The king replies, "What else but flesh-meat?" And so harsh were his words that nobody dared to contradict him, and all were ill at ease.Now when people prepared to go to table, dishes of warm flesh-meat were carried in; but all were silent, and grieved at the king's illness.Before the blessing was pronounced over the meat, a man called Aslak Hane spoke.He had been a long time with King Sigurd on his journey abroad, and was not a man of any great family; and was small of stature, but fiery.When he perceived how it was, and that none dared to accost the king, he asked, "What is it, sire, that is smoking on the dish before you?"The king replies, "What do you mean, Aslak? what do you think it is?"Aslak: "I think it is flesh-meat; and I would it were not so."The king: "But if it be so, Aslak?"He replied, "It would be vexatious to know that a gallant king, who has gained so much honour in the world, should so forget himself.When you rose up out of Jordan, after bathing in the same waters as God himself, with palm-leaves in your hands, and the cross upon your breast, it was something else you promised, sire, than to eat flesh-meat on a Friday.If a meaner man were to do so, he would merit a heavy punishment.This royal hall is not so beset as it should be, when it falls upon me, a mean man, to challenge such an act."The king sat silent, and did not partake of the meat; and when the time for eating was drawing to an end, the king ordered the flesh dishes to be removed and other food was brought in, such as it is permitted to use.When the meal-time was almost past, the king began to be cheerful, and to drink.People advised Aslak to fly, but he said he would not do so."I do not see how it could help me; and to tell the truth, it is as good to die now that Ihave got my will, and have prevented the king from committing a sin.It is for him to kill me if he likes."Towards evening the king called him, and said, "Who set thee on, Aslak Hane, to speak such free words to me in the hearing of so many people?""No one, sire, but myself."The king: "Thou wouldst like, no doubt, to know what thou art to have for such boldness; what thinkest thou it deserves."He replies, "If it be well rewarded, sire, I shall be glad; but should it be otherwise, then it is your concern."Then the king said, "Smaller is thy reward than thou hast deserved.I give thee three farms.It has turned out, what could not have been expected, that thou hast prevented me from a great crime, -- thou, and not the lendermen, who are indebted to me for so much good." And so it ended.
One Yule eve the king sat in the hall, and the tables were laid out, and the king said, "Get me flesh-meat."They answered, "Sire, it is not the custom to eat flesh-meat on Yule eve."The king said, "If it be not the custom I will make it the custom."They went out, and brought him a dolphin.The king stuck his knife into it, but did not eat of it.Then the king said, "Bring me a girl here into the hall." They brought him a woman whose head-dress went far down her brows.The king took her hand in his hands, looked at her, and said, "An ill looking girl!"((LACUNA -- The rest of this story is missing))34.HARALD GILLE COMES TO NORWAY.
Halkel Huk, a son of Jon Smiorbalte, who was lenderman in More, made a voyage in the West sea, all the way to the South Hebudes.
A man came to him out of Ireland called Gillikrist, and gave himself out for a son of King Magnus Barefoot.His mother came with him, and said his other name was Harald.Halkel received the man, brought him to Norway with him, and went immediately to King Sigurd with Harald and his mother.When they had told their story to the king, he talked over the matter with his principal men, and bade them give their opinions upon it.They were of different opinions, and all left it to the king himself, although there were several who opposed this; and the king followed his own counsel.King Sigurd ordered Harald to be called before him, and told him that he would not deny him the proof, by ordeal, of who his father was; but on condition that if he should prove his descent according to his claim, he should not desire the kingdom in the lifetime of King Sigurd, or of King Magnus: and to this he bound himself by oath.King Sigurd said he must tread over hot iron to prove his birth; but this ordeal was thought by many too severe, as he was to undergo it merely to prove his father, and without getting the kingdom; but Harald agreed to it, and fixed on the trial by iron: and this ordeal was the greatest ever made in Norway; for nine glowing plowshares were laid down, and Harald went over them with bare feet, attended by two bishops.
Three days after the iron trial the ordeal was taken to proof, and the feet were found unburnt.Thereafter King Sigurd acknowledged Harald's relationship; but his son Magnus conceived a great hatred of him, and in this many chiefs followed Magnus.
King Sigurd trusted so much to his favour with the whole people of the country, that he desired all men, under oath, to promise to accept Magnus after him as their king; and all the people took this oath.
Harald Gille was a tall, slender-grown man, of a long neck and face, black eyes, and dark hair, brisk and quick, and wore generally the Irish dress of short light clothes.The Norse language was difficult for Harald, and he brought out words which many laughed at.Harald sat late drinking one evening.He spoke with another man about different things in the west in Ireland;and among other things, said that there were men in Ireland so swift of foot that no horse could overtake them in running.