

"I feel as if I were in a dream," she quavered happily."I do indeed.""But it's a nice one, ain't it? " he answered."I feel as if I was in two.Sitting here in this big room with all these fine things about me, and having afternoon tea with a relation! It just about suits me.

It didn't feel like this yesterday, you bet your life!""Does it seem--nicer than yesterday?" she ventured."Really, Mr.

Temple Barholm?"

"Nicer!" he ejaculated."It's got yesterday beaten to a frazzle."It was beyond all belief.He was speaking as though the advantage, the relief, the happiness, were all on his side.She longed to enlighten him.

"But you can't realize what it is to me," she said gratefully, "to sit here, not terrified and homeless and--a beggar any more, with your kind face before me.Do forgive me for saying it.You have such a kind young face, Mr.Temple Barholm.And to have an easy-chair and cushions, and actually a buffet brought for my feet! " She suddenly recollected herself."Oh, I mustn't let your tea get cold," she added, taking up the tea-pot apologetically."Do you take cream and sugar, and is it to be one lump or two?""I take everything in sight," he replied joyously, "and two lumps, please."She prepared the cup of tea with as delicate a care as though it had been a sacramental chalice, and when she handed it to him she smiled wistfully.

"No one but you ever thought of such a thing as bringing a buffet for my feet--no one except poor little Jem," she said, and her voice was wistful as well as her smile.

She was obviously unaware that she was introducing an entirely new acquaintance to him.Poor little Jem was supposed to be some one whose whole history he knew.

"Jem?" he repeated, carefully transferring a piece of hot buttered crumpet to his plate.

"Jem Temple Barholm," she answered."I say little Jem because Iremember him only as a child.I never saw him after he was eleven years old.""Who was he?" he asked.The tone of her voice, and her manner of speaking made him feel that he wanted to hear something more.

She looked rather startled by his ignorance."Have you-- have you never heard of him?" she inquired.

"No.Is he another distant relation?"

Her hesitation caused him to neglect his crumpet, to look up at her.

He saw at once that she wore the air of a sensitive and beautifully mannered elderly lady who was afraid she had made a mistake and said something awkward.

"I am so sorry," she apologized."Perhaps I ought not to have mentioned him.""Why shouldn't he be mentioned?"

She was embarrassed.She evidently wished she had not spoken, but breeding demanded that she should ignore the awkwardness of the situation, if awkwardness existed.

"Of course--I hope your tea is quite as you like it--of course there is no real reason.But--shall I give you some more cream? No? You see, if he hadn't died, he--he would have inherited Temple Barholm."Now he was interested.This was the other chap.

"Instead of me?" he asked, to make sure.She endeavored not to show embarrassment and told herself it didn't really matter--to a thoroughly nice person.But--"He was the next of kin--before you.I'm so sorry I didn't know you hadn't heard of him.It seemed natural that Mr.Palford should have mentioned him.""He did say that there was a young fellow who had died, but he didn't tell me about him.I guess I didn't ask.There were such a lot of other things.I'd like to hear about him.You say you knew him?""Only when he was a little fellow.Never after he grew up.Something happened which displeased my father.I'm afraid papa was very easily displeased.Mr.Temple Barholm disliked him, too.He would not have him at Temple Barholm.""He hadn't much luck with his folks, had he?" remarked Tembarom.

"He had no luck with any one.I seemed to be the only person who was fond of him, and of course I didn't count.""I bet you counted with him," said Tembarom.

"I do think I did.Both his parents died quite soon after he was born, and people who ought to have cared for him were rather jealous because he stood so near to Temple Barholm.If Mr.Temple Barholm had not been so eccentric and bitter, everything would have been done for him; but as it was, he seemed to belong to no one.When he came to the vicarage it used to make me so happy.He used to call me Aunt Alicia, and he had such pretty ways." She hesitated and looked quite tenderly at the tea-pot, a sort of shyness in her face."I am sure," she burst forth, "I feel quite sure that you will understand and won't think it indelicate; but I had thought so often that I should like to have a little boy--if I had married," she added in hasty tribute to propriety.

Tembarom's eyes rested on her in a thoughtfulness openly touched with affection.He put out his hand and patted hers two or three times in encouraging sympathy.

"Say," he said frankly, "I just believe every woman that's the real thing'd like to have a little boy--or a little girl--or a little something or other.That's why pet cats and dogs have such a cinch of it.And there's men that's the same way.It's sort of nature.""He had such a high spirit and such pretty ways," she said again."One of his pretty ways was remembering to do little things to make one comfortable, like thinking of giving one a cushion or a buffet for one's feet.I noticed it so much because I had never seen boys or men wait upon women.My own dear papa was used to having women wait upon him--bring his slippers, you know, and give him the best chair.He didn't like Jem's ways.He said he liked a boy who was a boy and not an affected nincompoop.He wasn't really quite just." She paused regretfully and sighed as she looked back into a past doubtlessly enriched with many similar memories of "dear papa." "Poor Jem! Poor Jem!" she breathed softly.

Tembarom thought that she must have felt the boy's loss very much, almost as much as though she had really been his mother; perhaps more pathetically because she had not been his mother or anybody's mother.

  • buttered side down

    buttered side down

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  • 邪妃逆天太嚣张


  • 龙翔九界


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    【男主林言,女主风漓】 女扮男装√双强双洁√爽文√宠文√风漓,异界星球万人敬仰的风家家主。再次睁眼,却成为了外人眼中的风家弃少。说她内向阴沉?可那温润笑意撩人于无形。说她靠脸吃饭?可那无双才华却惊艳众人。商业圈?近半的经济股份资料坐拥在手。娱乐圈?当红影帝也要为她让出席位。上流圈?贵族们见了她都要喊声风少。恢复天赋异能,制造幻境,控制空间。当某漓的小马甲被某位大爷发现之后, 某男:(冷眸微眯)原来你是女的? 某漓:(微微一笑,面庞妖孽)是又怎样? 某男:(拥她入怀)以后待在我身边,每一天。
  • 猎杀诸神之人


  • 鬼话


    警笛声打破了这个依河而建的小村庄的宁静。紧靠河堤的一座砖包皮的四间老房前,聚集了这个三百多口人的小侯村中的一半人。人们交头接耳,议论纷纷。“这小子也该死!赌博不算,还经常把媳妇打得死去活来,只可怜他那受罪的媳妇竟和他一起去了。”一位头发有些花白的老人小声说。声音虽小,但却引起在场不少人的共鸣,纷纷点头:“还有那可怜的孩子,平常就可怜兮兮的,现在才十二岁就成了孤儿。” “哎!苏二叔,你可是苏田不远的兄弟,以后,他的孩子就全依靠你了。”
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  • 菊与刀


  • 长大不是一个人的事情


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