

I leant upon an oak, But in the hour of need, Alack-a-day, My trusted stay Was but a bruis-ed reed!

A bruis-ed reed!

Ah faithless rock, My simple faith to mock!

Ah trait'rous oak, Thy worthlessness to cloak, Thy worthlessness to cloak!

I drew a sword of steel But when to home and hearth The battle's breath Bore fire and death, My sword was but a lath!

I lit a beacon fire, But on a stormy day Of frost and rime, In wintertime, My fire had died away, Had died away!

Ah, coward steel, That fear can un-anneal!

False fire indeed, To fail me in my need, To fail me in my need!

(Princess Sinks upon a rock.Enter Chloe and all the Ladies)Chloe: Madam, your father and your brothers claim An audience!

Princess: What do they do here?

Chloe: They come To fight for you!

Princess: Admit them!


One's brothers, ma'am, are men!

Princess: So I have heard.

But all my women seem to fail me when I need them most.In this emergency, Even one's brothers may be turned to use.

Gama:(Entering, pale and unnerved) My daughter!

Princess: Father! Thou art free!

Gama: Aye, free!

Free as a tethered ass! I come to thee With words from Hildebrand.Those duly given I must return to blank captivity.

I'm free so far.

Princess: Your message.

Gama: Hildebrand Is loth to war with women.Pit my sons, My three brave sons, against these popinjays, These tufted jack-a-dandy featherheads, And on the issue let thy hand depend!

Princess:Insult on insult's head! Are we a stake For fighting men? What fiend possesses thee, That thou has come with offers such as these From such as he to such an one as I?

Gama:I am possessed By the pale devil of a shaking heart!

My stubborn will is bent.I dare not face That devilish monarch's black malignity!

He tortures me with torments worse than death, I haven't anything to grumble at!

He finds out what particular meats I love, And gives me them.The very choicest wines, The costliest robes -- the richest rooms are mine.

He suffers none to thwart my simplest plan, And gives strict orders none should contradict me!

He's made my life a curse! (Weeps)

Princess: My tortured father!


"Whene'er I Spoke"

Gama: Whene'er I poke Sarcastic joke Replete with malice spiteful, This people mild Politely smil'd, And voted me delightful!

Now, when a wight Sits up all night Ill-natur'd jokes devising, And all his wiles Are met with smiles It's hard, there's no disguising!

Ah! Oh, don't the days seem lank and long When all goes right and nothing goes wrong, And isn't your life extremely flat With nothing whatever to grumble at!

Chorus: Oh, isn't your life extremely flat With nothing whatever to grumble at!

Gama: When German bands From music stands Play'd Wagner imperfectly --I bade them go--They didn't say no, But off they went directly!

The organ boys They stopp'd their noise, With readiness surprising, And grinning herds Of hurdy-gurds Retired apologising!

Ah! Oh, don't the days seem lank and long When all goes right and nothing goes wrong, And isn't your life extremely flat With nothing whatever to grumble at!

Chorus: Oh, isn't your life extremely flat With nothing whatever to grumble at!

Gama: I offer'd gold In sums untold To all who'd contradict me--I said I'd pay A pound a day To any one who kick'd me--I've brib'd with toys Great vulgar boys To utter something spiteful, But, bless you, no!

They would be so Confoundedly politeful!

Ah! In short, these aggravating lads, They tickle my tastes, they feed my fads, They give me this and they give me that, And I've nothing whatever to grumble at!

Chorus: Oh, isn't your life extremely flat With nothing whatever to grumble at!

(Gama Bursts into tears and falls sobbing on a seat.)Princess:My poor old father! How he must have suffered!

Well, well, I yield!

Gama:(Hysterically) She yields! I'm saved, I'm saved!


Princess:Open the gates -- admit these warriors, Then get you all within the castle walls.


(The gates are opened and the Girls mount the battlements as the Soldiers enter.Arac, Guron and Scynthius also enter.)Chorus of Soldiers "When anger spreads his wing"Chorus: When anger spread his wing, And all seems dark as night for it, There's nothing but to fight for it, But ere you pitch your ring, Select a pretty site for it, (This spot is suited quite for it,)And then you gaily sing, And then you gaily sing:

"Oh I love the jolly rattle Of an orde-al by battle, There's an end of tittle-tattle When your enemy is dead.

It's an arrant molly-coddle Fears a crack upon his noddle And he's only fit to swaddle In a downy feather-bed!

Ladies: For a Soldiers: Oh, Ifight's love the a jolly kindrattle of Of an thing orde-al by battle That I There's an loveend of to tittle looktattle, up- When your on, enemy is dead.

So It's an let arrant us molly-sing, coddle LongFears a livecrack upon the his King, noddle, And his And he's son only fit to Hi- swaddle, In a la- downy fea-ri-on! ther bed!

(During this, Hilarion, Florian, and Cyril are brought out by the "Daughters of the Plough".

They are still bound and wear the robes.

Enter GAMA.)

Gama:Hilarion! Cyril! Florian! dressed as women!

Is this indeed Hilarion?

Hilar.: Yes, it is!

Gama:Why, you look handsome in your women's clothes!

Stick to 'em! Men's attire becomes you not!

(To CYRIL and FLORIAN) And you, young ladies, will you please to pray King Hildebrand to set me free again?

Hang on his neck and gaze into his eyes, He never could resist a pretty face!

Hilar.: You dog, you'll find, though I wear woman's garb, My sword is long and sharp!

Gama: Hush, pretty one!

Here's a virago! Here's a termagant!

If length and sharpness go for anything, You'll want no sword while you can wag your tongue!

Cyril: What need to waste your words on such as he?

He's old and crippled.

Gama: Aye, but I've three sons, Fine fellows, young and muscular, and brave, They're well worth talking to! Come, what d'ye say?

Arac:Aye, pretty ones, engage yourselves with us, If three rude warriors affright you not!

  • Ballads in Blue China and Verses and Translations

    Ballads in Blue China and Verses and Translations

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