
第17章 MAUKI(4)

Lord Howe has been populated by the westward Polynesian drift which continues to this day, big outrigger canoes being washed upon its beaches by the southeast trade.That there has been a slight Melanesian drift in the period of the northwest monsoon, is also evident.

Nobody ever comes to Lord Howe, or Ontong-Java as it is sometimes called.Thomas Cook & Son do not sell tickets to it, and tourists do not dream of its existence.Not even a white missionary has landed on its shore.Its five thousand natives are as peaceable as they are primitive.Yet they were not always peaceable.The Sailing Directions speak of them as hostile and treacherous.But the men who compile the Sailing Directions have never heard of the change that was worked in the hearts of the inhabitants, who, not many years ago, cut off a big bark and killed all hands with the exception of the second mate.The survivor carried the news to his brothers.The captains of three trading schooners returned withhim to Lord Howe.They sailed their vessels right into the lagoon and proceeded to preach the white man's gospel that only white men shall kill white men and that the lesser breeds must keep hands off.The schooners sailed up and down the lagoon, harrying and destroying.There was no escape from the narrow sand-circle, no bush to which to flee.The men were shot down at sight, and there was no avoiding being sighted.The villages were burned, the canoes smashed, the chickens and pigs killed, and the precious cocoanut trees chopped down.For a month this continued, when the schooner sailed away; but the fear of the white man had been seared into the souls of the islanders and never again were they rash enough to harm one.

Max Bunster was the one white man on Lord Howe, trading in the pay of the ubiquitous Moongleam Soap Company.And the Company billeted him on Lord Howe, because, next to getting rid of him, it was the most out-of-the-way place to be found.That the Company did not get rid of him was due to the difficulty of finding another man to take his place.He was a strapping big German, with something wrong in his brain.Semi-madness would be a charitable statement of his condition.He was a bully and a coward, and a thrice-bigger savage than any savage on the island.

Being a coward, his brutality was of the cowardly order.When he first went into the Company's employ, he was stationed on Savo.When a consumptive colonial was sent to take his place, he beat him up with his fists and sent him off a wreck in the schooner that brought him.

Mr.Haveby next selected a young Yorkshire giant to relieve Bunster.The Yorkshire man had a reputation as a bruiser and preferred fighting to eating.But Bunster wouldn't fight.He was a regular little lamb--for ten days, at the end of which time the Yorkshire man was prostrated by a combined attack of dysentery and fever.Then Bunster went for him, among other things getting him down and jumping on him a score or so of times.Afraid of what would happen when his victim recovered.Bunster fled away in a cutter to Guvutu, where he signalized himself by beating up a young Englishman already crippled by a Boer bullet through both hips.

Then it was that Mr.Haveby sent Bunster to Lord Howe, the falling- off place.He celebrated his landing by mopping up half a case of gin andby thrashing the elderly and wheezy mate of the schooner which had brought him.When the schooner departed, he called the kanakas down to the beach and challenged them to throw him in a wrestling bout, promising a case of tobacco to the one who succeeded.Three kanakas he threw, but was promptly thrown by a fourth, who, instead of receiving the tobacco, got a bullet through his lungs.

And so began Bunster's reign on Lord Howe.Three thousand people lived in the principal village; but it was deserted, even in broad day, when he passed through.Men, women, and children fled before him.Even the dogs and pigs got out of the way, while the king was not above hiding under a mat.The two prime ministers lived in terror of Bunster, who never discussed any moot subject, but struck out with his fists instead.

And to Lord Howe came Mauki, to toil for Bunster for eight long years and a half.There was no escaping from Lord Howe.For better or worse, Bunster and he were tied together.Bunster weighed two hundred pounds.Mauki weighed one hundred and ten.Bunster was a degenerate brute.But Mauki was a primitive savage.While both had wills and ways of their own.

Mauki had no idea of the sort of master he was to work for.He had had no warnings, and he had concluded as a matter of course that Bunster would be like other white men, a drinker of much whiskey, a ruler and a lawgiver who always kept his word and who never struck a boy undeserved.Bunster had the advantage.He knew all about Mauki, and gloated over the coming into possession of him.The last cook was suffering from a broken arm and a dislocated shoulder, so Bunster made Mauki cook and general house-boy.

And Mauki soon learned that there were white men and white men.On the very day the schooner departed he was ordered to buy a chicken from Samisee, the native Tongan missionary.But Samisee had sailed across the lagoon and would not be back for three days.Mauki returned with the information.He climbed the steep stairway (the house stood on piles twelve feet above the sand), and entered the living room to report.The trader demanded the chicken.Mauki opened his mouth to explain the missionary's absence.But Bunster did not care for explanations.He struckout with his fist.The blow caught Mauki on the mouth and lifted him into the air.Clear through the doorway he flew, across the narrow veranda, breaking the top railing, and down to the ground.

His lips were a contused, shapeless mass, and his mouth was full of blood and broken teeth.

"That'll teach you that back talk don't go with me," the trader shouted, purple with rage, peering down at him over the broken railing.

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