

This was the beginning of a busy period,especially for poor Uncle John,who had many details to attend to personally.The next morning the electricians arrived and began stringingb the power cables from the paper mill to the newspaper of?ce.This rendered it necessary for Mr.Merrick to make a trip to Royal,to complete his arrangement with Mr.Skeelty,the manager.He drove over with Arthur Weldon,in the buggy—four miles of hill climbing,over rough cobble—stones,into the pine forest.

Arriving there,the visitors were astonished at theextent of the plant so recently established in this practically unknown district.The great mill,where the wood pulp was made,was a building constructed from pine slabs and cobblestones,material gathered from the clearing in whichit stood,but it was quite substantial and roomy.Adjoining the mill was the factory building where the pulp was rolled into print paper.Surrounding these huge buildings were some sixty small dwellings of the bungalowa type,for the use of the workmen,built of rough boards,but neat and uniform in appearance.Almost in the center of this group stood theextensive storehouse from which all necessary supplies were furnished the mill hands,the cost being deducted from their wages.The electric power plant was a building at the edge of Royal Waterfall,the low and persistent roar of which was scarcely drowned by the rumbleb of machinery.Finally,at the edge of the clearing nearest the mills,stood the business office,and to this place Mr.Merrick and Arthur at once proceeded.

They found the office a busy place.Three or four typewriters were clicking away,operated by sallow—faced girls,and behind a tall desk were two bookkeepers,in one of whom Uncle John recognized—with mild surprise—the tramp he had encountered at Chazy Junction on the morning of his arrival.The young fellow had improved in appearance,having discarded his frayed gray suit for one of plain brown khakic,such as many of the workmen wore,a supply being carried by the company's store.He was clean—shaven and trim,and agentlemanly bearing had replaced the careless,half defianta attitude of the former hobo.It was evident he remembered meeting Mr.Merrick,for he smiled and returned the"nabob's"nod.

Mr.Skeelty had a private enclosed of?ce in a corner of the room.Being admitted to this sanctum,the visitors found the manager to be a small,puffy individual about forty—?ve years of age,with shrewd,beadlikeb black eyes and an insolent assumption of super—importance.Skeelty interrupted his taskof running up columns of impressive ?gures to ask his callers to be seated,and opened the interview with characteristic abruptness.

"You're Merrick,eh?I remember.You want to buypower,and we have it to sell.How much will you contract to take?""I don't know just how much we need,"answered Uncle John."We want enough to run a newspaper plant at Millville,and will pay for whatever we use.I've ordered a meter,as you asked me to do,and my men are now stringing the cables to make the connection.""Pah !a newspaper.How absurd,"said Mr.Skeelty with scornfulc emphasis."Your name,Merrick,is not unknown to me.It stands for financial success,I understand;but I'll bet you never made your money doing such fool things asestablishing newspapers in graveyards."Uncle John looked at the man attentively.

"I shall refrain froma criticising your conduct of this mill,Mr.Skeelty,"he quietly observed,"nor shall I dictate what you may do with your money—provided you succeed in making any."The manager smiled broadly,as if the retort pleased him.

"Give an'take,sir;that's my motto,"he said."But you prefer to take ?""I do,"was the cheerful reply."I'll take your paper,for instance—if it isn't too high priced.""In case it is,we will present you with a subion,"said Uncle John."But that reminds me:as a part of our bargain I want you to allow my nieces,or any representative of the Millville Tribune,to take subions among your workmen."Mr.Skeelty stared at him a moment.Then he laughed."They're mostly foreigners,Mr.Merrick,who haven'tyet fully mastered the English language.But,"he added,thoughtfully,"a few among them might subscribe,if your country sheet contains any news of interest at all.This is rather a lonely place for my men and they get dissatisfied at times.All workmen seem chronically dissatisfied,and their women constantly urge them to rebellion.Already there are grumblingsb,and they claim they're buried alive in thisforlorna forest.Don't appreciate the advantages of country life,you see,and I've an idea they'll begin to desert,pretty soon.Really,a live newspaper might do them good—especially if you print a little socialistic drivel now and then."Again he devoted a moment to thought,and then continued:"Tell you what I'll do,sir;I'll solicitb the subions myself,and deduct the price from the men's wages,as I do the cost of their other supplies.But the Company gets a commission for that,of course.""It's a penny paper,"said Uncle John."The subion is only thirty cents a month.""Delivered?""I suppose so.""Well,I'll pay you twenty cents,and keep the balance for commission.That's fair enough.""Very well,Mr.Skeelty.We're after subions morethan money,just now.Get all you can,at that rate."After signing a contract for the supply of electrical power,whereby he was outrageouslyc robbed but the supply was guaranteed,Mr.Merrick and Arthur returned to the farm.

"That man,"said Louise's young husband,referring to the manager of the paper mill,"is an unmitigateddscoundrele,sir.""I won't deny it,"replied Mr.Merrick."It occurs to me heis hiring those poor workmen at low wages and making a pro?t on all their living necessities,which he reserves the right of supplying from his own store.No wonder the poor fellows get dissatis?ed."

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