


Senor Buck Johnson loped quickly back toward the home ranch, his heart glad at this fortunate solution of his annoyance. The home ranch lay in plain sight not ten miles away. As Senor Johnson idly watched it shimmering in the heat, a tiny figure detached itself from the mass and launched itself in his direction.

"Wonder what's eating HIM!" marvelled Senor Johnson, "--and who is it?"The figure drew steadily nearer. In half an hour it had approached near enough to be recognised.

"Why, it's Jed!" cried the Senor, and spurred his horse. "What do you mean, riding out with that foot?" he demanded sternly, when within hailing distance.

"Foot, hell!" gasped Parker, whirling his horse alongside.

"Your wife's run away with Brent Palmer."For fully ten seconds not the faintest indication proved that the husband had heard, except that he lifted his bridle-hand, and the well-trained pony stopped.

"What did you say?" he asked finally.

"Your wife's run away with Brent Palmer," repeated Jed, almost with impatience.

Again the long pause.

"How do you know?" asked Senor Johnson, then.

"Know, hell! It's been going on for a month. Sang saw them drive off. They took the buckboard. He heard 'em planning it.

He was too scairt to tell till they'd gone. I just found it out.

They've been gone two hours. Must be going to make the Limited."Parker fidgeted, impatient to be off. "You're wasting time," he snapped at the motionless figure.

Suddenly Johnson's face flamed. He reached from his saddle to clutch Jed's shoulder, nearly pulling the foreman from his pony.

"You lie!" he cried. "You're lying to me! It ain't SO!"Parker made no effort to extricate himself from the painful grasp. His cool eyes met the blazing eyes of his chief.

"I wisht I did lie, Buck," he said sadly. "I wisht it wasn't so.

But it is."

Johnson's head snapped back to the front with a groan. The pony snorted as the steel bit his flanks, leaped forward, and with head outstretched, nostrils wide, the wicked white of the bronco flickering in the corner of his eye, struck the bee line for the home ranch. Jed followed as fast as he was able.

On his arrival he found his chief raging about the house like a wild beast. Sang trembled from a quick and stormy interrogatory in the kitchen. Chairs had been upset and let lie. Estrella's belongings had been tumbled over. Senor Johnson there found only too sure proof, in the various lacks, of a premeditated and permanent flight. Still he hoped; and as long as he hoped, he doubted, and the demons of doubt tore him to a frenzy. Jed stood near the door, his arms folded, his weight shifted to his sound foot, waiting and wondering what the next move was to be.

Finally, Senor Johnson, struck with a new idea, ran to his desk to rummage in a pigeon-hole. But he found no need to do so, for lying on the desk was what he sought--the check book from which Estrella was to draw on Goodrich for the money she might need.

He fairly snatched it open. Two of the checks had been torn out, stub and all. And then his eye caught a crumpled bit of blue paper under the edge of the desk.

He smoothed it out. The check was made out to bearer and signed Estrella Johnson. It called for fifteen thousand dollars.

Across the middle was a great ink blot, reason for its rejection.

At once Senor Johnson became singularly and dangerously cool.

"I reckon you're right, Jed," he cried in his natural voice.

"she's gone with him. She's got all her traps with her, and she's drawn on Goodrich for fifteen thousand. And SHE never thought of going just this time of month when the miners are in with their dust, and Goodrich would be sure to have that much.

That's friend Palmer. Been going on a month, you say?""I couldn't say anything, Buck," said Parker anxiously. "A man's never sure enough about them things till afterwards.""I know," agreed Buck Johnson; "give me a light for my cigarette."He puffed for a moment, then rose, stretching his legs. In a moment he returned from the other room, the old shiny Colt's forty-five strapped loosely on his hip. Jed looked him in the face with some anxiety. The foreman was not deceived by the man's easy manner; in fact, he knew it to be symptomatic of one of the dangerous phases of Senor Johnson's character.

"What's up, Buck?" he inquired.

"Just going out for a pasear with the little horse, Jed.""I suppose I better come along?"

"Not with your lame foot, Jed."

The tone of voice was conclusive. Jed cleared his throat.

"She left this for you," said he, proffering an envelope. "Them kind always writes.""Sure," agreed Senor Johnson, stuffing the letter carelessly into his side pocket. He half drew the Colt's from its holster and slipped it back again. "Makes you feel plumb like a man to have one of these things rubbin' against you again," he observed irrelevantly. Then he went out, leaving the foreman leaning, chair tilted, against the wall.

  • 广动植之三


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  • 人类学+:科学的B面


    《人类学+:科学的B面》是一本从科普的角度,讲述关于人类学的一些冷门故事和罕见历史。它注重于人类学和其他相关学科的交叉,比如考古学、生物学、医学、社会学等等。简单地说,人类学就是研究人类本身的一个学科,正如人类拥有多样的特性一样,人类学也同时研究人类的生物性和社会性,此外,还关心人类之所以形成各种特性的来源,以及其演变过程。但《人类学+:科学的B面》这本书并不是一本严格意义上的理论向人类学教材,而是专注于解读有关于广义人类学历史中,各种不为人知的真实故事:尼安德特人把抑郁症传给了我们?人类会被寄生物控制意识吗?有比埃博拉病毒还要厉害的病毒吗?传说中的“裂脑人”究竟有什么特殊能力?为什么南美小镇的913人选择集体自杀?一支苏联探险小队为何会在雪山一夜全员暴毙? 在作者有如纪录片导演般的引领下,读者可以如同身临其境一般,亲历各种事件的来龙去脉,并从中了解到其中的真相和内幕,以及相关的学科知识。更重要的是,洞悉这些埋藏于历史档案尘埃之下的往事后,我们除了惊叹和感慨,更可以领略科学无所不在的魅力,以及思考那个人类学的终极问题:人类为何会成为今日的我们?
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