

‘Not Harriet's equal!’exclaimed Mr Knightley,loudly and warmly;and with calmer asperity added,a few moments afterwards,‘No,he is not her equal,indeed,for he is as much her superior in sense as in situation.Emma,your infatuation about that girl blinds you.What are Harriet Smith's claims,either of birth,nature,or education,to any connection higher than Robert Martin?She is the natural daughter of nobody knows whom,with probably no settled provision at all,and certainly no respectable relations.She is known only as parlour boarder at a common school.She is not a sensible girl,nor a girl of any information.She has been taught nothing useful,and is too young and too simple to have acquired anything herself.At her age she can have no experience;and,with her little wit,is not very likely ever to have any that can avail her:She is pretty,and she is good tempered,and that is all.My only scruple in advising the match was on his account,as being beneath his deserts,and a bad connection for him.I felt that,as to fortune,in all probability he might do much better,and that,as to a rational companion or a useful helpmate,he could not do worse.But I could not reason so to a man in love,and was willing to trust to there being no harm in her;to her having that sort of disposition,which,in good hands like his,might be easily led aright,and turn out very well.The advantage of the match I felt to be all on her side;and had not the smallest doubt (nor have I now)that there would be a general cry out upon her extreme good luck.Even your satisfaction I made sure of.It crossed my mind immediately that you would not regret your friend leaving Highbury,for the sake of her being settled so well.I remember saying to myself,“Even Emma,with all her partiality for Harriet,will think this a good match.”’

‘I cannot help wondering at your knowing so little of Emma as to say any such thing.What!think a farmer(and with all his sense and all his merit Mr Martin is nothing more)a good match for my intimate friend!Not regret her leaving Highbury,for the sake of marrying a man whom I could never admit as an acquaintance of my own!I wonder you should think it possible for me to have such feelings.I assure you mine are very different.I must think your statement by no means fair.You are not just to Harriet's claims.They would be estimated very differently by others as well as myself;Mr Martin may be the richest of the two,but he is undoubtedly her inferior as to rank in society.The sphere in which she moves is much above his.It would be a degradation.’

‘A degradation to illegitimacy and ignorance to be married to a respectable,intelligent,gentleman-farmer!’

‘As to the circumstances of her birth,though in a legal sense she may be called Nobody,it will not hold in common sense.She is not to pay for the offence of others,by being held below the level of those with whom she is brought up.There can scarcely be a doubt that her father is a gentleman-and a gentleman of fortune.Her allowance is very liberal;nothing has ever been grudged for her improvement or comfort.That she is a gentleman's daughter is indubitable to me;that she associates with gentlemen's daughters,no one,I apprehend,will deny.She is superior to Mr Robert Martin.’

‘Whoever might be her parents,’said Mr Knightley,‘whoever may have had the charge of her,it does not appear to have been any part of their plan to introduce her into what you would call good society.After receiving a very indifferent education,she is left in Mrs Goddard's hands to shift as she can-to move,in short,in Mrs Goddard's line,to have Mrs Goddard's acquaintance.Her friends evidently thought this good enough for her;and it was good enough.She desired nothing better herself.Till you chose to turn her into a friend,her mind had no distaste for her own sex,nor any ambition beyond it.She was as happy as possible with the Martins in the summer.She had no sense of superiority then.If she has it now,you have given it.You have been no friend to Harriet Smith,Emma.Robert Martin would never have proceeded so far,if he had not felt persuaded of her not being disinclined to him.I know him well.He has too much real feeling to address any woman on the haphazard of selfish passion.And as to conceit,he is the furthest from it of any man I know.Depend upon it,he had encouragement.’

It was most convenient to Emma not to make a direct reply to this assertion;she chose rather to take up her own line of the subject again.

‘You are a very warm friend to Mr Martin;but,as I said before,are unjust to Harriet.Harriet's claims to marry well are not so contemptible as you represent them.She is not a clever girl,but she has better sense than you are aware of,and does not deserve to have her understanding spoken of so slightingly.Waiving that point,however,and supposing her to be,as you describe her,only pretty and good-natured,let me tell you,that in the degree she possesses them,they are not trivial recommendations to the world in general,for she is,in fact,a beautiful girl,and must be thought so by ninety-nine people out of a hundred;and till it appears that men are much more philosophic on the subject of beauty than they are generally supposed,till they do fall in love with well-informed minds instead of handsome faces,a girl,with such loveliness as Harriet,has a certainty of being admired and sought after,of having the power of choosing from among many,consequently a claim to be nice.Her good nature,too,is not so very slight a claim,comprehending,as it does,real,thorough sweetness of temper and manner,a very humble opinion of herself,and a great readiness to be pleased with other people.I am very much mistaken if your sex in general would not think such beauty,and such temper,the highest claim a woman could possess.’

‘Upon my word,Emma,to hear you abusing the reason you have,is almost enough to make me think so too.Better be without sense than misapply it as you do.’

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