
第83章 CHAPTER XL(2)

Suppose we withdraw it altogether,eh?I am quite satisfied.We will put back the shares in the safe and you shall keep your money.""No,I'm d -d if you do!"Trent answered bluntly."You've had your money and I'll have the shares.I don't leave this bank without them,and I'll be shot if ever I enter it again."So Trent,with his back against the wall and not a friend to help him,faced for twenty-four hours the most powerful bull syndicate which had ever been formed against a single Company.Inquiries as to his right of title had poured in upon him,and to all of them he had returned the most absolute and final assurances.Yet he knew when closing-time came,that he had exhausted every farthing he possessed in the world -it seemed hopeless to imagine that he could survive another day.But with the morning came a booming cable from Bekwando.There had been a great find of gold before ever a shaft had been sunk;an expert,from whom as yet nothing had been heard,wired an excited and wonderful report.Then the men who had held on to their Bekwandos rustled their morning papers and walked smiling to their offices.Prices leaped up.Trent's directors ceased to worry him and wired invitations to luncheon at the West End.The bulls were the sport of everybody.When closing-time came Trent had made 100,000pounds,and was looked upon everywhere as one of the rocks of finance.

Only then he began to realise what the strain had been to him.His hard,impassive look had never altered,he had been seen everywhere in his accustomed City haunts,his hat a little better brushed than usual,his clothes a little more carefully put on,his buttonhole more obvious and his laugh readier.No one guessed the agony through which he had passed,no one knew that he had spent the night at a little inn twelve miles away,to which he had walked after nine o'clock at night.He had not a single confidant,even his cashier had no idea whence came the large sums of money which he had paid away right and left.But when it was all over he left the City,and,leaning back in the corner of his little brougham,was driven away to Pont Street.Here he locked himself in his room,took off his coat and threw himself upon a sofa with a big cigar between his teeth.

"If you let any one in to see me,Miles,"he told the footman,"I'll kick you out of the house."So,though the bell rang often,he remained alone.But as he lay there with half-closed eyes living again through the tortures of the last few hours,he heard a voice that startled him.It was surely hers -already!He sprang up and opened the door.Ernestine and Captain Francis were in the hall.

He motioned them to follow him into the room.Ernestine was flushed and her eyes were very bright.She threw up her veil and faced him haughtily."Where is he?"she asked."I know everything.I insist upon seeing him at once.""That,"he said coolly,"will depend upon whether he is fit to see you!"He rang the bell.

"Tell Miss Fullagher to step this way a moment,"he ordered.

"He is in this house,then,"she cried.He took no notice.In a moment a young woman dressed in the uniform of one of the principal hospitals entered.

"Miss Fullagher,"he asked,"how is the patient?""We've had a lot of trouble with him,sir,"she said significantly.

"He was terrible all last night,and he's very weak this morning.

Is this the young lady,sir?"

"This is the young lady who I told you would want to see him when you thought it advisable."The nurse looked doubtful."Sir Henry is upstairs,sir,"she said.

"I had better ask his advice."

Trent nodded and she withdrew.The three were left alone,Ernestine and Francis remained apart as though by design.Trent was silent.

She returned in a moment or two.

"Sir Henry has not quite finished his examination,sir,"she announced."The young lady can come up in half an hour."Again they were left alone.Then Trent crossed the room and stood between them and the door.

"Before you see your father,Miss Wendermott,"he said,"I have an explanation to make to you!"

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    她,是积善人家的千金小姐,是国破家亡的前朝遗孤,还是万人之上的尊贵公主?她,拥有傲人之貌,绝世之姿,一笑倾人城,再笑倾人国……淡然,是她的保护色……她只求平平淡淡……何奈,树欲静而风不止……复杂的身份,一次又一次,卷起重重的风波狂潮……吞噬了她,吞噬了她爱的人,吞噬了爱她的人。她始终无法,抽身事外……他,商场上的“玉面阎罗”,冷静自若,笑容下,眼眸流转间,掩盖了一切机关算尽。可自从遇见她,开始失控……情到深处,“即使你为男子,我亦无悔!”他,侠义为道,复国为业。邪魅的外表,不羁的行为,本以为能潇洒远离情根。可只消一眼,便万了年……爱到浓时,“恩恨情仇,任你一笑置之!”他,出生在帝王之家,看透那宫墙内的冷暖,于是狠戾,于是张狂。可那朵笑容,那魅惑之颜,却让他疑惑起江山美人……恨到锥心,“征服天下,征服你,我此生所求!”他,本为商人之子,却迷恋诗词歌赋。他的青梅竹马,他的痴心情深,因一场灭门血灾而颠覆。本该是自己的新娘子,披上了嫁裳,踏上了别人的殿堂……痛到刻骨,“纵使无心,你的人,我亦不愿放手!”她,穿越而来,以为带不走情,留不下心。可痛彻心扉后,刻骨铭心了,原来,心早已遗失……千言万语只剩一句“如有你相伴,不羡鸳鸯不羡仙”一曲《红颜劫》,劫了谁的红颜?一首《问情》,问了谁的情根?一舞《霓裳恨》,恨了谁的痴心?此文比较慢热,别太着急哦!有些东西是要慢慢品味滴!前面为江湖篇,情感牵扯较多,比较缠绵悱恻。后面为宫廷篇,阴谋诡计全显,情节跌宕起伏。*×××××××××××××××××××××××××隆重推荐依依新文《窃香》啦!!收藏咯!!忽忽 ̄依依开新坑啦……有米有人支持?走过的,路过的,蹲坑的,掉陷阱的:收藏,票票,留言……三部曲,华丽丽滴哦……(*^__^*)嘻嘻……记得留下脚印,给依依提些意见哦!!!依依有群滴说:70968471话说空位很多,想躺,想坐,想站,想摔跤,皆可……进来玩玩涅!呃……敲门砖:依依话说,最近群里在征召角色扮演哦!!嘻嘻
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