

The sun has strengthened and the air softened just before Easter Day.

But it is a troubled brightness which has a breath not only of novelty but of revolution,There are two great armies of the human intellect who will fight till the end on this vital point,whether Easter is to be congratulated on fitting in with the Spring--or the Spring on fitting in with Easter.

The only two things that can satisfy the soul are a person and a story;and even a story must be about a person.There are indeed very voluptuous appetites and enjoyments in mere abstractions like mathematics,logic,or chess.But these mere pleasures of the mind are like mere pleasures of the body.That is,they are mere pleasures,though they may be gigantic pleasures;they can never by a mere increase of themselves amount to happiness.A man just about to be hanged may enjoy his breakfast;especially if it be his favourite breakfast;and in the same way he may enjoy an argument with the chaplain about heresy,especially if it is his favourite heresy.But whether he can enjoy either of them does not depend on either of them;it depends upon his spiritual attitude towards a subsequent event.And that event is really interesting to the soul;because it is the end of a story and (as some hold)the end of a person.

Now it is this simple truth which,like many others,is too simple for our scientists to see.This is where they go wrong,not only about true religion,but about false religions too;so that their account of mythology is more mythical than the myth itself.I do not confine myself to saying that they are quite incorrect when they state (for instance)that Christ was a legend of dying and reviving vegetation,like Adonis or Persephone.I say that even if Adonis was a god of vegetation,they have got the whole notion of him wrong.Nobody,to begin with,is sufficiently interested in decaying vegetables,as such,to make any particular mystery or disguise about them;and certainly not enough to disguise them under the image of a very handsome young man,which is a vastly more interesting thing.If Adonis was connected with the fall of leaves in autumn and the return of flowers in spring,the process of thought was quite different.It is a process of thought which springs up spontaneously in all children and young artists;it springs up spontaneously in all healthy societies.It is very difficult to explain in a diseased society.

The brain of man is subject to short and strange snatches of sleep.Acloud seals the city of reason or rests upon the sea of imagination;a dream that darkens as much,whether it is a nightmare of atheism or a day-dream of idolatry.And just as we have all sprung from sleep with a start and found ourselves saying some sentence that has no meaning,save in the mad tongues of the midnight;so the human mind starts from its trances of stupidity with some complete phrase upon its lips;a complete phrase which is a complete folly.Unfortunately it is not like the dream sentence,generally forgotten in the putting on of boots or the putting in of breakfast.This senseless aphorism,invented when man's mind was asleep,still hangs on his tongue and entangles all his relations to rational and daylight things.All our controversies are confused by certain kinds of phrases which are not merely untrue,but were always unmeaning;which are not merely inapplicable,but were always intrinsically useless.We recognise them wherever a man talks of "the survival of the fittest,"meaning only the survival of the survivors;or wherever a man says that the rich "have a stake in the country,"as if the poor could not suffer from misgovernment or military defeat;or where a man talks about "going on towards Progress,"which only means going on towards going on;or when a man talks about "government by the wise few,"as if they could be picked out by their pantaloons."The wise few"must mean either the few whom the foolish think wise or the very foolish who think themselves wise.

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    她是50世纪的天娇,一朝穿越,魂附名满京城的痴傻公主身上。 当清冷的眸子绽放出耀人的光芒,天下棋局,风云已动。 他是权势滔天的王,冷酷无情。可当她的匕首抵住了他的颈脉,薄唇轻勾。引发了怎样的惊世情缘? 血月当空,他一袭白衣,风华绝代,映入她异色双眸,成为不死不灭的印,刻在她心中涟漪之上,挥之不去。 他勾唇缓缓一笑,没有那些海枯石烂的誓言保证,暗紫色的眸子倒映出眼前的人,再,容不下其他。 片段: 山洞之内,男子抱着一个血人,眼角微红: “怎么救她?” “需要一个人和她签订生死契约,承担伤势,若稍有不慎……筋脉尽毁,灵力全废。” 此话一出,他身旁那两个下属几乎下意识的上前一步,想要挺身而出。 “退下。” 男子的目光半刻不离怀中的人,声音带着几分嘶哑: “我来。” 无论如何,我只要你安好,不管付出什么代价,你也绝不能有半点意外。 有我在,就算你死,也要看我同不同意,如若不能同生,那我便陪你一起,共赴九幽黄泉。简介无能,请看正文。 本文不虐无误会,男女主双强双洁双宠,身心干净1v1,小可爱们点个收藏吖~~