


Uncle John always traveled comfortably and even luxuriously,but without ostentation.Such conveniences as were offered the general public he indulged in,but no one would suspect him of being a multi—millionaire who might have ordered a special train of private cars had the inclination seized him.A modest little man,who had made an enormousfortune in the far Northwest—almost before he realized it—John Merrick had never allowed the possession of money to deprive him of his simple tastes or to alter his kindly nature.He loved to be of the people and to mingle with his fellows on an equal footing,and nothing distressed him more than to be recognized by some one as the great New York ?nancier.It is true that he had practically retired from business,but his huge fortune was invested in so many channels that his name remained prominent among men of affairs and this notorietya he was unable wholly to escape.

The trip to California was a delight because none of his fellow passengers knew his identity.During the three days'jaunt from Chicago to Los Angeles he was recognized only as an engaging little man who was conducting a party ofthree charming girls,as well as a sedateb,soldierly oldgentleman,into the sunny Southland for a winter's recreation.

Of these three girls we already know Patsy Doyle and Beth DeGraf,but Mildred Travers remains to be introduced.The trained nurse whom Beth had secured was tall and slight,with a sweet face,a gentle expression and eyes so calm and deep that a stranger found it disconcerting to gaze within them.Beth herself had similar eyes—big and fathomless—yet they were so expressive as to allure and bewitcha the beholder,while Mildred Travers'eyes repelledb one as being masked—as concealing some well guarded secret.Both the major and Uncle John had felt this and it made the latter somewhat uneasy when he re?ected that he was taking this girl to be the trusted nurse of Louise's precious baby.He questioned Beth closely concerning Mildred and his niece declared that no kindlier,more sympathetic or more skillful nurse was ever granted a diploma.Of Mildred's history she was ignorant,except that the girl had con?ded to her the story of her struggles to obtain recognition and to get remunerativec work after graduatingfrom the training school.

"Once,you know,"explained Beth,"trained nurses were in such demand that none were ever idle;but the training schools have been turning them out in such vast numbers that only those with family in?uence are now sure of work.Mildred is by instinct helpful and sympathetic—a natural born nurse,Uncle John—but because she was practically a stranger in New York she was forced to do charity and hospital work,and that is how I became acquainted with her.""She seems to bear out your endorsement,except for hereyes,"said Uncle John."I—I don't like—her eyes.They're hard.At times they seem vengeful and cruel,like tigers'eyes.""Oh,you wrong Mildred,I'm sure!"exclaimed Beth,and Uncle John reluctantly accepted her verdict.On the journey Miss Travers appeared well bred and cultured,conversing easily and intelligently on a variety of subjects,yet always exhibiting a reserve,as if she held herself to be one apart from the others.Indeed,the girl proved so agreeable a companion that Mr.Merrick's misgivings gradually subsideda.Even the major,still suspicious and doubtful,admitted that Mildred was "quite a superior person."Louise had been notified by telegraph of the coming of her relatives,but they had withheld from her the fact that they were bringing a "proper"nurse to care for the Weldon baby.The party rested a day in Los Angeles and then journeyed on to Escondido,near which town the Weldon ranch was located.

Louise and Arthur were both at the station with their big seven—passenger touring car.The young mother was promptly smothered in embraces by Patsy and Beth,but when she emerged from this ordeal to be hugged and kissed by Uncle John,that observing little gentleman decided that she looked exactly as girlish and lovely as on her wedding day.

This eldest niece was,in fact,only twenty years ofage—quite too young to be a wife and mother.She was of that feminine type which matures slowly and seems to bear themark of perpetual youth.Mrs.Weldon's slight,willowy form was still almost childlike in its lines,and the sunny,happy smile upon her face seemed that of a school—maid.

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