

To the education of her daughters,Lady Bertram paid not the smallest attention.She had not time for such cares.She was a woman who spent her days in sitting nicely dressed on a sofa,doing some long piece of needlework,of little use and no beauty,thinking more of her pug than her children,but very indulgent to the latter,when it did not put herself to inconvenience,guided in everything important by Sir Thomas,and in smaller concerns by her sister.Had she possessed greater leisure for the service of her girls,she would probably have supposed it unnecessary,for they were under the care of a governess,with proper masters,and could want nothing more.As for Fanny's being stupid at learning,‘she could only say it was very unlucky,but some people were stupid,and Fanny must take more pains;she did not know what else was to be done;and except her being so dull,she must add,she saw no harm in the poor little thing-and always found her very handy and quick in carrying messages,and fetching what she wanted.’

Fanny,with all her faults of ignorance and timidity,was fixed at Mansfield Park,and learning to transfer in its favour much of her attachment to her former home,grew up there not unhappily among her cousins.There was no positive ill-nature in Maria or Julia;and though Fanny was often mortified by their treatment of her,she thought too lowly of her own claims to feel injured by it.

From about the time of her entering the family,Lady Bertram,in consequence of a little ill-health,and a great deal of indolence,gave up the house in town,which she had been used to occupy every spring,and remained wholly in the country,leaving Sir Thomas to attend his duty in Parliament,with whatever increase or diminution of comfort might arise from her absence.In the country,therefore,the Miss Bertrams continued to exercise their memories,practise their duets,and grow tall and womanly;and their father saw them becoming in person,manner,and accomplishments,everything that could satisfy his anxiety.His eldest son was careless and extravagant,and had already given him much uneasiness;but his other children promised him nothing but good.His daughters he felt,while they retained the name of Bertram,must be giving it new grace,and in quitting it he trusted would extend its respectable alliances;and the character of Edmund,his strong good sense and uprightness of mind,bid most fairly for utility,honour,and happiness to himself and all his connections.He was to be a clergyman.

Amid the cares and the complacency which his own children suggested,Sir Thomas did not forget to do what he could for the children of Mrs Price;he assisted her liberally in the education and disposal of her sons as they became old enough for a determinate pursuit:and Fanny,though almost totally separated from her family,was sensible of the truest satisfaction in hearing of any kindness towards them,or of anything at all promising in their situation or conduct.Once,and once only in the course of many years,had she the happiness of being with William.Of the rest she saw nothing;nobody seemed to think of her ever going amongst them again,even for a visit,nobody at home seemed to want her;but William determining,soon after her removal,to be a sailor,was invited to spend a week with his sister in Northamptonshire,before he went to sea.Their eager affection in meeting,their exquisite delight in being together,their hours of happy mirth,and moments of serious conference,may be imagined;as well as the sanguine views and spirits of the boy even to the last,and the misery of the girl when he left her.Luckily the visit happened in the Christmas holidays,when she could directly look for comfort to her cousin Edmund;and he told her such charming things of what William was to do,and be hereafter,in consequence of his profession,as made her gradually admit that the separation might have some use.Edmund's friendship never failed her:his leaving Eton for Oxford made no change in his kind dispositions,and only afforded more frequent opportunities of proving them.Without any display of doing more than the rest,or any fear of doing too much,he was always true to her interests,and considerate of her feelings,trying to make her good qualities understood,and to conquer the diffidence which prevented their being more apparent;giving her advice,consolation,and encouragement.

Kept back as she was by everybody else,his single support could not bring her forward,but his attentions were otherwise of the highest importance in assisting the improvement of her mind,and extending its pleasures.He knew her to be clever,to have a quick apprehension as well as good sense,and a fondness for reading,which,properly directed,must be an education in itself.Miss Lee taught her French,and heard her read the daily portion of History;but he recommended the books which charmed her leisure hours,he encouraged her taste,and corrected her judgment;he made reading useful by talking to her of what she read,and heightened its attraction by judicious praise.In return for such services she loved him better than anybody in the world except William;her heart was divided between the two.

Chapter 3

The first event of any importance in the family was the death of Mr Norris,which happened when Fanny was about fifteen,and necessarily introduced alterations and novelties.Mrs Norris,on quitting the Parsonage,removed first to the park,and afterwards to a small house of Sir Thomas's in the village,and consoled herself for the loss of her husband by considering that she could do very well without him,and for her reduction of income by the evident necessity of stricter economy.

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