

When a maid is bold and gay, With a tongue goes clang-a, Flaunting it in brave array, Maiden may go hang-a Sunflow'r gay and holly-hock Never shall my garden stock;Mine the blushing rose of May, With pouting lips, with pouting lips that seem to say, "Oh kiss me, kiss me, kiss me, kiss me, Though I die for shame-a!"Please you, that's the kind of maid Sets my heart aflame-a!

"Kiss me, kiss me, kiss me, kiss me, Though I die of shame-a!"Please you, that's the kind of maid Sets my heart aflame-a!

Princess:Infamous creature, get you hence away!

(Hilarion, Who has been with difficulty restrained by Florian during this song, breaks from him and strikes Cyril furiously on the breast.)Hilarion:Dog! There is something more to sing about!

Cyril: (Sobered) Hilarion, are you mad?

Princess:(Horrified) Hilarion? Help!

Why, these are men! Lost! lost! betrayed, undone!

(Running on to bridge)

Girls, get you hence! Man-monsters, if you dare Approach one step, I --- Ah!

(Loses her balance and falls into the stream)Psyche: Oh! Save her, sir!

Blanche: It's useless, sir -- you'll only catch your death!

(Hilarion springs in.)

Sach.: He catches her!

Melissa:And now he lets her go!

Again she's in his grasp--

Psyche: And now she's not, He seizes her back hair!

Blanche: (Not looking) And it comes off!

Psyche: No, no! She's saved!--she's saved! she's saved!--she's saved!


(Princess, Hildebrand, Melissa, Lady Psyche, Blanche, Cyril, Hilarion, Florian, Arac, Guron, Scynthius and Chorus of Girls and Men )"Oh Joy! our Chief is Sav'd"Girls:Oh joy! our chief is sav'd And by Hillarion's hand;The torrent fierce he brav'd, And brought her safe to land!

For his intrusion we must own This doughty deed may well atone!

Princess: Stand forth ye three, Who-e'er ye be, And hearken to our stern decree!

Cyril, &

Florian: Have mercy, O Lady Hilarion:

Have disregard your Mer--oaths! cy!

Princess: I know no mercy, men in women's clothes!

The man whose sacrilegious eyes Invade our strict seclusion, dies.

Arrest the coarse intruding spies!

(They are arrested by the "Daughters of the Plough")Girls:Have mercy, O lady -- disregard your oaths.

Princess: I know not mercy, men in women's clothes!

(Cyril & Florian are bound)

SONG -- HilarionHilarion: Whom thou has chain'd must wear his chain, Thou canst not set him free, He wrestles with his bonds in vain Who lives by loving thee!

If heart of stone for heart of fire, Be all thou hast to give, If dead to my heart's desire, Why should I wish to live?

Cyr & Flo: Have Girls: Have mercy, O Mer-lady!cy!

Hilarion: No word of thine -- no stern command Can teach my heart to rove, Then rather perish by thy hand, Than live without they love!

A loveless life apart from thee Were hopeless slavery, Were hopeless slavery, If kindly death will set me free, Why should I fear to die?

Girls:Have mercy!

Hilarion: If kindly deathGirls:Have mercy!

Hilarion: will set me free, If kindly death will set me free, Why should I fear, Why should I fear to die?

(He is bound by two of the attendants, the three gentlemen are marched off.)(Enter Melissa)Melissa: Madam, without the castle walls An armed band Demand admittance to our halls For Hildebrand!

All: Oh, horror!

Princess: Defy them!

We will defy them!

All:Too late -- too late!

The castle gate Is battered by them!

(The gate yields.Soldiers rush in.Arac, Guron, and Scynthius are with them, but with their hands handcuffed.

Men: Walls and fences scaling, Promptly we appear;Walls are unavailing, We have enter'd here.

Female exaceration.

Stifle if you're wise.

Stop your lamentations, Dry your pretty, prettyGirls:Rend the air with wailing.Men: eyes!

Shed the shameful tear!

Man has enter'd here.

Walls are unavailing.

Girls: Rend the Men:Walls and air fences with scaling, wail------ Promptly we appear;---------- Walls are unavailing.

ing.We have enter'd here.

Shed Female exe-

the cration.

shame- Stifle if ful tear!you're wise.

Man Stop your lament-has ation, en- Dry your pret-ter'dty here!eyes.OWalls arestop your un- lament-a- ation, vail-Dry your pretty pretty ing.eyes! Female exe-Man cration.Stifle has if you're en- wise.Stop your lament-ter'dation, Dry your pretty here!eyes.

(Enter Hildebrand)


Princess: Audacious tyrant, do you dare To beard a maiden in her lair?

Hildebd:Since you inquire, We've no desire To beard a maiden here, or anywhere!

Soldiers: No, no.We've no desire To beard a maiden here or anywhere!

SOLO -- HildebrandHildebd: Some years ago, No doubt you know (And if you don't I'll tell you so)You gave your troth Upon your oath To Hilarion my son.

A vow you make You must not break, (If you think you may, it's a great mistake), For a bride's a bride Though the knot were tied At the early age of one!

And I'm a peppery kind of King, Whose indisposed for parleying To fit the wit of a bit of chit, And that's the long and the short of it!

Soldiers: For he's a peppery kind of King, Whose indisposed for parleying To fit the wit of a bit of chit, And that's the long and the short of it!

Hildebd:If you decide To pocket your pride And let Hilarion claim his bride, Why, well and good, It's understood We'll let bygones go by--But if you choose To sulk in the blues I'll make the whole of you shake in your shoes.

I'll storm your walls, And level your halls, In the winking of an eye!

For I'm a peppery Potentate, Who's little inclined his claim to bate, To fit the wit of a bit of a chit, And thats the long and the short of it!

Soldiers: For he's a peppery Potentate, Whose indisposed for parleying, To fit the wit of a bit of chit, And that's the long and the short of it!

TRIO -- Arac, Guron & ScynthiusAll 3:We may remark, though nothing can Dismay us, That if you thwart this gentleman, He'll slay us.

We don't fear death, of course -- we're taught To shame it;But still upon the whole we thought We'd name it.

(To each other)



Arac: Yes!

All 3:Better p'r'aps to name it.

  • 台海恩恸录


  • 神灸经纶


  • 太上灵宝朝天谢罪大忏


  • 大乘起信论


  • 太上正一盟威法箓


  • 官人如花颜如玉


  • 如卿醉挽风


  • 纯真的担忧


  • 妖妃天下


  • 飞剑御风


  • 白起是个女武神


  • 一见钟情


  • 洪荒第一狂少


  • 人文春秋


  • 贺邢州卢员外

