

‘I have not wanted syllables where actions have spoken so plainly.Has not his behaviour to Marianne and to all of us,for at least the last fortnight,declared that he loved and considered her as his future wife,and that he felt for us the attachment of the nearest relation?Have we not perfectly understood each other?Has not my consent been daily asked by his looks,his manner,his attentive and affectionate respect?My Elinor,is it possible to doubt their engagement?How could such a thought occur to you?How is it to be supposed that Willoughby,persuaded as he must be of your sister's love,should leave her,and leave her perhaps for months,without telling her of his affection-that they should part without a mutual exchange of confidence.’

‘I confess,’replied Elinor,‘that every circumstance except one is in favour of their engagement,but that one is the total silence of both on the subject,and with me it almost outweighs every other.’

‘How strange this is!You must think wretchedly indeed of Willoughby,if,after all that has openly passed between them,you can doubt the nature of the terms on which they are together.Has he been acting a part in his behaviour to your sister all this time?Do you suppose him really indifferent to her?’

‘No,I cannot think that.He must and does love her,I am sure.’

‘But with a strange kind of tenderness,if he can leave her with such indifference,such carelessness of the future,as you attribute to him.’

‘You must remember,my dear mother,that I have never considered this matter as certain.I have had my doubts I confess;but they are fainter than they were,and they may soon be entirely done away.If we find they correspond,every fear of mine will be removed.’

‘A mighty concession indeed!If you were to see them at the altar,you would suppose they were going to be married.Ungracious girl!But I require no such proof.Nothing,in my opinion,has ever passed to justify doubt;no secrecy has been attempted;all has been uniformly open and unreserved.You cannot doubt your sister's wishes.It must be Willoughby therefore whom you suspect.But why?Is he not a man of honour and feeling?Has there been an inconsistency on his side to create alarm?can he be deceitful?’

‘I hope not,I believe not,’cried Elinor.‘I love Willoughby,sincerely love him;and suspicion of his integrity cannot be more painful to yourself than to me.It has been involuntary,and I will not encourage it.I was startled,I confess,by the alteration in his manners this morning;he did not speak like himself,and did not return your kindness with any cordiality.But all this may be explained by such a situation of his affairs as you have supposed.He had just parted from my sister,had seen her leave him in the greatest affliction;and if he felt obliged,from a fear of offending Mrs Smith,to resist the temptation of returning here soon,and yet aware that by declining your invitation,by saying that he was going away for some time,he should seem to act an ungenerous,a suspicious,part by our family,he might well be embarrassed and disturbed.In such a case,a plain and open avowal of his difficulties would have been more to his honour,I think,as well as more consistent with his general character;-but I will not raise objections against anyone's conduct on so illiberal a foundation,as a difference in judgment from myself,or a deviation from what I may think right and consistent.’

‘You speak very properly.Willoughby certainly does not deserve to be suspected.Though we have not known him long,he is no stranger in this part of the world;and who has ever spoken to his disadvantage?Had he been in a situation to act independently and marry immediately,it might have been odd that he should leave us without acknowledging everything to me at once:but this is not the case.It is an engagement in some respects not prosperously begun,for their marriage must be at a very uncertain distance;and even secrecy,as far as it can be observed,may now be very advisable.’

They were interrupted by the entrance of Margaret;and Elinor was then at liberty to think over the representations of her mother,to acknowledge the probability of many,and hope for the justice of all.

They saw nothing of Marianne till dinner time,when she entered the room and took her place at the table without saying a word.Her eyes were red and swollen;and it seemed as if her tears were even then restrained with difficulty.She avoided the looks of them all,could neither eat nor speak,and after some time,on her mother's silently pressing her hand with tender compassion,her small degree of fortitude was quite overcome-she burst into tears and left the room.

This violent oppression of spirits continued the whole evening.She was without any power,because she was without any desire of command over herself.The slightest mention of anything relative to Willoughby overpowered her in an instant;and though her family were most anxiously attentive to her comfort,it was impossible for them,if they spoke at all,to keep clear of every subject which her feelings connected with him.

Chapter 16

Marianne would have thought herself very inexcusable had she been able to sleep at all the first night after parting from Willoughby.She would have been ashamed to look her family in the face the next morning,had she not risen from her bed in more need of repose than when she lay down in it.But the feelings which made such composure a disgrace,left her in no danger of incurring it.She was awake the whole night,and she wept the greatest part of it.She got up with a headache,was unable to talk,and unwilling to take any nourishment;giving pain every moment to her mother and sisters,and forbidding all attempt at consolation from either.Her sensibility was potent enough!

When breakfast was over,she walked out by herself,and wandered about the village of Allenham,indulging the recollection of past enjoyment and crying over the present reverse for the chief of the morning.

  • 儿子与情人(英文版)


  • 百年钟声:香港沉思录


  • 如花的托斯卡纳(心如花园双语悦读)


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  • 与Queen B同行:将薪比薪,职场45招完美蜕变

    与Queen B同行:将薪比薪,职场45招完美蜕变

    几乎每个女孩子都梦想成为Queen(女王),因为这代表着“完美”“所向披靡”。这是个抱怨的世界,你可以抱怨遇人不淑,领导太逊,同事太假,命运里的贵人又总是无故缺席,但对不起,老天还是不会同情你!改变靠自己,职场必须要有规划,而你要做的就是认清自己!这是一本指导女孩子如何变得更加优秀,但却拒绝隔靴搔痒、纸上谈兵的职场“类小说”。对于身涉职场的小女生而言,不会有比从自己“闺密”口中言传身教更让她们感觉亲切又易于接受了。职场可以无朋友,但不能无导师!现实总是残忍的,有时候,你真的需要被骂醒!来吧,“完美闺密”QUEEN B的毒舌嘴巴,会让你在最短的时间内化蛹成蝶,45招见证“薪”奇迹!
  • 黄帝阴符经注


  • 青衣和花旦(中国好小说)


  • 战俘


  • 鲁彦作品集(2)(中国现代文学名家作品集)


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  • 网配之大神攻略


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