

There was a man from the Uplands called Fin the Little, and some said of him that he was of Finnish (1) race.He was a remarkable little man, but so swift of foot that no horse could overtake him.He was a particularly well-excercised runner with snow-shoes, and shooter with the bow.He had long been in the service of King Hrorek, and often employed in errands of trust.He knew the roads in all the Upland hills, and was well known to all the great people.Now when King Hrorek was set under guards on the journey Fin would often slip in among the men of the guard, and followed, in general, with the lads and serving-men; but as often as he could he waited upon Hrorek, and entered into conversation with him.The king, however, only spoke a word or two with him at a time, to prevent suspicion.In spring, when they came a little way beyond Viken, Fin disappeared from the army for some days, but came back, and stayed with them a while.This happened often, without anyone observing it particularly; for there were many such hangers-on with the army.


(1) The Laplanders are called Fins In Norway and Sweden.-- L.


King Olaf came to Tunsberg before Easter (A.D.1018), and remained there late in spring.Many merchant vessels came to the town, both from Saxon-land and Denmark, and from Viken, and from the north parts of the country.There was a great assemblage of people; and as the times were good, there was many a drinking meeting.It happened one evening that King Hrorek came rather late to his lodging; and as he had drunk a great deal, he was remarkably merry.Little Fin came to him with a stoup of mead with herbs in it, and very strong.The king made every one in the house drunk, until they fell asleep each in his berth.Fin had gone away, and a light was burning in the lodging.Hrorek waked the men who usually followed him, and told them he wanted to go out into the yard.They had a lantern with them, for outside it was pitch dark.Out in the yard there was a large privy standing upon pillars, and a stair to go up to it.While Hrorek and his guards were in the yard they heard a man say, "Cut down that devil;" and presently a crash, as if somebody fell.

Hrorek said, "These fellows must be dead drunk to be fighting with each other so: run and separate them." They rushed out; but when they came out upon the steps both of them were killed: the man who went out the last was the first killed.There were twelve of Hrorek's men there, and among them Sigurd Hit, who had been his banner-man, and also little Fin.They drew the dead bodies up between the houses, took the king with them, ran out to a boat they had in readiness, and rowed away.Sigvat the skald slept in King Olaf's lodgings.He got up in the night, and his footboy with him, and went to the privy.But as they were returning, on going down the stairs Sigvat's foot slipped, and he fell on his knee; and when he put out his hands he felt the stairs wet."I think," said he, laughing, "the king must have given many of us tottering legs tonight." When they came into the house in which light was burning the footboy said, "Have you hurt yourself that you are all over so bloody?" He replied, "Iam not wounded, but something must have happened here."Thereupon he wakened Thord Folason, who was standard-bearer, and his bedfellow.They went out with a light, and soon found the blood.They traced it, and found the corpses, and knew them.

They saw also a great stump of a tree in which clearly a gash had been cut, which, as was afterwards known, had been done as a stratagem to entice those out who had been killed.Sigvat and Thord spoke together and agreed it was highly necessary to let the king know of this without delay.They immediately sent a lad to the lodging where Hrorek had been.All the men in it were asleep; but the king was gone.He wakened the men who were in the house, and told them what had happened.The men arose, and ran out to the yard where the bodies were; but, however needful it appeared to be that the king should know it, nobody dared to waken him.

Then said Sigvat to Thord, "What wilt thou rather do, comrade, waken the king, or tell him the tidings?"Thord replies, "I do not dare to waken him, and I would rather tell him the news."Then said Sigvat, "There is minch of the night still to pass, and before morning Hrorek may get himself concealed in such a way that it may be difficult to find him; but as yet he cannot be very far off, for the bodies are still warm.We must never let the disgrace rest upon us of concealing this treason from the king.Go thou, up to the lodging, and wait for me there."Sigvat then went to the church, and told the bell-ringer to toll for the souls of the king's court-men, naming the men who were killed.The-bell-ringer did as he was told.The king awoke at the ringing, sat up in his bed, and asked if it was already the hours of matins.

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  • 鹊兰


    这是一个21世纪初期发生在柳树村的乡村故事,外出打工的鹊兰后到家乡时却抱着回一个孩子春碟,她只好把春碟的来历和自己的父母亲说明她的父母亲要求鹊兰要向亲朋和邻居来隐瞒春碟的来历,就引发了她周围亲朋和邻居的猜疑和议论。 自从鹊兰身边有了春碟后,他回归家乡后的生活就发生了很大的变化,这种变化在她的家庭里体现了出来,照顾孩子和父母亲,选择了在家乡安身立命的她只能顶住来自各方面的精神压力重新振作起来。 本篇故事围绕鹊兰在家乡的创业经历和爱情婚姻故事。同时也描写和刻画了一些她的亲朋和邻居的一些性格特点。本编故事所体现的一些人物都是一些很平凡质朴的农民,描写的一些场景都是乡村里司空见惯的真实场景。 乡土题材
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