

Elinor's uneasiness was at least equal to her mother's.She thought of what had just passed with anxiety and distrust.Willoughby's behaviour in taking leave of them,his embarrassment,and affectation of cheerfulness,and,above all,his unwillingness to accept her mother's invitation,a backwardness so unlike a lover-so unlike himself,greatly disturbed her.One moment she feared that no serious design had ever been formed on his side;and the next,that some unfortunate quarrel had taken place between him and her sister;the distress in which Marianne had quitted the room was such as a serious quarrel could most reasonably account for;though when she considered what Marianne's love for him was,a quarrel seemed almost impossible.

But whatever might be the particulars of their separation,her sister's affliction was indubitable;and she thought with the tenderest compassion of that violent sorrow which Marianne was in all probability not merely giving way to as a relief,but feeding and encouraging as a duty.

In about half an hour her mother returned,and though her eyes were red,her countenance was not uncheerful.

‘Our dear Willoughby is now some miles from Barton,Elinor,’said she,as she sat down to work,‘and with how heavy a heart does he travel!’

‘It is all very strange.So suddenly to be gone!It seems but the work of a moment.And last night he was with us so happy,so cheerful,so affectionate!And now after only ten minutes'notice-gone too without intending to return?-Something more than what he owned to us must have happened.He did not speak,he did not behave like himself.You must have seen the difference as well as I.What can it be?Can they have quarrelled?Why else should he have shown such unwillingness to accept your invitation here?’

‘It was not inclination that he wanted,Elinor!I could plainly see that.He had not the power of accepting it.I have thought it all over,I assure you,and I can perfectly account for everything that at first seemed strange to me as well as to you.’

‘Can you indeed?’

‘Yes.I have explained it to myself in the most satisfactory way;-but you,Elinor,who love to doubt where you can-it will not satisfy you,I know;but you shall not talk me out of my trust in it.I am persuaded that Mrs Smith suspects his regard for Marianne,disapproves of it (perhaps because she has other views for him),and on that account is eager to get him away;-and that the business which she sends him off to transact is invented as an excuse to dismiss him.This is what I believe to have happened.He is moreover aware that she does disapprove the connection,he dares not therefore at present confess to her his engagement with Marianne,and he feels himself obliged,from his dependent situation,to give in to her schemes,and absent himself from Devonshire for a while.You will tell me,I know,that this may or may not have happened;but I will listen to no cavil unless you can point out any other method of understanding the affair as satisfactory at this.And now,Elinor,what have you to say?’

‘Nothing,for you have anticipated my answer.’

‘Then you would have told me,that it might or might not have happened.Oh!Elinor,how incomprehensible are your feelings!You had rather take evil upon credit than good.You had rather look out for misery for Marianne and guilt for poor Willoughby,than an apology for the latter.You are resolved to think him blameable,because he took leave of us with less affection than his usual behaviour has shown.And is no allowance to be made for inadvertence,or for spirits depressed by recent disappointment?Are no probabilities to be accepted,merely because they are not certainties?Is nothing due to the man whom we have all so much reason to love,and no reason in the world to think ill of?to the possibility of motives unanswerable in themselves,though unavoidably secret for a while?And,after all,what is it you suspect him of?’

‘I can hardly tell you myself.But suspicion of something unpleasant is the inevitable consequence of such an alteration as we have just witnessed in him.There is great truth,however,in what you have now urged of the allowances which ought to be made for him,and it is my wish to be candid in my judgment of everybody.Willoughby may undoubtedly have very sufficient reasons for his conduct and I will hope that he has.But it would have been more like Willoughby to acknowledge them at once.Secrecy may be advisable;but still I cannot help wondering at its being practiced by him.’

‘Do not blame him,however,for departing from his character,where the deviation is necessary.But you really do admit the justice of what I have said in his defence?-I am happy-and he is acquitted.’

‘Not entirely.It may be proper to conceal their engagement (if they are engaged)from Mrs Smith-and if that is the case,it must be highly expedient for Willoughby to be but little in Devonshire at present.But this is no excuse for their concealing it from us.’

‘Concealing it from us!my dear child,do you accuse Willoughby and Marianne of concealment?This is strange indeed,when your eyes have been reproaching them every day for incautiousness.’

‘I want no proof of their affection,’said Elinor;‘but of their engagement I do.’

‘I am perfectly satisfied of both.’

‘Yet not a syllable has been said to you on the subject by either of them.’

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