
第86章 IV(5)

say, we will see. Another glass of wine? The capital doesn't concern me one atom; pay or don't pay, I sha'n't make faces at you. I'm only in the business for a commission on the sales, and for a share when the lands are converted into money; and it's for that I manage the owners. Don't you understand? You have got solid men behind you, so I'm not afraid, my good sir. Nowadays, business is all parcelled out in portions. A single enterprise requires a combination of capacities.

Go in with us; don't potter with pomatum and perfumes,--rubbish!

rubbish! Shave the public; speculate!"

"Speculation!" said Cesar, "is that commerce?"

"It is abstract commerce," said Claparon,--"commerce which won't be developed for ten years to come, according to Nucingen, the Napoleon of finance; commerce by which a man can grasp the totality of fractions, and skim the profits before there are any. Gigantic idea!

one way of pouring hope into pint cups,--in short, a new necromancy!

So far, we have only got ten or a dozen hard heads initiated into the cabalistic secrets of these magnificent combinations."

Cesar opened his eyes and ears, endeavoring to understand this composite phraseology.

"Listen," said Claparon, after a pause. "Such master-strokes need men.

There's the man of genius who hasn't a sou--like all men of genius.

Those fellows spend their thoughts and spend their money just as it comes. Imagine a pig rooting round a truffle-patch; he is followed by a jolly fellow, a moneyed man, who listens for the grunt as piggy finds the succulent. Now, when the man of genius has found a good thing, the moneyed man taps him on the shoulder and says, 'What have you got there? You are rushing into the fiery furnace, my good fellow, and you haven't the loins to run out again. There's a thousand francs;

just let me take it in hand and manage the affair.' Very good! The banker then convokes the traders: 'My friends, let us go to work:

write a prospectus! Down with humbug!' On that they get out the hunting-horns and shout and clamor,--'One hundred thousand francs for five sous! or five sous for a hundred thousand francs! gold mines!

coal mines!' In short, all the clap-trap of commerce. We buy up men of arts and sciences; the show begins, the public enters; it gets its money's worth, and we get the profits. The pig is penned up with his potatoes, and the rest of us wallow in banknotes. There it all is, my good sir. Come, go into the business with us. What would you like to be,--pig, buzzard, clown, or millionaire? Reflect upon it; I have now laid before you the whole theory of the modern loan-system. Come and see me often; you'll always find me a jovial, jolly fellow. French joviality--gaiety and gravity, all in one--never injures business;

quite the contrary. Men who quaff the sparkling cup are born to understand each other. Come, another glass of champagne! it is good, I

tell you! It was sent to me from Epernay itself, by a man for whom I

once sold quantities at a good price--I used to be in wines. He shows his gratitude, and remembers me in my prosperity; very rare, that."

Birotteau, overcome by the frivolity and heedlessness of a man to whom the world attributed extreme depth and capacity, dared not question him any further. In the midst of his own haziness of mind produced by the champagne, he did, however, recollect a name spoken by du Tillet;

and he asked Claparon who Gobseck the banker was, and where he lived.

"Have you got as far as that?" said Claparon. "Gobseck is a banker, just as the headsman is a doctor. The first word is 'fifty per cent';

he belongs to the race of Harpagon; he'll take canary birds at all seasons, fur tippets in summer, nankeens in winter. What securities are you going to offer him? If you want him to take your paper without security you will have to deposit your wife, your daughter, your umbrella, everything down to your hat-box, your socks (don't you go in for ribbed socks?), your shovel and tongs, and the very wood you've got in the cellar! Gobseck! Gobseck! in the name of virtuous folly, who told you to go to that commercial guillotine?"

"Monsieur du Tillet."

"Ah! the scoundrel, I recognize him! We used to be friends. If we have quarrelled so that we don't speak to each other, you may depend upon it my aversion to him is well-founded; he let me read down to the bottom of his infamous soul, and he made me uncomfortable at that beautiful ball you gave us. I can't stand his impudent airs--all because he has got a notary's wife! I could have countesses if I

wanted them; I sha'n't respect him any the more for that. Ah! my respect is a princess who'll never give birth to such as he. But, I

say, you are a funny fellow, old man, to flash us a ball like that, and two months after try to renew your paper! You seem to have some go in you. Let's do business together. You have got a reputation which would be very useful to me. Oh! du Tillet was born to understand Gobseck. Du Tillet will come to a bad end at the Bourse. If he is, as they say, the tool of old Gobseck, he won't be allowed to go far.

Gobseck sits in a corner of his web like an old spider who has travelled round the world. Sooner or later, ztit! the usurer will toss him off as I do this glass of wine. So much the better! Du Tillet has played me a trick--oh! a damnable trick."

At the end of an hour and a half spend in just such senseless chatter, Birotteau attempted to get away, seeing that the late commercial traveller was about to relate the adventure of a republican deputy of Marseilles, in love with a certain actress then playing the part of la belle Arsene, who, on one occasion, was hissed by a royalist crowd in the pit.

"He stood up in his box," said Claparon, "and shouted: 'Arrest whoever hissed her! Eugh! If it's a woman, I'll kiss her; if it's a man, we'll see about it; if it's neither the one nor the other, may God's lightning blast it!' Guess how it ended."

"Adieu, monsieur," said Birotteau.

  • 佛说大方等顶王经


  • 花底拾遗


  • 文苑诗格


  • 佛说一切智光明仙人慈心因缘不食肉经


  • 天隐子


  • 天欲明


  • 喜欢谁由不得你


  • 佛说咒齿经


  • 告诉你一个林肯的故事


  • 冷玥华歌


  • 性格决定做人


    俗话说: “江山易改,秉性难移。”性格有与生俱来的部分,也有后天的因素,而后天因素是相当重要的。环境之于人性格的作用是双重的,既可以磨炼改变一种性格,又可以促成和加重另外一种性格。因此,一个人对另一个人的做人方式是很难把握的。而每个人的性格又并非单一,也许正因为如此,人生才会充满大起大落、悲欢离合。诚然,每种性格都有优点和缺点,但并不是好与不好的问题,如何扬长避短要靠每个人的意志,靠自觉调节的能力。抑制冲动的能力是可以锻炼出来的。一个善于抑制冲动的人,对自己人际关系处理的好坏有很大的影响,本书收集了一些名人事例,以供参考借鉴。
  • 民国文事(格致文库)


  • 无上超级至尊系统


  • 旧梦如烟


  • 品三国 论管理

    品三国 论管理
