
第69章 The Embassy(5)

"To promise you money would be useless, even if we could.""I am glad that you spared me that insult," she replied with flashing eyes, "for then there had been an end.Yet," she added more humbly, "seeing my home and business, and what I appear to be," and she glanced at her dress and the empty cup in her hand, "it had not been strange.Now hear me, and forget no word.At present you are in favour with Sinan, who believes you to be the brothers of the lady Rosamund, not her lovers; but from the moment he learns the truth your doom is sealed.Now what the Frank Lozelle knows, that the Al-je-bal may know at any time--and will know, if these should meet.

"Meanwhile, you are free; so to-morrow, while you ride about the garden, as you will do, take note of the tall rock that stands without, and how to reach it from any point, even in the dark.

To-morrow, also, when the moon is up, they will lead you to the narrow bridge, to ride your horses to and fro there, that they may learn not to fear it in that light.When you have stabled them go into the gardens and come hither unobserved, as the place being so far away you can do.The guards will let you pass, thinking only that you desire to drink a cup of wine with some fair friend, as is the custom of our guests.Enter this cave--here is the key," and she handed it to Wulf, "and if I be not there, await me.Then I will tell you my plan, if I have any, but until then I must scheme and think.Now it grows late--go.""And you, Masouda," said Godwin, doubtfully; "how will you escape this place?""By a road you do not know of, for I am mistress of the secrets of this city.Still, I thank you for your thought of me.Go, Isay, and lock the door behind you."

So they went in silence, doing as she bade them, and walked back through the gardens, that now seemed empty enough, to the stable-entrance of the guest-house, where the guards admitted them without question.

That night the brethren slept together in one bed, fearing that if they lay separate they might be searched in their sleep and not awake.Indeed, it seemed to them that, as before, they heard footsteps and voices in the darkness.

Next morning, when they had breakfasted, they loitered awhile, hoping to win speech with Rosamund, or sight of her, or at the least that Masouda would come to them; but they saw no Rosamund, and no Masouda came.At length an officer appeared, and beckoned to them to follow him.So they followed, and were led through the halls and passages to the terrace of justice, where Sinan, clad in his black robe, sat as before beneath a canopy m the midst of the sun-lit marble floor.There, too, beside him, also beneath the canopy and gorgeously apparelled, sat Rosamund.They strove to advance and speak with her, but guards came between them, pointing out a place where they must stand a few yards away.Only Wulf said in a loud voice, in English:

"Tell us, Rosamund, is it well with you?" Lifting her pale face, she smiled and nodded.

Then, at the bidding of Sinan, Masouda commanded them to be silent, saying that it was not lawful for them to speak to the Lord of the Mountain, or his Companion, unless they were first bidden so to do.So, having learnt what they wished to know, they were silent.

Now some of the dais drew near the canopy, and consulted with their master on what seemed to be a great matter, for their faces were troubled.Presently he gave an order, whereon they resumed their seats and messengers left the terrace.When they appeared again, in their company were three noble-looking Saracens, who were accompanied by a retinue of servants and wore green turbans, showing that they were descendants of the Prophet.These men, who seemed weary with long travel, marched up the terrace with a proud mien, not looking at the dais or any one until they saw the brethren standing side by side, at whom they stared a little.

Next they caught sight of Rosamund sitting in the shadow of the canopy, and bowed to her, but of the Al-je-bal they took no notice.

"Who are you, and what is your pleasure?" asked Sinan, after he had eyed them awhile."I am the ruler of this country.These are my ministers," and he pointed to the dais, "and here is my sceptre," and he touched the bloodred dagger broidered on his robe of black.

Now that Sinan had declared himself the embassy bowed to him, courteously enough.Then their spokesman answered him.

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