carry out2(及物,不可分)执行
There is some difficulty in carrying out the plan.执行这项计划,有些困难。
Eley listened attentively to and carried out her father's earnest teachings.埃利专心听她爸爸的谆谆教诲并遵照执行。
We are determined to carry out the order to the letter.我们决心不折不扣地执行命令。
carry over1(及物,不可分)储存(商品供日后销售)
Businessmen always carry over some merchandise from one year to the next.商人总是保留一些商品到下一年去卖。
The store has some swimming suits carried over from last year.这家商店有去年贮存下来的一些游泳衣。
carry over2(不及物)留下
My interest in dancing carries over from my youth.我从青年时代起就爱好跳舞。
I'll carry over to see the end of the game.我要留下来看比赛结果。
When the others had gone,Joyce carried over and put back the furniture.其他的人走了之后,乔伊斯留下来并把家具放回原处。
carry through(及物,可分)实现
We have enough energy to carry through the experiment.我们有足够的精力完成这项实验。
I carried through the research work within 2years.我在两年之内完成了这项研究工作。
In spite of difficulties he carried the project through.他不顾种种困难完成了这项计划。
The lofty ideal of communism will be carried through in the end.共产主义的伟大理想终究要实现。
The help of her friends carried her through.朋友们的帮助使她渡过了难关。
Provided you take some antiphlogistic now,they will carry you through this evening.你如果现在服一些消炎剂,今晚就不会难受了。
cash in(及物,可分)兑现
When Kaufert cashed in bonds,he received five thousand pounds.当考弗特把他的债券兑成现款时,他得到了5000英镑。
I paid off my debts by cashing in some debentures.我将一些债券兑成现款还清了我所欠的债。
Tom cashed some of his stocks in three days ago.三天以前汤姆把他的一些股票兑现了。
cash in on(及物,不可分)利用
The enemy cashed in on the heavy fog to withdraw.敌军趁大雾撤退了。
May we cash in on the sunny day and go for an outing?我们可以趁此晴朗天气出去郊游吗?
cast about for(及物,不可分)搜寻
The old lady is casting about for her eyeglasses.老太太正在到处找她的眼镜。
The Browns have been casting about for a summer resort.布朗一家一直在寻找一个避暑胜地。
She came to this city and cast about for a job.她来本市到处找工作。
cast down(及物,不可分)使灰心
She was cast down by her son's being imprisoned.她儿子坐牢使她很沮丧。
The boy has been cast down since he lost his bike.这男孩自从丢了自行车后,一直感到沮丧。
He was cast down for he had not been admitted into the university.他对没能被大学录取感到灰心失望。
catch at(及物,不可分)抓住
A drowning man will catch at a straw.(谚语)快淹死的人连一根稻草也想抓住。
He will catch at any opportunity of making a fortune.他想抓住任何一个发财的机会。
The falling man caught at a branch and clung to it.那跌落的人抓住一根树枝,紧抱不放。
catch on(不及物)懂得
He caught on after I had expounded it to him again.我再次向他解释后,他就理解了。
Please give further explanations for I don't quite catch on.请再解释一下,我还不大明白。
catch on to(及物,不可分)懂得
We caught on to the rules of the game quickly.我们很快懂得了运动规则。
I don't catch on to why you did that sort of thing.我不明白你为什么做那种事。
The policeman told the suspect to confess his crimes several times in order to catch him out.警察几次叫犯罪嫌疑人交代罪行,希望从中找出破绽。
The suspect was caught out by the policeman's clever questions.犯罪嫌疑人的罪行被警察巧妙地盘问出来了。
catch up(不及物)赶上
My knowledge falls behind;I am trying to catch up.我的知识落后了,我正在努力赶上去。
Walk on ahead of me.I'll catch up.你先走一步,我这就赶上来。
catch up with(及物,不可分)赶上
Walk on ahead;I'll catch up with you in a few minutes.你先走好了,我一会儿就能赶上你。
We'll catch up with the developed countries in the near future.我们会在不久的将来赶上发达国家。
Although you've been ill long,you must still catch up with your classmates.虽然你病了很久,你还是必须赶上你班上的同学。
cave in1(不及物)塌陷
The bridge nearly caved in under the pressure of the two rollers.两台压路机几乎压塌了这座桥。
The roof of the old house caved in under the weight of snow.这老房子的屋顶被积雪压塌了。
cave in2(及物,可分)使塌陷
The heavy rain caved in the roof.大雨冲塌了屋顶。
The weight of snow caved the roof in.积雪压塌了屋顶。
The wall was caved in by the floods.墙被洪水冲塌了。
change over(不及物)改变
By midnight the rain changed over to snow.午夜时分,雨变成了雪。
That country's economy is changing over for the better.那个国家的经济正在好转。
I generally drank milk at supper and I've changed over to soybean milk.过去我晚餐时通常喝牛奶,现在已改为喝豆浆。
China has changed over from poverty and back-wardness to a socialist country with the beginnings of prosperity.贫穷落后的旧中国已经变成初步繁荣昌盛的社会主义国家。
chat up(及物,可分)跟…搭讪
Tone likes to chat up pretty girls.托恩喜欢跟漂亮女孩拉扯闲谈。
Who was that young lady you were chatting up at the New Year evening party?在新年晚会上你跟一位年轻女士攀谈,她是谁?
Janet was being chatted up by a smiling and grimacing youngster when I entered the lobby.我一进剧院的门厅,就撞见一个嬉皮笑脸的小伙子正在跟珍妮特搭讪。
check in(不及物)(到达旅馆等后)登记
When you reach the hotel,you should check in at once.当你到旅馆住宿时,应马上登记。
Every student has to check in at the university by ten o'clock.所有大学生都必须在10点前到大学签到。
The new students have started checking in.新生已开始报到。
check out(不及物)离开旅馆等前结账
I wished our guest to stay till the end of the next week,but he had decided to check out before Tuesday.我希望客人呆到下周末,但他已决定在星期二以前结账后离开。
We checked out at the hospital and drove to the airport.我们办了出院手续,驱车到飞机场。
check out of(及物,不可分)结账后离开(旅馆等)
We checked out of the hotel.我们结账后离开了旅馆。
The patient was anxious to check out of the hospital for economic reasons.由于经济原因,病人急于想办手续出院。
check over(及物,可分)检查,核查
The editor checked over all the figures in my article.编辑核对了我文章中的全部数字。
She checked over every proper name in the dispatch.她核查了这条电讯中的每一个专名。
The teacher checked every examination paper over.老师检查了每一张试卷。
check up on(及物,不可分)检查
Please check up on the truth of this news report.请审查一下这篇报道的真实性。
The customs officer checked up on my suitcase when I entered the country.我入境时海关人员检查了我的手提箱。
The spectators are cheering the football players on.观众正在为足球运动员们欢呼打气。
The audience cheered the violinist on.听众为这位小提琴演奏家喝彩。
cheer up1(不及物)高兴起来
She cheered up when she heard she had been admitted into a famous university.她听说她已被一所著名大学录取,感到十分高兴。
Seeing the child running about after his long illness,the father cheered up.看见久病后的孩子到处奔跑,父亲大为高兴。
John hoped that his newly recovered mother would cheer up.约翰希望他新近康复的母亲高兴起来。
Although your business has failed,don't be discouraged but cheer up.Things will be better.虽然你的生意失败了,别灰心,要振作起来。情况会好转的。