

I fell ill. It must have been some time in April, but I kept no count of days. Nobody came near me, nobody knew of me. I occupied a room at the top of a huge block of workmen's dwellings. A woman who kept a second-hand store had lent me for a shilling a week a few articles of furniture. Lying upon my chair-bedstead, I listened to the shrill sounds around me, that through the light and darkness never ceased. A pint of milk, left each morning on the stone landing, kept me alive.

I would wait for the man's descending footsteps, then crawl to the door. I hoped I was going to die, regretting my returning strength, the desire for food that drove me out into the streets again.

One night, a week or two after my partial recovery, I had wandered on and on for hour after hour. The breaking dawn recalled me to myself.

I was outside the palings of a park. In the faint shadowy light it looked strange and unfamiliar. I was too tired to walk further. I scrambled over the low wooden fencing, and reaching a seat, dropped down and fell asleep.

I was sitting in a sunny avenue; birds were singing joyously, bright flowers were all around me. Norah was beside me, her frank, sweet eyes were looking into mine; they were full of tenderness, mingled with wonder. It was a delightful dream: I felt myself smiling.

Suddenly I started to my feet. Norah's strong hand drew me down again.

I was in the broad walk, Regent's Park, where, I remembered, Norah often walked before breakfast. A park-keeper, the only other human creature within sight, was eyeing me suspiciously. I saw myself--without a looking-glass--unkempt, ragged. My intention was to run, but Norah was holding me by the arm. Savagely I tried to shake her off. I was weak from my recent illness, and, I suppose, half starved; it angered me to learn she was the stronger of the two. In spite of my efforts, she dragged me back.

Ashamed of my weakness, ashamed of everything about me, I burst into tears; and that of course made me still more ashamed. To add to my discomfort, I had no handkerchief. Holding me with one hand--it was quite sufficient--Norah produced her own, and wiped my eyes. The park-keeper, satisfied, I suppose, that at all events I was not dangerous, with a grin passed on.

"Where have you been, and what have you been doing?" asked Norah. She still retained her grip upon me, and in her grey eyes was quiet determination.

So, with my face turned away from her, I told her the whole miserable story, taking strange satisfaction in exaggerating, if anything, my own share of the disgrace. My recital ended, I sat staring down the long, shadow-freckled way, and for awhile there was no sound but the chirping of the sparrows.

Then behind me I beard a smothered laugh. It was impossible to imagine it could come from Norah. I turned quickly to see who had stolen upon us. It was Norah who was laughing; though to do her justice she was trying to suppress it, holding her handkerchief to her face. It was of no use, it would out; she abandoned the struggle, and gave way to it. It astonished the sparrows into silence; they stood in a row upon the low iron border and looked at one another.

"I am glad you think it funny," I said.

"But it is funny," she persisted. "Don't say you have lost your sense of humour, Paul; it was the one real thing you possessed. You were so cocky--you don't know how cocky you were! Everybody was a fool but Vane; nobody else but he appreciated you at your true worth. You and he between you were going to reform the stage, to educate the public, to put everything and everybody to rights. I am awfully sorry for all you've gone through; but now that it is over, can't you see yourself that it is funny?"

  • 正源略集


  • 和东观群贤七夕临泛


  • 平番始末


  • 孔子编年


  • 清微元降大法


  • 大闸蟹


  • 上山


  • 妃同寻常之将军请入瓮


    宁七月乃是南昔国丞相之女,在她十五岁那年,被皇上冠上了“水性杨花”的名头,发配到了边疆阎亦千是南昔国骁勇善战、大名鼎鼎的将军,被百姓尊称为战王。传说他冷酷无情、杀人不眨眼,丰伟的事迹、战功却是数不胜数。谁知他背后的心酸宁七月被分配给了阎亦千。当年前丞相苏亦被陷害叛国,全家被诛,皇上把他发配到了边疆,怎料成为了阎亦千的师傅。世人称赞皇帝善良,怎知背后的荒诞。师傅遗诏仍写到对不起老友,没把七月一家子照顾好,这是他的心结。于是,阎亦千将宁七月收作贴身侍卫,传授她武功、知识、兵法……是谁先迷了谁的眼,乱了谁的心?* “我后悔了。”暗哑的嗓音入耳。宁七月很懵,后悔?QAQ后悔什么?不待她想清楚,下一秒,一个天旋地转,她趴在了阎亦千的身上。“唔!”一抹温热覆上了她的唇。七月脑中一片空白,却又似轰然炸开。阎亦千竟然亲……亲她了?就几秒简单的碰触,阎亦千放开了她,薄唇凑到了她的耳边,开口:“宁七月,本不想这么早暴露我的心,没曾想计划永远赶不上变化。”
  • 青锋不斩


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  • 木槿花


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