

We went on,cutting back again over the Park towards the West Hundreds.At 158th Street the cab stopped at one slice in a long white cake of apartment-houses.Throwing a regal homecoming glance around the neighbourhood,Mrs Wilson gathered up her dog and her other purchases,and went haughtily in.

‘I'm going to have the McKees come up,’she announced as we rose in the elevator.‘And,of course,I got to call up my sister,too.’

The apartment was on the top floor-a small living-room,a small dining-room,a small bedroom,and a bath.The living-room was crowded to the doors with a set of tapestried furniture entirely too large for it,so that to move about was to stumble continually over scenes of ladies swinging in the gardens of Versailles.The only picture was an over-enlarged photograph,apparently a hen sitting on a blurred rock.Looked at from a distance,however,the hen resolved itself into a bonnet,and the countenance of a stout old lady beamed down into the room.Several old copies of Town Tattle lay on the table together with a copy of Simon Called Peter,and some of the small scandal magazines of Broadway.Mrs Wilson was first concerned with the dog.A reluctant elevator-boy went for a box full of straw and some milk to which he added on his own initiative a tin of large,hard dog-biscuits-one of which decomposed apathetically in the saucer of milk all afternoon.Meanwhile Tom brought out a bottle of whiskey from a locked bureau drawer.

I have been drunk just twice in my life,and the second time was that afternoon;so everything that happened has a dim,hazy cast over it,although until after eight o'clock the apartment was full of cheerful sun.Sitting on Tom's lap Mrs Wilson called up several people on the telephone;then there were no cigarettes,and I went out to buy some at the drugstore on the corner.When I came back they had both disappeared,so I sat down discreetly in the living-room and read a chapter of Simon Called Peter-either it was terrible stuff or the whiskey distorted things,because it didn't make any sense to me.

Just as Tom and Myrtle(after the first drink Mrs Wilson and I called each other by our first names)reappeared,company commenced to arrive at the apartment-door.

The sister,Catherine,was a slender,worldly girl of about thirty,with a solid,sticky bob of red hair,and a complexion powdered milky white.Her eyebrows had been plucked and then drawn on again at a more rakish angle but the efforts of nature towards the restoration of the old alignment gave a blurred air to her face.When she moved about there was an incessant clicking as innumerable pottery bracelets jingled up and down upon her arms.She came in with such a proprietary haste,and looked around so possessively at the furniture that I wondered if she lived here.But when I asked her she laughed immoderately,repeated my question aloud,and told me she lived with a girl friend at an hotel.

Mr McKee was a pale,feminine man from the flat below.He had just shaved,for there was a white spot of lather on his cheekbone,and he was most respectful in his greeting to everyone in the room.He informed me that he was in the ‘artistic game’,and I gathered later that he was a photographer and had made the dim enlargement of Mrs Wilson's mother which hovered like an ectoplasm on the wall.His wife was shrill,languid,handsome,and horrible.She told me with pride that her husband had photographed her a hundred and twenty-seven times since they had been married.

Mrs Wilson had changed her costume sometime before,and was now attired in an elaborate afternoon dress of cream-coloured chiffon,which gave out a continual rustle as she swept about the room.With the influence of the dress her personality had also undergone a change.The intense vitality that had been so remarkable in the garage was converted into impressive hauteur.Her laughter,her gestures,her assertions became more violently affected moment by moment,and as she expanded the room grew smaller around her,until she seemed to be revolving on a noisy,creaking pivot through the smoky air.

‘My dear,’she told her sister in a high,mincing shout,‘most of these fellas will cheat you every time.All they think of is money.I had a woman up here last week to look at my feet,and when she gave me the bill you'd of thought she had my appendicitis out.’

‘What was the name of the woman?’asked Mrs McKee.

‘Mrs Eberhardt.She goes around looking at people's feet in their own homes.’

‘I like your dress,’remarked Mrs McKee,‘I think it's adorable.’

Mrs Wilson rejected the compliment by raising her eyebrow in disdain.

‘It's just a crazy old thing,’she said.‘I just slip it on sometimes when I don't care what I look like.’

‘But it looks wonderful on you,if you know what I mean,’pursued Mrs McKee.‘If Chester could only get you in that pose I think he could make something of it.’

We all looked in silence at Mrs Wilson,who removed a strand of hair from over her eyes and looked back at us with a brilliant smile.Mr McKee regarded her intently with his head on one side,and then moved his hand back and forth slowly in front of his face.

‘I should change the light,’he said after a moment.‘I'd like to bring out the modelling of the features.And I'd try to get hold of all the back hair.’

‘I wouldn't think of changing the light,’cried Mrs McKee.‘I think it's-’

Her husband said ‘Sh!’and we all looked at the subject again,whereupon Tom Buchanan yawned audibly and got to his feet.

‘You McKees have something to drink,’he said.‘Get some more ice and mineral water,Myrtle,before everybody goes to sleep.’

‘I told that boy about the ice.’Myrtle raised her eyebrows in despair at the shiftlessness of the lower orders.‘These people!You have to keep after them all the time.’

She looked at me and laughed pointlessly.Then she flounced over to the dog,kissed it with ecstasy,and swept into the kitchen,implying that a dozen chefs awaited her orders there.

‘I've done some nice things out on Long Island,’asserted Mr McKee.

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    在《欲望》(龙人日志#5)里,凯特琳潘恩醒来,发现她再次前穿越到从前。这一次,她来到了18世纪的巴黎,一个很富裕的时代,当时有国王和皇后——但也有大革命。和她的真爱,迦勒,在一起,他们俩终于过上了从未有过的安静而浪漫的时光。他们一起在如诗般的巴黎市生活,参观了最浪漫的地点,他们的爱情已经越来越深刻。凯特琳决定放弃寻找她的父亲,这样,她就可以享受这个时间和地点,与迦勒一起生活。迦勒把她带到他的中世纪城堡,城堡靠近海洋,凯特琳此刻比曾经梦想过的更幸福。但他们的神仙眷侣般的时间是注定不能永远持续下去的,发生了一些事件,迫使他们两个人分开。凯特琳再次发现自己和艾登与家族联合起来,与波利和新的朋友,她再次集中注意力于她的训练,她的使命。她被介绍到凡尔赛宫的奢华世界,看到了超出了她曾经梦想的服装和富裕。永不落幕的节日,派对和音乐会,凡尔赛宫有自己的世界。她愉快地与她的兄弟山姆团聚了,他也穿越回去,也会梦到他们的父亲了。但这一切却没有得起来这么好。凯尔也跟着穿越了过来——这一次,他的邪恶搭档,谢尔盖——他比以往任何时候,都更加坚定了要杀死凯特琳的决心。而山姆和波利爱得如火如荼,他们中毒一般的爱情也许会威胁摧毁周围的一切。凯特琳成为一个真正的和坚强的战士,她以往任何时候都更接近于找到她的父亲,以及神秘的盾牌。高潮切动感十足的结局,把凯特琳带到了巴黎中世纪最重要的位置,寻找线索。但是,如果想要幸存下来,会要求她做梦也没想到的技能。而于迦勒的团聚则要求她做出最难的抉择——以及牺牲——她的生命。“《欲望》是一个很好的平衡。它所有其它书籍的完美后续。文字扣人心弦,我真的很在意发生了什么事。历史人物的引进是相当有趣的,这本书留下了很多值得思考的东西。”--The Romance Reviews《欲望》是龙人日志第五期(前面有《转变》,《爱》,《背叛》和《命中注定》),但它也可当做一本独立的小说。大约70000字。
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