

"Yonder, stranger," said Galazi, pointing with the club Watcher of the Fords far away to the plain beneath; "yonder is the kraal where the aged woman dwelt. There is a cliff rising from the plain, up which Imust climb; there is the forest where dwell the Amatongo, the people of the ghosts; there, on the hither side of the forest, runs the path to the cave, and here is the cave itself. See this stone lying at the mouth of the cave, it turns thus, shutting up the entrance hole--it turns gently; though it is so large, a child may move it, for it rests upon a sharp point of rock. Only mark this, the stone must be pushed too far; for, look! if it came to here," and he pointed to a mark in the mouth of the cave, "then that man need be strong who can draw it back again, though I have done it myself, who am not a man full grown.

But if it pass beyond this mark, then, see, it will roll down the neck of the cave like a pebble down the neck of a gourd, and I think that two men, one striving from within and one dragging from without, scarcely could avail to push it clear. Look now, I close the stone, as is my custom of a night, so,"--and he grasped the rock and swung it round upon its pivot, on which it turned as a door turns. "Thus Ileave it, and though, except those to whom the secret is know, none would guess that a cave was here, yet it can be rolled back again with a push of the hand. But enough of the stone. Enter again, wanderer, and I will go forward with my tale, for it is long and strange.

"I started from the kraal of the old woman, and the people of the kraal followed me to the brink of the river. It was in flood, and few had dared to cross it.

"'Ha! ha!' they cried, 'now your journey is done, little man; watch by the ford you who would win the Watcher of the Ford! Beat the water with the club, perhaps so it shall grow gentle that your feet may pass it!'

"I answered nothing to their mocking, only I bound the shield upon my shoulders with a string, and the bag that I had brought I made fast about my middle, and I held the great club in my teeth by the thong.

Then I plunged into the river and swam. Twice, stranger, the current bore me under, and those on the bank shouted that I was lost; but Irose again, and in the end I won the farther shore.

"Now those on the bank mocked no more; they stood still wondering, and I walked on till I came to the foot of the cliff. That cliff is hard to climb, stranger; when you are strong upon your feet, I will show you the path. Yet I found a way up it, and by midday I came to the forest. Here, on the edge of the forest, I rested awhile, and ate a little food that I had brought with me in the bag, for now I must gather up my strength to meet the ghosts, if ghosts there were. Then Irose and plunged into the forest. The trees were great that grow there, stranger, and their leaves are so think that in certain places the light is as that of night when the moon is young. Still, I wended on, often losing my path. But from time to time between the tops of the trees I saw the figure of the grey stone woman who sits on the top of Ghost Mountain, and shaped my course towards her knees. My heart beat as I travelled through the forest in dark and loneliness like that of the night, and ever I looked round searching for the eyes of the Amatongo. But I saw no spirits, though at times great spotted snakes crept from before my feet, and perhaps these were the Amatongo.

At times, also, I caught glimpses of some grey wolf as he slunk from tree to tree watching me, and always high above my head the wind sighed in the great boughs with a sound like the sighing of women.

"Still, I went on, singing to myself as I went, that my heart might not be faint with fear, and at length, towards the end of the second hour, the trees grew fewer, the ground sloped upwards, and the light poured down from the heavens again. But, stranger, you are weary, and the night wears on; sleep now, and to-morrow I will end the tale. Say, first, how are you named?""I am named Umslopogaas, son of Mopo," he answered, "and my tale shall be told when yours is done; let us sleep!"Now when Galazi heard this name he started and was troubled, but said nothing. So they laid them down to sleep, and Galazi wrapped Umslopogaas with the skins of bucks.

But Galazi the Wolf was so hardy that he lay on the bare ground and had no covering. So they slept, and without the door of the cave the wolves howled, scenting the blood of men.

  • 樵云独唱


  • 咒五首经


  • 木几冗谈


  • 北京潭柘寺清拳


  • 登鹳雀楼


  • 塞上作


  • 豪门盛婚之千亿暖媳


  • 血天大陆


  • 李劼人说成都


    懒散近乎“随时随地找舒服”。以坐茶馆为喻罢,成才人坐茶馆,虽与重庆人的理由一样,然而他喜爱的则是矮矮的桌子,矮矮的竹椅——虽不一定是竹椅,总多关是竹椅变化出来,矮而有靠背,可以半躺半坐的坐具—— 地面不必十分干净,而桌面总可以邋遢点而不嫌打脏衣服,如此一下坐下来,身心泰然,所差者,只是长长一声感叹。本书从李劼人小说中分门别类,节录出有关成都文明发展的大量文字,如清末的叽咕车(鸡公车)到抗战时的木炭汽车,足以见出成都交通的一个侧面。所有这些变迁的实录,后人完全可以视为一代信史。 其中收入本书的《成都是一个古城》和《旧帐》,都是一九四九年后没有公开发表过的。
  • 指婚后爱,老公大人有点彪


  • 从冬到夏谈养生:中医养生与二十四节气


  • 套路江湖


  • 绝色女巫异界行


  • 网游之巨灵骑士


  • 我和妖怪的学院

