It passed, and we sank into a grim city of hoarse, roaring streets, wherein the endless throngs swirled and surged as I had seen the yellow waters curve and fret, contending, where the river pauses, rock-bound. Here were no bright costumes, no bright faces, none stayed to greet another; all was stern, and swift, and voiceless.
London, then, said I to myself, is the city of the giants. They must live in these towering castles side by side, and these hurrying thousands are their driven slaves.
But this passed also, and we sank lower yet until we reached a third city, where a pale mist filled each sombre street. None of the beautiful things of the world were to be seen here, but only the things coarse and ugly. And wearily to and fro its sunless passages trudged with heavy steps a weary people, coarse-clad, and with dull, listless faces. And London, I knew, was the city of the gnomes who labour sadly all their lives, imprisoned underground; and a terror seized me lest I, too, should remain chained here, deep down below the fairy city that was already but a dream.
We stopped at last in a long, unfinished street. I remember our pushing our way through a group of dirty urchins, all of whom, my aunt remarked in passing, ought to be skinned. It was my aunt's one prescription for all to whom she took objection; but really in the present instance I think it would have been of service; nothing else whatever could have restored them to cleanliness. Then the door closed behind us with an echoing clang, and the small, cold rooms came forward stiffly to greet us.
The man in grey went to the one window and drew back the curtain; it was growing dusk now. My aunt sat on a straight, hard chair and stared fixedly at the three-armed gaselier. My mother stood in the centre of the room with one small ungloved hand upon the table, and I noticed--for I was very near--that the poor little one-legged thing was trembling.
"Of course it's not what you've been accustomed to, Maggie," said the man in grey; "but it's only for a little while."
He spoke in a new, angry voice; but I could not see his face, his back being to the light.
My mother drew his arms around us both.
"It is the best home in all the world," she said; and thus we stayed for awhile.
"Nonsense," said my aunt, suddenly; and this aroused us; "it's a poky hole, as I told her it would be. Let her thank the Lord she's got a man clever enough to get her out of it. I know him; he never could rest where he was put. Now he's at the bottom; he'll go up."
It sounded to me a very disagreeable speech; but the grey man laughed--I had not heard him laugh till then--and my mother ran to my aunt and kissed her; and somehow the room seemed to become lighter.
For some reason I slept downstairs that night, on the floor, behind a screen improvised out of a clothes horse and a blanket; and later in the evening the clatter of knives and forks and the sound of subdued voices awoke me. My aunt had apparently gone to bed; my mother and the man in grey were talking together over their supper.
"We must buy land," said the voice of the grey man; "London is coming this way. The Somebodies" (I forget the name my father mentioned)
"made all their money by buying up land round New York for a mere song. Then, as the city spread, they became worth millions."
"But where will you get the money from, Luke?" asked the voice of my mother.
The voice of the grey man answered airily:
"Oh, that's merely a matter of business. You grant a mortgage. The property goes up in value. You borrow more. Then you buy more--and so on."
"I see," said my mother.
"Being on the spot gives one such an advantage," said the grey man.
"I shall know just when to buy. It's a great thing, being on the spot."
"Of course, it must be," said my mother.
I suppose I must have dozed, for the next words I heard the grey man say were:
"Of course you have the park opposite, but then the house is small."
"But shall we need a very large one?" asked my mother.
"One never knows," said the grey man. "If I should go into Parliament--"
At this point a hissing sound arose from the neighbourhood of the fire.
"It _looks_," said my mother, "as if it were done."
"If you will hold the dish," said the grey man, "I think I can pour it in without spilling."
Again I must have dozed.
"It depends," said the grey man, "upon what he is going to be. For the classics, of course, Oxford."
"He's going to be very clever," said my mother. She spoke as one who knows.
"We'll hope so," said the grey man.
"I shouldn't be surprised," said my mother, "if he turned out a poet."
The grey man said something in a low tone that I did not hear.
"I'm not so sure," answered my mother, "it's in the blood. I've often thought that you, Luke, ought to have been a poet."
"I never had the time," said the grey man. "There were one or two little things--"
"They were very beautiful," interrupted my mother. The clatter of the knives and forks continued undisturbed for a few moments. Then continued the grey man:
"There would be no harm, provided I made enough. It's the law of nature. One generation earns, the next spends. We must see. In any case, I think I should prefer Oxford for him."
"It will be so hard parting from him," said my mother.
"There will be the vacations," said the grey man, "when we shall travel."