

King Olaf gave a great feast at Yule, and many great people had come to him.It was the seventh day of Yule, that the king, with a few persons, among whom was Sigvat, who attended him day and night, went to a house in which the king's most precious valuables were kept.He had, according to his custom, collected there with great care the valuable presents he was to make on New Year's eve.There was in the house no small number of gold-mounted swords; and Sigvat sang: --"The swords stand there, All bright and fair, --Those oars that dip in blood:

If I in favour stood, I too might have a share.

A sword the skald would gladly take, And use it for his master's sake:

In favour once he stood, And a sword has stained in blood."The king took a sword of which the handle was twisted round with gold, and the guard was gold-mounted, and gave it to him.It was a valuable article; but the gift was not seen without envy, as will appear hereafter.

Immediately after Yule (1028) the king began his journey to the Uplands; for he had a great many people about him, but had received no income that autumn from the North country, for there had been an armament in summer, and the king had laid out all the revenues he could command; and also he had no vessels with which he and his people could go to the North.At the same time he had news from the North, from which he could see that there would be no safety for him in that quarter, unless he went with a great force.For these reasons he determined to proceed through the Uplands, although it was not so long a time since he had been there in guest-quarters as the law prescribes, and as the kings usually had the custom of observing in their visits.When he came to the Uplands the lendermen and the richest bondes invited him to be their guest, and thus lightened his expenses.


There was a man called Bjorn who was of Gautland family, and a friend and acquaintance of Queen Astrid, and in some way related to her.She had given him farm-management and other offices in the upper part of Hedemark.He had also the management of Osterdal district.Bjorn was not in esteem with the king, nor liked by the bondes.It happened in a hamlet which Bjorn ruled over, that many swine and cattle were missing: therefore Bjorn ordered a Thing to be called to examine the matter.Such pillage he attributed chiefly to the people settled in forest-farms far from other men; by which he referred particularly to those who dwelt in Osterdal, for that district was very thinly inhabited, and full of lakes and forest-cleanings, and but in few places was any great neighbourhood together.


There was a man called Raud who dwelt in Osterdal.His wife was called Ragnhild; and his sons, Dag and Sigurd, were men of great talent.They were present at the Thing, made a reply in defence of the Osterdal people, and removed the accusation from them.

Bjorn thought they were too pert in their answer, and too fine in their clothes and weapons; and therefore turned his speech against these brothers, and said it was not unlikely they may have committed these thefts.They denied it, and the Thing closed.Soon after King Olaf, with his retinue, came to guest-quarters in the house of bailiff Bjorn.The matter which had been before the Thing was then complained of to the king; and Bjorn said that Raud's sons appeared to him to have committed these thefts.A messenger was sent for Raud's sons; and when they appeared before the king he said they had not at all the appearance of thieves, and acquitted them.Thereupon they invited the king, with all his retinue, to a three days'

entertainment at their father's; and although Bjorn dissuaded him from it, the king went.At Raud's there was a very excellent feast.The king asked Raud what people he and his wife were.

Raud answered that he was originally a Swedish man, rich and of high birth; "but I ran away with the wife I have ever since had, and she is a sister of King Hring Dagson." The king then remembered both their families.He found that father and sons were men of understanding, and asked them what they could do.

Sigurd said he could interpret dreams, and determine the time of the day although no heavenly bodies could be seen.The king made trial of his art, and found it was as Sigurd had said.Dag stated, as his accomplishment, that he could see the misdeeds and vices of every man who came under his eye, when he chose to observe him closely.The king told him to declare what faults of disposition he saw in the king himself.Dag mentioned a fault which the king was sensible he really had.Then the king asked what fault the bailiff Bjorn had.Dag said Bjorn was a thief;and told also where Bjorn had concealed on his farm the bones, horns, and hides of the cattle he had stolen in autumn; "for he committed," said Dag, "all the thefts in autumn which he accuses other people of." Dag also told the king the places where the king should go after leaving them.When the king departed from Raud's house he was accompanied on the way, and presented with friendly gifts; and Raud's sons remained with the king.The king went first to Bjorn's, and found there that all Dag had told him was true.Upon which he drove Bjorn out of the country; and he had to thank the queen that he preserved life and limbs.


Thorer, a son of Olver of Eggja, a stepson of Kalf Arnason, and a sister's son of Thorer Hund, was a remarkably handsome man, stout and strong.He was at this time eighteen years old; had made a good marriage in Hedemark, by which he got great wealth; and was besides one of the most popular of men, and formed to be a chief.

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