

The poor king's daughter had stood for a long time outside the town waiting for the return of the young man. When evening came, she said, he must certainly have kissed his parents on the right cheek, and has forgotten me. Her heart was full of sorrow, she wished herself into a solitary little hut in a forest, and would not return to her father's court. Every evening she went into the town and passed the young man's house. He often saw her, but he no longer knew her. At length she heard the people saying, the wedding will take place to-morrow. Then she said, I will try if I can win back his heart.

On the first day of the wedding ceremonies, she turned her wishing-ring, and said, a dress as bright as the sun. Instantly the dress lay before her, and it was as bright as if it had been woven of real sunbeams. When all the guests were assembled, she entered the hall. Every one was amazed at the beautiful dress, and the bride most of all, and as pretty dresses were the things she had most delight in, she went to the stranger and asked if she would sell it to her. Not for money, she answered, but if I may pass the first night outside the door of the room where your betrothed sleeps, I will give it up to you. The bride could not overcome her desire and consented, but she mixed a sleeping-draught with the wine her betrothed took at night, which made him fall into a deep sleep. When all had be-- line missing in book copy -of the bedroom, opened it just a little, and cried, drummer, drummer, I pray you hear.

Have you forgotten you held me dear.

That on the glass-mountain we sat hour by hour.

That I rescued your life from the witch's power.

Did you not plight your troth to me.

Drummer, drummer, hearken to me.

But it was all in vain, for the drummer did not awake, and when morning dawned, the king's daughter was forced to go back again as she came. On the second evening she turned her wishing-ring and said, a dress as silvery as the moon. When she appeared at the feast in the dress which was as soft as moonbeams, it again excited the desire of the bride, and the king's daughter gave it to her for permission to pass the second night also, outside the door of the bedroom. When in the stillness of the night, she cried, drummer, drummer, I pray you hear.

Have you forgotten you held me dear.

That on the glass-mountain we sat hour by hour.

That I rescued your life from the witch's power.

Did you not plight your troth to me.

Drummer, drummer, hearken to me.

But the drummer, who was stupefied with the sleeping-draught, could not be aroused. Sadly next morning she went back to her hut in the forest. But the people in the house had heard the lamentation of the unknown maiden, and told the bridegroom about it. They told him also that it was impossible that he could hear anything of it, because the maiden he was going to marry had poured a sleeping-draught into his wine.

On the third evening, the king's daughter turned her wishing-ring, and said, a dress glittering like the stars. When she showed herself therein at the feast, the bride was quite beside herself with the splendor of the dress, which far surpassed the others, and she said, I must, and will have it. The maiden gave it as she had given the others for permission to spend the night outside the bridegroom's door. The bridegroom, however, did not drink the wine which was handed to him before he went to bed, but poured it behind the bed, and when everything was quiet, he heard a sweet voice which called to him, drummer, drummer, I pray you hear.

Have you forgotten you held me dear.

That on the glass-mountain we sat hour by hour.

That I rescued your life from the witch's power.

Did you not plight your troth to me.

Drummer, drummer, hearken to me.

Suddenly his memory returned to him. Ah, cried he, how can Ihave acted so unfaithfully. But the kiss which in the joy of my heart I gave my parents, on the right cheek, that is to blame for it all. That is what stupefied me. He sprang up, took the king's daughter by the hand, and led her to his parents, bed.

This is my true bride, said he. If I marry the other, I shall do a great wrong. The parents, when they heard how everything had happened, gave their consent. Then the lights in the hall were lighted again, drums and trumpets were brought, friends and relations were invited to come, and the real wedding was solemnized with great rejoicing. The first bride received the beautiful dresses as a compensation, and declared herself satisfied.

In former times, when God himself still walked the earth, the fruitfulness of the soil was much greater than it is now. Then the ears of corn did not bear fifty or sixty, but four or five hundred-fold. Then the corn grew from the bottom to the very top of the stalk, and according to the length of the stalk was the length of the ear. Men however are so made, that when they are too well off they no longer value the blessings which come from God, but grow indifferent and careless. One day a woman was passing by a corn-field when her little child, who was running beside her, fell into a puddle, and dirtied her frock. On this the mother tore up a handful of the beautiful ears of corn, and cleaned the frock with them.

When the Lord, who just then came by, saw that, he was angry, and said, henceforth shall the stalks of corn bear no more ears, men are no longer worthy of heavenly gifts. The by-standers who heard this, were terrified, and fell on their knees and prayed that he would still leave something on the stalks, even if the people were undeserving of it, for the sake of the innocent chickens which would otherwise have to starve. The Lord, who foresaw their suffering, had pity on them, and granted the request. So the ears were left as they now grow.

There was once upon a time a king who had a daughter, and he caused a glass mountain to be made, and said that whosoever could cross to the other side of it without falling should have his daughter to wife. Then there was one who loved the king's daughter, and he asked the king if he might have her.

  • 金园集


  • 元始天尊说太古经注


  • 慈受怀深禅师广录


  • 一层楼


  • 洪承畴章奏文册汇辑


  • 守坟人


  • 美人你要乖


  • 说唐三传


  • 重生归来的她们


  • 快穿系统,撩人技能百分百


  • 妙手之无上仙道


  • 白雪白个雪


  • 擎天圣皇


  • 废柴毒医邪妃


  • 大明星超级时代

