
第83章 The Sultan Saladin(2)

"That sound makes my backbone cold," he said."For a moment, as my eyes opened, I thought that we were back again in the guest chambers of Al-je-bal, where folk crept round us as we slept and murderers marched to and fro outside the curtains, fingering their knife-points.Well, whatever there is to come, thank the Saints, that is done with.I tell you, brother, I have had enough of mountains, and narrow bridges, and Assassins.Henceforth, Idesire to live upon a flat with never a hill in sight, amidst honest folk as stupid as their own sheep, who go to church on Sundays and get drunk, not with hachich, but on brown ale, brought to them by no white-robed sorceress, but by a draggle-tailed wench in a tavern, with her musty bedstraw still sticking in her hair.Give me the Saltings of Essex with the east winds blowing over them, and the primroses abloom upon the bank, and the lanes fetlock deep in mud, and for your share you may take all the scented gardens of Sinan and the cups and jewels of his ladies, with the fightings and adventures of the golden East thrown in.""I never sought these things, and we are a long way from Essex,"answered Godwin shortly.

"No," said Wulf, "but they seem to seek you.What news of Masouda? Have you seen her while I slept, which has been long?""I have seen no one except the apothecary who tended you, the slaves who brought us food, and last evening the prince Hassan, who came to see how we fared.He told me that, like yourself, Rosamund and Masouda slept.""I am glad to hear it," answered Wulf, "for certainly their rest was earned.By St.Chad! what a woman is this Masouda! A heart of fire and nerves of steel! Beautiful, too--most beautiful; and the best horsewoman that ever sat a steed.Had it not been for her--By Heaven! when I think of it I feel as though I loved her--don't you?""No," said Godwin, still more shortly.

"Ah, well, I daresay she can love enough for two who does nothing by halves, and, all things considered," he added, with one of his great laughs, "I am glad it is I of whom she thinks so little--yes, I who adore her as though she were my patron saint.

Hark! the guards challenge," and, forgetting where he was, he snatched at his sword.

Then the door opened, and through it appeared the emir Hassan, who saluted them in the name of Allah, searching them with his quiet eyes.

"Few would judge, to look at you, Sir Knights," he said with a smile, "that you have been the guests of the Old Man of the Mountain, and left his house so hastily by the back door.Three days more and you will be as lusty as when we met beyond the seas upon the wharf by a certain creek.Oh, you are brave men, both of you, though you be infidels, from which error may the Prophet guide you; brave men, the flower of knighthood.Ay, I, Hassan, who have known many Frankish knights, say it from my heart," and, placing his hand to his turban, he bowed before them in admiration that was not feigned.

"We thank you, Prince, for your praise," said Godwin gravely, but Wulf stepped forward, took his hand, and shook it.

"That was an ill trick, Prince, which you played us yonder in England," he said, "and one that brought as good a warrior as ever drew a sword--our uncle Sir Andrew D'Arcy--to an end sad as it was glorious.Still, you obeyed your master, and because of all that has happened since, I forgive you, and call you friend, although should we ever meet in battle I still hope to pay you for that drugged wine."Here Hassan bowed, and said softly:

"I admit that the debt is owing; also that none sorrow more for the death of the noble lord D'Arcy than I, your servant, who, by the will of God, brought it upon him.When we meet, Sir Wulf, in war--and that, I think, will be an ill hour for me--strike, and strike home; I shall not complain.Meanwhile, we are friends, and in very truth all that I have is yours.But now I come to tell you that the princess Rose of the World--Allah bless her footsteps!--is recovered from her fatigues, and desires that you should breakfast with her in an hour's time.Also the doctor waits to tend your bruises, and slaves to lead you to the bath and clothe you.Nay, leave your hauberk; here the faith of Salah-ed-din and of his servants is your best armour.""Still, I think that we will take them," said Godwin, "for faith is a poor defence against the daggers of these Assassins, who dwell not so far away.""True," answered Hassan; "I had forgotten." So thus they departed.

An hour later they were led to the hall, where presently came Rosamund, and with her Masouda and Hassan.

She was dressed in the rich robes of an Eastern lady, but the gems with which she had been adorned as the bride elect of Al-je-bal were gone; and when she lifted her veil the brethren saw that though her face was still somewhat pallid, her strength had come back to her, and the terror had left her eyes.She greeted them with sweet and gentle words, thanking first Godwin and then Wulf for all that they had done, and turning to Masouda, who stood by, stately, and watchful, thanked her also.Then they sat down, and ate with light hearts and a good appetite.

Before their meal was finished, the guard at the door announced that messengers had arrived from the Sultan.They entered, grey-haired men clad in the robes of secretaries, whom Hassan hastened to greet.When they were seated and had spoken with him awhile, one of them drew forth a letter, which Hassan, touching his forehead with it in token of respect, gave to Rosamund.She broke its seal, and, seeing that it was in Arabic, handed it to her cousin, saying:

"Do you read it, Godwin, who are more learned than I."So he read aloud, translating the letter sentence by sentence.

This was its purport:

  • 徐仙翰藻


  • 贩书偶记


  • 天顺日录


  • 戚南塘剿平倭寇志传


  • 六门陀罗尼经


  • 经济法(第二版)


  • 72招让你教出最懂事的孩子


    内容提要 本书从培养孩子优秀的品质、教会孩子学会与人交往、让孩子快乐起来、正确对待孩子的无理行为、关注孩子的心理健康等五个方面入手,讲解了孩子不懂事的原因,就怎样培养一个懂事的孩子提出了有效的方法。
  • 天上人间


  • 阴阳眼小师妹


  • 孤城千山之苍澜剑歌


  • 傲剑狂刀十二战神


  • 快穿之扶主角上位


  • 反世界之紫花香


  • 和你共阅美好时光


  • 一路兵歌

