

I had a woman under my hands only a little while ago. I could have cured her easily. Why she got worse every day instead of better I could not understand. Then by accident learned the truth: instead of helping me she was doing all she could to kill herself. 'I must, Doctor,' she cried. 'I must. I have promised. If I get well he will only leave me, and if I die now he has sworn to be good to the children.' Here, I tell you, they live--think their thoughts, work their will, kill those they hate, die for those they love; savages if you like, but savage men and women, not bloodless dolls."

"I prefer the dolls," concluded Dr. Florret.

"I admit they are pretty," answered Washburn.

"I remember," said my father, "the first masked ball I ever went to when I was a student in Paris. It struck me just as you say, Hal; everybody was so exactly alike. I was glad to get out into the street and see faces."

"But I thought they always unmasked at midnight," said the second Mrs.

Teidelmann in her soft, languid tones.

"I did not wait," explained my father.

"That was a pity," she replied. "I should have been interested to see what they were like, underneath."

"I might have been disappointed," answered my father. "I agree with Dr. Florret that sometimes the mask is an improvement."

Barbara was right. She was a beautiful woman, with a face that would have been singularly winning if one could have avoided the hard cold eyes ever restless behind the half-closed lids.

Always she was very kind to me. Moreover, since the disappearance of Cissy she was the first to bestow again upon me a good opinion of my small self. My mother praised me when I was good, which to her was the one thing needful; but few of us, I fear, child or grown-up, take much pride in our solid virtues, finding them generally hindrances to our desires: like the oyster's pearl, of more comfort to the world than to ourselves. If others there were who admired me, very guardedly must they have kept the secret I would so gladly have shared with them. But this new friend of ours--or had I not better at once say enemy--made me feel when in her presence a person of importance.

How it was accomplished I cannot explain. No word of flattery nor even of mere approval ever passed her lips. Her charm to me was not that she admired me, but that she led me by some mysterious process to admire myself.

And yet in spite of this and many lesser kindnesses she showed to me, I never really liked her; but rather feared her, dreading always the sudden raising of those ever half-closed eyelids.

She sat next to my father at the corner of the table, her chin resting on her long white hands, her sweet lips parted, and as often as his eyes were turned away from her, her soft low voice would draw them back again. Once she laid her hand on his, laughing the while at some light jest of his, and I saw that he flushed; and following his quick glance, saw that my mother's eyes were watching also.

I have spoken of my father only as he then appeared to me, a child--an older chum with many lines about his mobile mouth, the tumbled hair edged round with grey; but looking back with older eyes, I see him a slightly stooping, yet still tall and graceful man, with the face of a poet--the face I mean a poet ought to possess but rarely does, nature apparently abhorring the obvious--with the shy eyes of a boy, and a voice tender as a woman's. Never the dingiest little drab that entered the kitchen but adored him, speaking always of "the master" in tones of fond proprietorship, for to the most slatternly his "orders" had ever the air of requests for favours. Women, I so often read, can care for only masterful men. But may there not be variety in women as in other species? Or perhaps--if the suggestion be not over-daring--the many writers, deeming themselves authorities upon this subject of woman, may in this one particular have erred? I only know my father spoke to few women whose eyes did not brighten. Yet hardly should I call him a masterful man.

"I think it's all right," whispered Hasluck to my father in the passage--they were the last to go. "What does she think of it, eh?"

"I think she'll be with us," answered my father.

"Nothing like food for bringing people together," said Hasluck.


The door closed, but Something had crept into the house. It stood between my father and mother. It followed them silently up the narrow creaking stairs.

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  • 佛说父母恩难报经


  • Confidence


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    咸鱼突然翻身,翻进了宫。什么?什么婚约,什么帝王......我不要待在这里!男人都是大猪蹄子...拖她上战场打仗,下河沟玩泥巴,去山上抓鸡,去山下吃豆腐脑...你可是帝王啊!千万不要跟我纠缠不清,不就是政治联姻吗?我嫁!我嫁!...嫁了之后呢?他一下子对她百般讨好,乖的不像话。你要吃鸡我帮你抓,你要豆腐脑我给你做,但前提是你要给我做桂花羹...... 赠之以白芍,雪夜探红梅....... “若你愿做我一个人的妃子...” 月夜,二人长相厮守,她心无旁骛。 “杀戮是无止境的,只有我能保你安好...” 上战场前,他将她搂之于怀,也许是最后的告诫。 “何为柔肠百转?何为牵肠挂肚?” 阴雨绵绵,他当着别的妃子的面,怒问虞沁。 …… 江绾到后来才明白,她爱他。傻子!他把人给了自己,她为他做一辈子的桂花羹。 不知过了多久,她才知道所有的前因后果。 她不惜为了他再上战场,犯错后,却又不惜将自己送上断头台。 即便犯下再大的错,也不会让你离开。 江绾对他,又爱,又恨。 爱他的撕心裂肺,恨他的痛彻心扉。 下雪了。“绾儿,再给我做一碗桂花羹吧。” 只为爱的女人笑,只为爱的女人敞开怀抱。
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    这是一次最深的潜伏。军事重镇米粮城一夜之间失去了主心骨——手握 十万大军、足智多谋的屠老爷子突然被暗杀了。面对日军猖狂的铁蹄即将踏 至,屠少帅是战是守关系到整个华北地区的命运。独立团当家人沈猛子和野 性十足的女匪刘米儿共饮狼血酒,把目标牢牢锁定神秘地点“十八洞”,这 让屠少帅心惊不已。 如果没有了退路,人们是……
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