

DICK.It is.From such a face and form as mine the noblest sentiments sound like the black utterances of a depraved imagination It is human nature--I am resigned.


BUT.(looking down hatchway).

But, tell me--who's the youth whose faltering feet With difficulty bear him on his course?

BOAT.That is the smartest lad in all the fleet--Ralph Rackstraw!

BUT.Ha! That name! Remorse! remorse!

Enter RALPH from hatchwayMADRIGAL--RALPHThe Nightingale Sighed for the moon's bright ray And told his tale In his own melodious way!

He sang "Ah, well-a-day!"

ALL.He sang "Ah, well-a-day!"The lowly vale For the mountain vainly sighed, To his humble wail The echoing hills replied.

They sang "Ah, well-a-day!"

All.They sang "Ah, well-a-day!"RECITATIVEI know the value of a kindly chorus, But choruses yield little consolation When we have pain and sorrow too before us!

I love--and love, alas, above my station!

BUT.(aside).He loves--and loves a lass above his station!

ALL (aside).Yes, yes, the lass is much above his station!



A maiden fair to see, The pearl of minstrelsy, A bud of blushing beauty;For whom proud nobles sigh, And with each other vie To do her menial's duty.

ALL.To do her menial's duty.

A suitor, lowly born, With hopeless passion torn, And poor beyond denying, Has dared for her to pine At whose exalted shrine A world of wealth is sighing.

ALL.A world of wealth is sighing.

Unlearned he in aught Save that which love has taught (For love had been his tutor);Oh, pity, pity me--Our captain's daughter she, And I that lowly suitor!

ALL.And he that lowly suitor!

BOAT.Ah, my poor lad, you've climbed too high: our worthy captain's child won't have nothin' to say to a poor chap like you.Will she, lads?

ALL.No, no.

DICK.No, no, captains' daughters don't marry foremast hands.

ALL (recoiling from him).Shame! shame!

BOAT.Dick Deadeye, them sentiments o' yourn are a disgrace to our common natur'.

RALPH, But it's a strange anomaly, that the daughter of a man who hails from the quarter-deck may not love another who lays out on the fore-yard arm.For a man is but a man, whether he hoists his flag at the main-truck or his slacks on the main-deck.

DICK.Ah, it's a queer world!

RALPH.Dick Deadeye, I have no desire to press hardly on you, but such a revolutionary sentiment is enough to make an honest sailor shudder.

BOAT.My lads, our gallant captain has come on deck; let us greet him as so brave an officer and so gallant a seaman deserves.



CAPT.My gallant crew, good morning.

ALL (saluting).Sir, good morning!

CAPT.I hope you're all quite well.

ALL(as before).Quite well; and you, sir?

CAPT.I am in reasonable health, and happy To meet you all once more.

ALL (as before).You do us proud, sir!


CAPT.I am the Captain of the Pinafore;ALL.And a right good captain, tool You're very, very good, And be it understood, I command a right good crew, ALL.We're very, very good, And be it understood, He commands a right good crew.

CAPT.Though related to a peer, I can hand, reef, and steer, And ship a selvagee;I am never known to quail At the furry of a gale, And I'm never, never sick at sea!

ALL.What, never?

CAPT.No, never!

ALL.What, never?

CAPT.Hardly ever!

ALL.He's hardly ever sick at seal Then give three cheers, and one cheer more, For the hardy Captain of the Pinafore!

CAPT.I do my best to satisfy you all--ALL.And with you we're quite content.

CAPT.You're exceedingly polite, And I think it only right To return the compliment.

ALL.We're exceedingly polite, And he thinks it's only right To return the compliment.

CAPT.Bad language or abuse, I never, never use, Whatever the emergency;Though "Bother it" I may Occasionally say, I never use a big, big D--ALL.What, never?

CAPT.No, never!

ALL.What, never?

CAPT.Hardly ever!

ALL.Hardly ever swears a big, big D--Then give three cheers, and one cheer more, For the well-bred Captain of the Pinafore!

[After song exeunt all but CAPTAIN]



BUT.Sir, you are sad! The silent eloquence Of yonder tear that trembles on your eyelash Proclaims a sorrow far more deep than common;Confide in me--fear not--I am a mother!

CAPT.Yes, Little Buttercup, I'm sad and sorry--My daughter, Josephine, the fairest flower That ever blossomed on ancestral timber, Is sought in marriage by Sir Joseph Porter, Our Admiralty's First Lord, but for some reason She does not seem to tackle kindly to it.

BUT, (with emotion).Ah, poor Sir Joseph! Ah, I know too well The anguish of a heart that loves but vainly!

But see, here comes your most attractive daughter.

I go--Farewell!


CAPT.(looking after her).A plump and pleasing person!


Enter JOSEPHINE, twining some flowers which she carries in a small basketBALLAD JOSEPHINESorry her lot who loves too well, Heavy the heart that hopes but vainly, Sad are the sighs that own the spell, Uttered by eyes that speak too plainly;Heavy the sorrow that bows the head When love is alive and hope is dead!

Sad is the hour when sets the sun--

Dark is the night to earth's poor daughters, When to the ark the wearied one Flies from the empty waste of waters!

Heavy the sorrow that bows the head When love is alive and hope is dead!


CAPT.My child, I grieve to see that you are a prey to melancholy.You should look your best to-day, for Sir Joseph Porter, K.C.B., will be here this afternoon to claim your promised hand.

JOS.Ah, father, your words cut me to the quick.I can esteem--reverence--venerate Sir Joseph, for he is a great and good man;but oh, Icannot love him! My heart is already given.

CAPT.(aside).It is then as I feared.(Aloud.) Given? And to whom? Not to some gilded lordling?

JOS.No, father--the object of my love is no lordling.Oh, pity me, for he is but a humble sailor on board your own ship!


JOS.Yes, it is true.

CAPT.A common sailor? Oh fie!

JOS.I blush for the weakness that allows me to cherish such a passion.

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