

Joy and jollity Then is polity;

Reigns frivolity!

Rapture, rapture!

MERYLL Doleful, doleful!

When humanity With its soul full Of satanity, Courting privity, Down declivity Seeks captivity!

Doleful, doleful!

Courting privity, Down declivity Seeks captivity!

Doleful, doleful!

DAME Joyful, joyful!

When virginity Seeks, all coyful, Man's affinity;Fate all flowery, Bright and bowery, Is her dowery!

Joyful, joyful!

Fate all flowery, Bright and bowery, Is her dowery!

Joyful, joyful!

MERYLL Ghastly, ghastly!

When man, sorrowful, Firstly, lastly, Of to-morrow full, After tarrying, Yields to harrying--Goes a-marrying.

Ghastly, ghastly!

DAME Joyful, joyful!

MERYLL Ghastly, ghastly!

DAME Joyful, joyful!

MERYLL Ghastly, ghastly!


Joyful, joyful! Ghastly, ghastly!

Joyful, joyful, joyful! Ghastly, ghastly,ghastly!

Rapture, rapture Doleful, doleful!

When love's votary, When humanity Flushed with capture, With its soul full Seeks the notary, Of satanity, Joy and jollity Courting privity, Then is polity; Down declivity Reigns frivolity! Seeks captivity!

Rapture, rapture! Doleful, doleful!

Joy and jollity Courting privity, Then is polity; Down declivity Reigns frivolity! Seeks captivity!

Rapture, rapture! Doleful, doleful!

Rapture, rapture! Doleful, doleful!

Rapture, rapture, Doleful, doleful, Rapture, rapture! Doleful, doleful!

Joy and jollity Courting privity, Then is polity; Down declivity Reigns frivolity! Seeks captivity!

Rapture, rapture! Doleful, doleful!


No.22.Comes the pretty young bride (FINALE OF ACT II)Ensemble[Enter YEOMEN and WOMENWOMEN Comes the pretty young bride, a-blushing, timidly shrinking--Set all thy fears aside--cheerily, pretty young bride!

Brave is the youth to whom thy lot thou art willingly linking!

Flower of valour he--

loving as loving can be!

Brightly thy summer is shining, Brightly thy summer is shining, Fair as the dawn, as the dawn of the day;Take him, be true to him--Tender his due to him--

Honour him, honour him, love and obey!

[Enter DAME, PHOEBE, and ELSIE as BridePHOEBE, ELSIE& DAME 'Tis said that joy in full perfection Comes only once to womankind--That, other times, on close inspection, Some lurking bitter we shall find.

If this be so, and men say truly, My day of joy has broken duly With happiness my/her soul is cloyed--With happiness is cloyed--With happiness my/her soul is cloyed--

This is my/her joy-day unalloyed, unalloyed, This is my/her joy-day unalloyed!

ALLYes, yes, with happiness her soul is cloyed!

This is her joy-day unalloyed!

[Flourish.Enter LIEUTENANT

LIEUT.Hold, pretty one! I bring to thee News-- good or ill, it is for thee to say.

Thy husband lives-- and he is free, And comes to claim his bride this very day!

ELSIE No! No! recall those words-- it cannot be!

[all four blocks below sung at once]

KATE and CHORUS DAME CARRUTHERS and PHOEBEOh, day of terror!Oh, day of terror!

Oh, day of terror!Oh, day of terror!

Day of terror!The man to whom thou art Day of tears! allied Day of terror!Appears to claim thee Day of tears! as his bride.

Who is the man who, The man to whom thou art In his pride, allied Claims thee as his bride? And claim me as his bride.

Day of terror! Day of terror!

Day of tears! Day of tears!

LIEUT., MERYLL, and WILFRED ELSIECome, dry these unbecoming tears, Most joyful tidings greet thine ears, Come, dry these unbecoming tears, Oh, Leonard, Most joyful tidings greetOh,Leonard, thine ears, Come thou to my side,The man to whom thou art allied And claim me as Appears to claim thee thy loving bride!

as his bride.Day of terror!

The man to whom thou art allied Day of tears!

Appears to claim thee as his bride.

[Flourish.Enter COLONEL FAIRFAX, handsomely dressed,and attended by other GentlemenFAIRFAX[sternly] All thought of Leonard Meryll set aside.

Thou art mine own! I claim thee as my bride.

ALL Thou art his own!

Alas! he claims thee as his bride.

ELSIE A suppliant at thy feet I fall;Thine heart will yield to pity's call!

FAIRFAXMine is a heart of massive rock, Unmoved by sentimental shock!

ALLThy husband he!

ELSIE [aside] Leonard, my loved one-- come to me.

They bear me hence away!

But though they take me far from thee, My heart is thine for aye!

My bruised heart, My broken heart, Is thine, my own, for aye!

Is thine, is thine, my own, Is thine, for aye!

ELSIE [To FAIRFAX] Sir, I obey!

I am thy bride;

But ere the fatal hour I said the say That placed me in thy pow'r Would I had died!

Sir, I obey!

I am thy bride!

[Looks up and recognizes FAIRFAX



ELSIEAh! [Embrace]


FAIRFAX With happiness my soul is cloyed, This is our joy-day unalloyed!

ALL Yes, yes!

With happiness their souls are cloyed, This is their joy-day unalloyed!

With happiness their souls are cloyed, This is their joy-day unalloyed, Their joy-day unalloyed, unalloyed!


POINT Oh, thoughtless crew!

Ye know not what ye do!

Attend to me, and shed a tear or two--

For I have a song to sing, O!

ALL Sing me your song, O!

POINTIt is sung to the moon By a love-lorn loon, Who fled from the mocking throng, O!

It's a song of a merryman, moping mum, Whose soul was sad, and whose glance was glum, Who sipped no sup, and who craved no crumb, As he sighed for the love of a ladye.

ALL Heighdy! heighdy!

Misery me--lack-a-day-dee!

He sipped no sup, and he craved no crumb, As he sighed for the love of a ladye!

ELSIEI have a song to sing, O!

ALL What is your song, O!

ELSIEIt is sung with the ring Of the songs maids sing Who love with a love life-long, O!

It's the song of a merrymaid, peerly proud, [optional-- nestling near,]

Who loved her lord, and who laughed aloud [optional-- but dropped a tear]

At the moan of the merryman, moping mum, Whose soul was sad, and whose glance was glum, Who sipped no sup, and who craved no crumb, As he sighed for the love of a ladye!

ALL Heighdy! heighdy!

Misery me--lack-a-day-dee!

He sipped no sup, and he craved no crumb, As he sighed for the love of a ladye!

Heighdy! heighdy!

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