢笑与淡定。”《方成传(漫画人生幽默大师)》主要讲述了方成的漫画人生。《方成传(漫画人生幽默大师)》由张维著。
  • 盛宠之冷妃太嚣张


  • 嫡女倾城逍遥令


  • 三茅真君加封事典


  • 深秋明月照寒鸦


  • 尸衣


  • 老婆别不爱我


  • 分春馆词


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