

Despite her hard needs, Mrs.Bowse would have faced the chance of losing two boarders rather than have kept Mr.Joseph Hutchinson but for Little Ann.As it was, she kept them both, and in the course of three months the girl was Little Ann to almost every one in the house.

Her normalness took the form of an instinct which amounted to genius for seeing what people ought to have, and in some occult way filling in bare or trying places.

"She's just a wonder, that girl," Mrs.Bowse said to one boarder after another.

"She's just a wonder," Jim Bowles and Julius Steinberger murmured to each other in rueful confidence, as they tilted their chairs against the wall of their hall bedroom and smoked.Each of the shabby and poverty-stricken young men had of course fallen hopelessly in love with her at once.This was merely human and inevitable, but realizing in the course of a few weeks that she was too busy taking care of her irritable, boisterous old Manchester father, and everybody else, to have time to be made love to even by young men who could buy new boots when the old ones had ceased to be water-tight, they were obliged to resign themselves to the, after all, comforting fact that she became a mother to them, not a sister.She mended their socks and sewed buttons on for them with a firm frankness which could not be persuaded into meaning anything more sentimental than a fixed habit of repairing anything which needed it, and which, while at first bewildering in its serenity, ended by reducing the two youths to a dust of devotion.

"She's a wonder, she is," they sighed when at every weekend they found their forlorn and scanty washing resting tidily on their bed.

In the course of a week, more or less, Tembarom's feeling for her would have been exactly that of his two hall-bedroom neighbors, but that his nature, though a practical one, was not inclined to any supine degree of resignation.He was a sensible youth, however, and gave no trouble.Even Joseph Hutchinson, who of course resented furiously any "nonsense" of which his daughter and possession was the object, became sufficiently mollified by his good spirits and ready good nature to refrain from open conversational assault.

"I don't mind that chap as much as I did at first," he admitted reluctantly to Little Ann one evening after a good dinner and a comfortable pipe."He's not such a fool as he looks."Tembarom was given, as Little Ann was, to seeing what people wanted.

He knew when to pass the mustard and other straying condiments.He picked up things which.dropped inconveniently, he did not interrupt the remarks of his elders and betters, and several times when he chanced to be in the hall, and saw Mr.Hutchinson, in irritable, stout Englishman fashion, struggling into his overcoat, he sprang forward with a light, friendly air and helped him.'He did not do it with ostentatious politeness or with the manner of active youth giving generous aid to elderly avoirdupois.He did it as though it occurred to him as a natural result of being on the spot.

It took Mrs.Bowse and her boarding-house less than a week definitely to like him.Every night when he sat down to dinner he brought news with him- news and jokes and new slang.Newspaper-office anecdote and talk gave a journalistic air to the gathering when he was present, and there was novelty in it.Soon every one was intimate with him, and interested in what he was doing.Galton's good-natured patronage of him was a thing to which no one was indifferent.It was felt to be the right thing in the right place.When he came home at night it became the custom to ask him questions as to the bits of luck which befell him.He became " T.T." instead of Mr.Tembarom, except to Joseph Hutchinson and his 'daughter.Hutchinson called him Tembarom, but Little Ann said " Mr.Tembarom " with quaint frequency when she spoke to him.

"Landed anything to-day, T.T.? " some one would ask almost every evening, and the interest in his relation of the day's adventures increased from week to week.Little Ann never asked questions and seldom made comments, but she always listened attentively.She had gathered, and guessed from what she had gathered, a rather definite idea of what his hard young life had been.He did not tell pathetic stories about himself, but he and Jim Bowles and Julius Steinberger had become fast friends, and the genial smoking of cheap tobacco in hall bedrooms tends to frankness of relation, and the various ways in which each had found himself "up against it" in the course of their brief years supplied material for anecdotal talk.

"But it's bound to be easier from now on," he would say."I've got the 'short' down pretty fine - not fine enough to make big money, but enough to hold down a job with Galton.He's mighty good to me.If Iknew more, I believe he'd give me a column to take care of--Up-town Society column perhaps.A fellow named Biker's got it.Twenty per.

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