

On reaching the boundary wall Toby ran along, whining eagerly, underneath its shadow, and stopped finally in a corner screened by a young beech.Where the two walls joined, several bricks had been loosened, and the crevices left were worn down and rounded upon the lower side, as though they had frequently been used as a ladder.Holmes clambered up, and, taking the dog from me, he dropped it over upon the other side.

"There's the print of wooden-leg's hand," he remarked, as I mounted up beside him."You see the slight smudge of blood upon the white plaster.What a lucky thing it is that we have had no very heavy rain since yesterday! The scent will lie upon the road in spite of their eight- and-twenty hours' start."I confess that I had my doubts myself when I reflected upon the great traffic which had passed along the London road in the interval.My fears were soon appeased, however.Toby never hesitated or swerved, butwaddled on in his peculiar rolling fashion.Clearly, the pungent smell of the creasote rose high above all other contending scents.

"Do not imagine," said Holmes, "that I depend for my success in this case upon the mere chance of one of these fellows having put his foot in the chemical.I have knowledge now which would enable me to trace them in many different ways.This, however, is the readiest and, since fortune has put it into our hands, I should be culpable if I neglected it.It has, however, prevented the case from becoming the pretty little intellectual problem which it at one time promised to be.There might have been some credit to be gained out of it, but for this too palpable clue.""There is credit, and to spare," said I."I assure you, Holmes, that I marvel at the means by which you obtain your results in this case, even more than I did in the Jefferson Hope Murder.The thing seems to me to be deeper and more inexplicable.How, for example, could you describe with such confidence the wooden- legged man?""Pshaw, my dear boy! it was simplicity itself.I don't wish to be theatrical.It is all patent and above-board.Two officers who are in command of a convict-guard learn an important secret as to buried treasure.A map is drawn for them by an Englishman named Jonathan Small.You remember that we saw the name upon the chart in Captain Morstan's possession.He had signed it in behalf of himself and his associates,--the sign of the four, as he somewhat dramatically called it.Aided by this chart, the officers--or one of them--gets the treasure and brings it to England, leaving, we will suppose, some condition under which he received it unfulfilled.Now, then, why did not Jonathan Small get the treasure himself? The answer is obvious.The chart is dated at a time when Morstan was brought into close association with convicts.Jonathan Small did not get the treasure because he and his associates were themselves convicts and could not get away.""But that is mere speculation," said I.

"It is more than that.It is the only hypothesis which covers the facts.Let us see how it fits in with the sequel.Major Sholto remains at peace for some years, happy in the possession of his treasure.Then he receives a letter from India which gives him a great fright.What was that?""A letter to say that the men whom he had wronged had been set free." "Or had escaped.That is much more likely, for he would have known what their term of imprisonment was.It would not have been a surprise to him.What does he do then?He guards himself against a wooden-legged man,--a white man, mark you, for he mistakes a white tradesman for him, and actually fires a pistol at him.Now, only one whiteman'snameisonthechart.TheothersareHindoosor Mohammedans.There is no other white man.Therefore we may say with confidence that the wooden-legged man is identical with JonathanSmall.Does the reasoning strike yo as being faulty?" "No:it is clear and concise.""Well, now, let us put ourselves in the place of Jonathan Small.Let us look at it from his point of view.He comes to England with the double idea of regaining what he would consider to be his rights and of having his revenge upon the man who had wronged him.He found out where Sholto lived, and very possibly he established communications with some one inside the house.There is this butler, Lal Rao, whom we have not seen.Mrs.Bernstone gives him far from a good character.Small could not find out, however, where the treasure was hid, for no one ever knew, save the major and one faithful servant who had died.Suddenly Small learns that the major is on his death-bed.In a frenzy lest the secret of the treasure die with him, he runs the gauntlet of the guards, makes his way to the dying man's window, and is only deterred from entering by the presence of his two sons.Mad with hate, however, against the dead man, he enters the room that night, searches his private papers in the hope of discovering some memorandum relating to the treasure, and finally leaves a momento of his visit in the short inscription upon the card.He had doubtless planned beforehand that should he slay the major he would leave some such record upon the body as a sign that it was not a common murder, but, from the point of view of the four associates, something in the nature of an act of justice.Whimsical and bizarre conceits of this kind are common enough in the annals of crime, and usually afford valuable indications as to the criminal.Do you follow all this?""Very clearly."

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